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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I love this movie. Solid A- for me.
  2. Yeah before that thanksgiving hold I was thinking even $175 million was a bit much to expect but since then it's been a legs machine.
  3. HV sales these days are a pathetic shell of what they once were. Frozen is a bright spot, with 16 million copies sold. If this was 15 years ago, it would probably be 40-50 million. The Internet has completely changed the name of that game. The music industry is the same way.
  4. 3D is awful nine times out of ten but the good thing is these days the majority seems to prefer 2D by a good bit so there always seems to be way more 2D showtimes than 3D.
  5. If Interstellar can make it to $190 million it will have a 4x multi. Damn fine legs if you ask me.
  6. That Interstellar 19% drop is simply beautiful. Let's make it to $190 million.
  7. Jesus American Sniper had huge turnouts in those theaters. I wonder if it could pull $40 million over its wide release weekend. I mean right now all signs point to it outdoing Lone Survivor.
  8. I doubt it would have been that low. It would have at least gotten around $75 million without any controversy at all, I'm sure. Now had the film released Thursday in a wide release with no VOD release simultaneously, it would probably be looking at $30 million or more for the 4-day. Maybe $40 million.
  9. Can someone post the BOM chart here again? I don't think I caught it the first three times.
  10. Christmas Day numbers are effing huge this year. Great way to end this lackluster year and move into 2015 on a high note. Speaking of 2015, imagine how next Christmas Day will be with Star Wars leading the pack... And landing on a Friday.
  11. Enjoyed it a lot. Had some slow parts and odd pacing here and there but it was thoroughly enjoyable. Rogen and Franco are a great duo, and I always enjoy seeing what they come up with for characters. Definitely not as good as This Is The End but a damn funny film nonetheless. B- and I'm happy to say I did see it in a theater and there were a ton of laughs.
  12. 'Murica. This was solid, not sure why critics dislike it compared to the other Rogen/Franco titles. Definitely not the best but bullshit if it's not entertaining as hell. The theater had signs at the door explaining the cyber threats and saying that handbags may be checked. Did anyone else who went and saw it see similar notes?
  13. Woot woot I saw The Interview. (In a theater). Packed but not a sold out crowd though a.) small town theater, b.) 10pm, c.) I'm pretty sure it had the biggest crowd of the night. Anyway I hope it does well for its limited release. Sony really should have waited until at least after New Years for the online/demand release and let this be a huge exclusive event for these independent/small chain theaters. But oh well, at least it was released.
  14. I haven't seen the film yet (I do expect to enjoy it) but I really hope this stays in the top 5 at least just to further prove what a joke IMDB's scoring system is.
  15. Seeing it tonight at 10pm with some friends. I wonder if there will be a decent crowd or not.
  16. I've only seen Champloo, which I did really like. I'll have to check out the other two.
  17. The Dark Knight is the best film out of the six, IMO, but as a trilogy overall LOTR takes it.
  18. Has anyone here seen it yet? I already bought my tickets for tomorrow night so I'm not watching it on VOD.
  19. A theater about an hour away is playing is... I guess I'm going tomorrow.
  20. Maybe it's because Monday business was really strong, thus leading to the usual Tuesday increases accounting for less. We won't know for sure until more numbers come out though.
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