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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Whoa, sorry about that. Wasn't thinking I guess. Frontier justice themes just ain't enough for me to say all of that buildup was worth it, especially considering the film was more about racial animus than it was the morals of law enforcement.
  2. Do you read internet comments? Much of the negative reaction has to do with them rebooting it with women. A Ghostbusters reboot has been in the cards for a long time (remember the idea of Murray and Ackroyd passing the torch to Paul Rudd and the like?) and not many had a problem with it until Paul Feig announced his all-female concept. At the very least there wasn't this level of vitriol. How many reboots have been successful? Batman Begins, Star Trek, Casino Royale, Rise of the Apes...nearly all of them. There's no logical reason to hate this movie before we've seen a single second of footage, especially with a proven director like Feig on board. If you think what I'm saying is mere conjecture just take a look around the interwebs and see...plenty of people hating on it for suspiciously bro-like reasons.
  3. The problem with Civil War is that trailer makes it look like a visual step down from Winter Soldier. Minus that one cool shot of Cap running through an explosion, the action so far looks clunky and uninspired. Pitting the two sides against one another on a mostly barren airfield?
  4. That's all internet idiocy and misogyny. Nobody was talking about F4 being a bomb until after footage was seen. We haven't seen anything from Ghostbusters, and Feig is a more proven director than Trank. Also, no production controversies to spell doom. There's literally no reason yet to think it's going to be bad. The original movies are not untouchable, sorry.
  5. This movie will be incredibly enlightening for most people, because most people haven't seen Inside Job.
  6. What?!! The movie goes out of its way to explain the jargon. It's not hard to follow if you're paying attention.
  7. Good movie, but I think my expectations were way too high. JJ's direction wasn't as on point as I thought it'd be and there are lot of unearned moments, and not nearly enough development of Han and Ren's relationship. Some of that felt rushed. The first half of the movie is nearly perfect, and then after that the flaws start piling up. "The First Order," "The New Republic," and the "Resistance" felt like mere words more than these weighty forces battling for the fate of the galaxy. Still enjoyable and far better than the prequels (really appreciated the practical effects and sets), but yeah, at least there's plenty of room for the sequels to improve.
  8. That poster feels disingenuous. There are no shapely babes in this movie.
  9. Tangled isn't the only example of a November animated film. Why would it follow Tangled?
  10. Nothing went wrong. Part 1 was a success, so too is this one. As far as why there was a drop...some franchises peter out. It's not some complicated mystery. The games were the draw because some people are stupid and would rather not watch a movie about a rebellion that mirrors our own fucked up world.
  11. Bummed about The Night Before not breaking out more. Marketing just wasn't there, and I'm feeling like these bro comedies have lost traction of late in favor of the lady-led R-rated movies. This is the first year where I'm personally seeing the downfall of movie theaters, not just in so many good movies underperforming, but in how many times I've seen a movie in a theater that was less than packed, and on opening weekend no less.
  12. Brie Larson is currently the frontrunner, but Ronan is looking like a likely nominee at least.
  13. I'm someone who thinks the Benghazi controversy has been overblown by asshats in Washington, but these trailers are certainly effective.
  14. I still have to see it, but it's a real bummer that the same team that made Skyfall has apparently made a cliched Bond movie.
  15. 10-20 years from now I can imagine an R-rated riff on the show 21 Jump Street-style where the teenagers act like real teenagers.
  16. I thought she was fine. But regardless of our opinions on the movie's depiction of her, the character itself isn't inherently "B-level." As far as Ronan, yeah, she probably didn't think much of what was on the page. Age of Ultron's biggest problem for me was not focusing enough on the new blood.
  17. Any character can be interesting with good writing. The Avengers seem to exist in some strange alternate universe where people actually judge the characters on how "cool" or how "powerful" they are.
  18. I'm glad to see Emory Cohen getting good marks for this. He was really underrated in Place Beyond the Pines.
  19. And people cared about Mark Zuckerberg, which grossed over 90mil? It's more complex than that. Marketing's probably a big part of it. There was barely any of it and the tv ads didn't really try to sell it as anything other than a standard biopic, which it isn't.
  20. Has anyone noticed this has been an unusually bad season for adult dramas and indies, at least as far as expansion? None of them are any less palatable than past successes like No Country for Old Men or The Social Network.
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