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Everything posted by JB33

  1. I'm not. Even when there is a major Halloween themed release in October, it's almost never on the last weekend. It's like releasing a Christmas movie too close to Christmas. There isn't a big window to make money before the film completely dies after December 25. The only horror movies that dropped on the weekend closest to Halloween were the Saw movies 10+ years ago. Countdown this weekend is a horror but it's a dump.
  2. Aaaaaaand, tickets bought for Sunday. Then Zombieland on Tuesday. Like I said, I am very much looking forward to the scene chewing of the lead actresses. So what say you guys? Will this repeat on top this weekend or will it lose out to Joker? I have it retaining the crown by a HAIR ($16.6M to J's $16.5M).
  3. Finally have a plan to go see this next week! Just in time for Halloween I guess you could say. Looking forward to turning off my brain and just having a fun couple hours. I'm such a big fan of the first one. The dynamics of the cast/characters is the best part I think.
  4. That would be a minor success, given I don't see this bringing in more than $10M this weekend. That's just me though. We'll see if tracking says any different
  5. I don't think I'd by shocked by negative reviews for any movie releasing on the pre-Halloween weekend. Every year it's a dump weekend. Regardless, it's a shame, like you said.
  6. @75Live The Flyers with another good performance tonight!
  7. Right on! Many thanks, @Shawn, and to the rest of the folks at BOP.
  8. Hoping for between $2.1M and $2.2M today for Joker. Also curious to see if the Friday bump pattern holds (ie. 105%) or if we finally get something like 120%.
  9. It's not when you break it down monthly, but you'd be surprised about how little dollars the average Joe has to spare. It would be nice if some things, especially rather insignificant things like box office data, could be made available to everyone for no cost.
  10. Traffic for the numbers is going to skyrocket now. People have no use for this bullshit.
  11. Thanks. Guess theatre counts for Countdown and Black and Blue are still coming. Looks like BOR.com is my new source for theatre counts. In the words of @TalismanRing, fuck you Amazon.
  12. Unless they know something we don't....
  13. This. I get people need to make money, but I also know your average Joe can't afford to have to pay for every single morsel of content. Like, come on. It's box office data. It's a very niche hobby so it's not like there's so much traffic that it would be stupid not to monetize it. Oh well. What gives me comfort is that, in general, these big corporations actually LOSE money as they get greedier and greedier. They learn that unless you're talking about something like fuel or whatever, they don't exactly have us over a barrel like they think they do. People's precious little expendable income is too important to just give in. We'll get by.
  14. Well I could definitely see it if Joker breaks the pattern of only 105% jumps on Friday. I currently have the weekend pegged for $16.5M,just narrowly losing out the weekend crown to Maleficent ($16.6M). BOP is forecasting better holds all around than I am. We'll see.
  15. Given we don't have theatre counts on BOM now for openers (at least BEFORE the weekend), anyone have an idea how many theatres The Lighthouse will be expanding into? It was supposed to go wide this weekend right?
  16. It's crazy how some folks, usually SJW's, are always begging for a fight. Like, Scorsese's, Coppola's etc. criticisms had ZILCH to do with progressiveness. I'm certainly not in agreement with them, but I see what they're saying and it's all about perceived artistic merit. Yet, folks will continue to play the persecution card.
  17. Oh, the tears are delicious aren't they? People wanted SOOOO badly for Joker to be their platform to show everyone how great and righteous they are. I love how it completely backfired on them and instead they look like idiots. No guys, you're not the next big social justice icons. You're just a couple more millennial buffoons.
  18. I hope there's enough of a backlash that they include all the other data (I'm assuming they didn't just turf it). I heard they were in dire need of a software upgrade so on some level I get that changes were necessary. However I refuse to believe they couldn't have closely mirrored the old layout. I also refuse to believe that they absolutely needed to monetize some of the data. This is simply a case of a corporation saying "Hey, look at all those people congregating on this website getting data for their hobby. How DARE they do it for free?!?!".
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