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Shawn Robbins

Weekend Discussion: IM3 @ 175.3m wknd est

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By Spider-Man's TDK I mean that it's pretty undeniable that TASM as a reboot did its job in spades. It worked and there's clearly a huge following anticipating the new film. The audience is there and Webb and the cast seem more invested and focused on this one than ever. I feel that now that the necessary origin is out of the gate, TASM2 has the potential to become undeniably the best Spider-Man film to date. The following is there, the investment is there and I feel that the cast and Sony are going all in with this one.If Batman Begins worked, the same can be said about TASM. MoS will be lucky if it gets the same kind of following that TASM did next June.
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Just watched IM3 for the second time and had great fun once again. Really hoping this hits $180M OW.



 I feel that TASM2 has everything to become Spidey's Dark Knight, and the first Spider-Man film to break $1B.


It will only be Spidey's TDK if Gwen dies in TASM2, and I have a feeling that will happen in TASM3 as I don't see Norman Osborn playing a big role in TASM2. But I still feel TASM2 can increase in a big way over TASM because it seems much more bigger, with more elements and doesn't have to deal with the origin this time around.

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Yeah kayumanggi, I know the schedule for next summer. Nothing very exciting. Aside from Apes, Xmen, and Dragon all those sequels are pretty unwanted and bound to drop. JP4 being a wild card still. And not much in the way of potential original breakouts. Looks very summer 2011, but with nothing on the level of even DH2 or TF3.


Not sure about the all sequels dropping. I am excited for THE GOOD DINOSAUR and JUPITER ASCENDING. July next year looks stronger than July this year. More titles could be added.

Edited by kayumanggi
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Yeah kayumanggi, I know the schedule for next summer. Nothing very exciting. Aside from Apes, Xmen, and Dragon all those sequels are pretty unwanted and bound to drop. JP4 being a wild card still. And not much in the way of potential original breakouts. Looks very summer 2011, but with nothing on the level of even DH2 or TF3.


If one of the X-Men travelled back in time and told us that nothing will even make $350M next summer, would anyone be surprised?

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Yeah summer 2014 is looking pretty dismal compared to this year's and especially 2015's. Hell, even the shudder inducing summer 2011 might be better. I still can't get over TASM2 being the big "event summer opener."


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TASM2 will do more than Thor and Cap sequels.

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Most likely. I know I will be rooting for MOS to explode and go past IM3, but I'll try to be a little realistic. I still say 300m is locked for it though.

300M is definitely a good target. I'm still a little skeptical, truthfully but if its the Superman equivalent of BB or IM1. Great! Another SH franchise to look forward later on.
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Not sure about the all sequels dropping. I am excited for TEH GOOD DINOSAUR and JUPITER ASCENDING. July next year looks stronger than July this year. More titles could be added.

I think all the sequels besides the 3 I mentioned will. Future Past should be locked to increase over First Class and Dragon and Apes should be near locks to increase over their predecessors. By how much though? It's not like any of those 3 movies were gargantuan hits. Dragon is the only one that even cracked 200m. 

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Yeah summer 2014 is looking pretty dismal compared to this year's and especially 2015's. Hell, even the shudder inducing summer 2011 might be better. I still can't get over TASM2 being the big "event summer opener."

2011's summer wasn't shudder inducing, it was still better than 2010's and 2012's.
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Assuming 70m, I'm thinking it hits high 50s today with a small increase (around 6-7%) from Friday business minus previews. This is going to be such a tight race for #2 opening of all time, it seems.

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