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Everything posted by chasmmi

  1. So my thought on Dark Robin Rises... I mean Batman err Knight.Ok it not that bad but for the first 60% of this film it felt like Batman (or Wayne) was a cameo character. It was all Blake and Bane.I thought the film started too slow especially for something that already has 5 hours of backstory but the ending is perfect.Catwoman was great throughout and I spent pretty much the entire film convinced that the Police guy had to be Robin he had to be, so I was happy when it turned out to be so.Bane was awkward to me. At times great, at other times I couldn't hear what he was saying and I spent much of the opening hour thinking that Sean Connery had come out of retirement to do a voiceover.Action wise very good, only one moment of unnecessary peril when Gordon drops the nuke blocking thingy.In general a good movie, very good in fact. But it isn't topping TDK and IMHO it doesn't beat Avengers.My Superhero Summer rankings:1) Avengers2) TDKR3) TASMOne final thing I am surprised that nobody has considered that Alfred was only imagining Wayne sitting there and it wasn't really so.It felt like they left that open to interpretation.
  2. Batman was sold out in Ulsan this evening for the 11pm showing about 20mins before screening. (The following showing was also sold out but 1am and 2am screening still had plenty of tickets.
  3. One of my favourite films was Cruel Intentions.I thought it was really well acted and the soundtrack was completely spot on perfect in the right moments.
  4. SOmething magical seemed to happen to Peter Jackson about 80% of the way into ROTK where he suddenly morphed from an awesome director into a God Awful one.I have resigned myself to seeing the The Hobbit films as well you never know he may have got his mojo back, but if he's returning to the philopshy of why make a 3 hour film when I can make a 17 hour film that adds nothing extra to story...I may just decide to give the whole thing a miss.
  5. And come to think of it, does Hollywood actually know what the D stands for?I mean 3D they can sort of get away with, but shouldn't 4D mean that every scene in the movie plays silmaltaneously and not at all at the same time and that you watch a 90minute film in 12 seconds and stuff. It doesn't sound all that fun.And 5D... that's even worse. That would been watching the editors cut, Directors cut, first take, TV Version and 1000's of other potential takes all at the same time without knowing which is which. We'd all end up becoming Griffin from MIB3
  6. Remind me not to watch Saw 8 at a 4d cinema.Do not want to get decapitated whilst watching a film. Especially if it's $8 more expensive than not being decapitated.
  7. What films can you get excited for a new installment of regardless of the quality of the previous ones? For me I can think of Indiana JOnes Indy is such an awesome character and the first three films are so damn good that despite the awfulness of Crystal Skull I would be first in line to see number 5. And if that was bad I think I would still get excited over a number 6. Men In Black Will Smith is great in this role and even though 2 showed it doesn't alway mean a great film, 1 and 3 show that when its on form it can be one of the most entertaining films of the year. Alien Its the ultimate Alien horror creature. A new Alien Film always has potential to be something great and even AvP were enough to make me want to see the films. Even if they arguably haven't made a classic version since Aliens meaning that the ration of good to bad could be as high as 2:5. (ALthough for me there are more than 2 films I think are good.) So how about others. What films could let you down again and again yet you will still forgive it and go back for more when the next installment hits?
  8. Two me this sound like an actor who should specialise in fantasy magic porn.(I am aware that he doesn't [to my knowledge anyway])
  9. So one thing I have learned from this is to never trust the trailer of a comic book movie.They are all awesome.
  10. The rise of Chinese will more likely lead to a mass amount of loan/slang words infiltrating English like French, Latin, Portuguese, Hindi etc have done before.I saw Cabin in the woods on Sunday and the theatre was near empty (maybe 20 people) The most incredible thing this week though was that Lockout has finally disappeared!!! It outlasted MIB3, SWATH, Prometheus and more and I still have no idea what the hell it is.(I gets the feeling that Haywire is the replacement 'US film that nobody knows but somehow hangs onto a screen for 6 weeks movie')
  11. Does this technically make Stan Lee the biggest grossing actor of all time?
  12. To be fair I liked the Lizard character and thought he was well acted. My issue was that the progression (and the talking to himself) just felt like a different version of Green Goblin with different skin.THe end credit scene is a pain as well, especially if even comic geeks aren't acreaming that its obvious who it is.THe thing for me is that (despite its box office success), Spiderman as a movie has an inherit disadvantage in that there seems to be no seminal villain.If you were to watch a Superman origin film that were to lead up to an end scene credit that introduces the ultimate foe for part two you would no it's got to be Lex Luther.With batman you know its the Joker.Spiderman... as a non comic reader I have no idea who is supposed to be Spidey's number one enemy like I do with the others.(Although after the Raimi films I suspect it is the Goblin Brigade, but does that mean that TASM2 is going to not only be folliwing the sets of the previous trilogy but also have Green Effing Goblin as its villain as well?)
  13. But that is one of the major issues for this film. That 2002 is not very long ago.Save for maybe the odd person under 12 or 13 years old, who is going to see this film in the cinema and not think about or make comparisons with the Original?
  14. Its a great movie but I do sometimes find it jarring how bad some of the acting in it is from main guys.Brings down to a B
  15. Yes like Peppero Thursdays where before and after the respective 11'o'clocks, ticket prices reduce by 3000 won. Spiderman was busy but not sold out in Ulsan on Thursday late night showing. I have no idea why Lockout seems to have been in cinemas for weeks whereas Snow White and others disappeared in like a week.
  16. As much fun as I have had in a cinema in a long long time. Really very very good and if it wasn't for the fact that MIB is one of my favourite films period, I could almost have said this was the best of the three.I was never expecting an MIB 3 especially a great MIB3 yet now I find myself wanting MIB4 :)A
  17. LEt me start up by saying two things first:1) I do not read comics, I have never read anything Spiderman so my only real knowledge of him is through the films and the odd Top Trumps card set.2) If this was the first major film of the Spiderman Origin story I would probably be raving about how awesome it is.However the fact is that there is a little too much that feels like its ripped from the Maguire version (as in to say essential details of the comic that neither movie could leave out.) This leaves you waiting for things to happen instead of just letting the film take its course. I found myself thinking to myself thing like how Uncle Ben must be due to die by now and when the build up occurs there is no drama to it as you know every step of the next five minutes before it occurs.On top of this, the scenes where Dr Connor is reacting to what is either a voice in his head or an earlier video recording of himself just feels a little to similar to the dynamic used for Goblin so again it feels a little too close to the first movie.Now I don't know the comics, I do not know how these characters and occurances go down there and so I cannot say how unavoidable such things are but it is a shame as I believe for non-comicreading fans of superhero movies it does feels like 30% of what you watch is a rehashed version of the first film and not a massive redo of the style like Batman Begins is to Batman.That in itself is not enough to bring the movie down, there are plenty of positives here and on its own merits is an immensly enjoyable film. The lead actor plays a great Spiderman and there is come good humour and great effects to be seen. Conversly to this I feel that Maguire played a better PEter Parker and that again is the dificulty of making this film now, I remember Maguire's take on the character pretty freshly and so its easy to compare and for me Garfield pulls off an awesome spiderman but is outperformed in the Parker department.So despite being more than adequate as Peter (and one thing I will say is that his character for both parts is by no means a cut out of Maguire's), it falls short because this version has been made too soon.I can add a couple of minor gripes like how there are so many instances where it is impossible to suspend disbelief that the whole school and city do not realise Peter is Spiderman, but all in all I have sadly found mylself being a little too negative about a movie that was very very good and I would rate 8/10.The main problem is that I feel Spiderman 1 (Maguire) was a) a little bit better and too soon ago to be remembered.I highly recommend it, but not as highly as I would have if this was the first version.
  18. I am a few too many thousand miles away to properly guage the reactions to movies in 2011 but the 4 movies that really stood out to me as being great when (for multiple reasons) I was expecting them not to be were:Kung Fu Panda 2Rise of the Planet of the apesXMEN First ClassPaul
  19. Oh yes and Kung Fu Panda 2 should have got the Animated FIlm Oscar this year.Possibly in the top 10-12 animated movies of all time. (I mean specifically English language and animation aimed at young audience.)Lost in Translation is an atrocious piece of filmmaking on every level.
  20. Ah right, I did not think of 3D.
  21. The Jurassic Park Sequels are great entertainment second time around when you are not building yourself up for a fall anymore.Russell Crowe's best film was A Good YearAlien 3 was a good MovieDeathly Hallows part one is an immense disappointment after the preceeding movies (which were all great) and the story did not need to be a two parter, it could all have been made into one 135min film.HItchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy needs a sequel.
  22. Was tempted by The Passion or Alice but it had to be Twilight.Watching people complain for hours is not entertainment to me.
  23. Twice - THe Mummy, American Pie The Wedding.Both due to a friend want to watch it the second time.
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