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Everything posted by TLK

  1. I agree with people blaming Paramount for MW&C debacle. I know that the movie doesn't have great reviews but it has a good cast and it has a story they can sell. A $2.5k PTA for an IFC/Magnolia/Cinedigm VOD/Itunes movies is perfectly acceptable but a $2.5k average for a major studio backed movie with plans of nationwide release is horrible.
  2. The Conjuring was such a disappointment. My theory is that it had such good ratings only because it had a "good" ending unlike most horror movies that usually kill off one or more of their main characters in the end. Anyway good for Annabelle . The horror genre needed a break this year.
  3. Netflix has a $3 billion annual budget to make original content. If they are serious about Adam Sandler movies, ie. they want to maintain quality as well, it will cost them at least $100 million per movie in production and publicity. I don't think this is a bad strategy for anyone concerned as Sandler will also make his tens of millions for each of these movies but this deals is a signal to me that Sandler has given up on making good movies. It is pretty obvious that Netflix is buying the Adam Sandler brand in this deal and not specific projects. The Sandler brand has been terrible for a while and I am speaking as someone who has enjoyed a lot of his movies over the past decade so the quality will be shit unless they accidentally make a good movie.
  4. Eric Bana isn't interested in making a lot of movies and playing the Hollywood game. He only makes one movie per year and doesn't really gives a fuck about being a movie star. Same deal as Viggo Mortenson.
  5. Adam Sandler has completely given up on making good movies. These will likely be straight to DVD movies quality-wise except that Sandler will get paid $20 million per movie.
  6. Moore seems to have a more baity role and let us face it she deserved to win for PTA's Boogie Nights. Not many actresses would've been able to pull that role off. Meryl is Meryl so you can't write her off but she has been nominated so many times and has won so many times that I don't think she will have a real chance this year. It will be either Moore or another actress not named Meryl Streep.
  7. 1. The budget is low. Usually < $5 million if no A-list star is attached and typically between $10-15 million if they have a well-known cast. Typically these movies are not greenlit if they can't raise anything between 30-60% of the budget in foreign presales. [Foreign presales is why they need A-list cast]. 2. Distributors like IFC, Magnolia etc. rely on VOD to make their money. A movie that makes only about $250,000 in limited release can make $1-2 million or maybe more on VOD. A movie that makes $1 million in limited can generate $2-4 million on VOD. Home media and TV rights can also raise another few millions if the movie has buzz. 3. Big movies usually spend anything between $25-100 million on P&A. These smaller movies typically have P&A budgets in the couple of million range. Basically these limited movies rely on keeping the negative costs as low as possible and then maximizing all other revenue streams. It is a viable model as distributors like IFC and Magnolia combine to release over 60-70 movies per year.
  8. I knew The Giver would under-perform and this is mostly on TWC. They do a horrible job of selling any movie that is not an Oscars contender.
  9. That's not a better date though. Mid-August is when everyone is completely exhausted after the summer season and a movie has done really well if it opens with $25 million.
  10. This movie is targeting males 18+ demographics over the holidays and movies that have focused on this demo have done well in the past. It is a sign of confidence when a studio moves a film from October to Christmas day.
  11. Michael Bay's dictionary is missing the word subtle.
  12. This is exactly the kind of movie that may be over-estimated based on early returns - Big fanboy property + Poor reviews.
  13. This will make over $700 million WW. Who would've thought the two biggest movies of the summer will be Maleficent and GOTG.
  14. Honestly, I didn't see this coming. I was expecting a $60-65 million opening but it will make $100 million+ with a $43 million Friday.
  15. It was a studio backed movie and they were campaigning for Oscars. It underperformed domestically and worldwide. I am not holding this against Hemsworth but he hasn't proven his draw yet like Scarlett. He added nothing to Rush but Scarlett Johansson was a big reason why Lucy made so much money.
  16. They are making a prequel about Huntsman so no Snow White. It is a risky strategy because you are counting on male audience to show up and you are releasing it next to Batman/Superman and Captain America 3 but who knows maybe comic book fatigue will start setting in by then and people will be craving for a Huntsman movie. Not very likely though.
  17. They tried with Rush and it lost money. Scarlett is a bigger draw than Hems.
  18. Not sure about the release date. one of BvS or CA3 may move back to the first week of April and everything released between the two will probably wilt and die.
  19. Marvel's biggest Box Office draws 1. RDJ 2 Scarlett Johansson 3. Hemsworth ?? Hemsworth should be #3 but his last non-Marvel wide release Rush lost money for the financiers so his drawing power is questionable.
  20. King Kong is a boring monster. Based on the title it looks like they are going to make a movie that will probably include King Kong but will be more than just another lame King Kong movie.
  21. Makes no difference. She has now opened a movie based solely on her name.
  22. This may have a TASM to TASM2 type of drop domestically and will probably stay flat Overseas.
  23. I don't know why studios do this. This will only result in bad WOM and poor legs. Now it may not even reach $100 million even with a $40 million opening.
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