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Everything posted by lorddemaxus

  1. Sorry I didn't realize straight people can't criticize a movie's lgbtq themes. Alice Wu did whatever this is trying to do 20 years ago even better by actually making a movie that is about the lesbian romance (but no one gave a shit). This clearly was focusing on something else, while at the same time using the daughter and her girlfriend as plot devices. I guess that's what you mean by "macguffin" and I don't get how that's a good thing. That's just the movie being exploitative lol. Like idk man, all that stuff feels like it's for lesbians as much as Green Book is for black people.
  2. Honestly, I think deciding to make the mother-daughter stuff the crux of the movie is why it falters for me a bit. Homophobic mom learns not to be homophobic isn't really an interesting arc and the actress who plays the daughter wasn't good. Feels like the romance between Yeoh and Huy Quan should've been the center of the movie.
  3. Better than the first one I guess. Also, surprisingly looks better than most recent blockbusters, with some cool visual ideas this time too. Didn't know Brandon Trost shot this (easily one of the most underrated cinematographers working today).
  4. Like I said before, they don't know how to light for this. Found out they got the guy who took over shooting Mando from Greig Fraser (who also shot Batman) to shoot this and not surprised since his stuff there wasn't very good too.
  5. We've had movies that prove otherwise (like the second highest grossing movie of the year). It just needs a popular IP's name on it for people to watch it.
  6. People today can watch a movie with the pacing of Jurassic Park just fine lmao.
  7. Low-key biggest selling point here for me is the combo of Atwell, Ferguson, and Kirby. Have to agree with @Jake Gittes that it feels like the franchise taking itself a bit too seriously and trying too hard to be epic.
  8. Lost World is kinda like Temple of Doom. In both cases, Spielberg decides to direct a sequel to his big blockbuster hit and makes it mean and brutal.
  9. Machine Learning. I'm thinking of making a program that predicts preview numbers for upcoming releases using past presales data that's posted here weighted against features such as genre, likely demo, and RT rating. Not sure how useful it would be since the trackers are already pretty good at doing these predictions, but like I said, I want something for my resume and this felt like a cool idea.
  10. Most likely got nothing to do this summer, but even if I do, thinking of doing a ML-related project on the side. Thinking of making something re: predicting previews/weekend numbers for movies with data from this thread. What's the best data I could use for this? Was thinking of @keysersoze123's but idk. To be clear, don't have anything concrete yet. Just playing around with ideas for something to beef up my resume.
  11. Maverick will sell more tickets from the typical superhero demo than Apocalypse did lol. And why are you pretending like it's gonna be just grandpas who are going to watch Maverick? It's going to be big amongst younger folks too.
  12. Oppenheimer shooting in Berkeley this week. Of course they come to shoot here on the week I'm not here.
  13. Another Gray masterpiece incoming. Possibly my favorite 21st century director at this point.
  14. Finished watching all of Kosinski's films. Oblivion and Tron Legacy are pretty good, but Only the Brave is such an emotional and heartbreaking film. A lot of it is carried by the material though, but Kosinski did a wonderful job of photographing it.
  15. Fucking hell man. I was listening to his Alexander score for the first time ever like 2 hours ago and was just in awe. RIP
  16. Went back to my high school and met a couple of my old teachers. Found out my favorite teacher, to whom I would speak to about films every week and helped me with college applications and everything, went down the right-wing rabbit hole (he already started a little when I was in HS, but he's become much worse). I can see why he's frustrated but it's sad to see him put his anger towards the wrong people.
  17. Looks like Miller's daughter actually got a writing credit for this. Also, Swinton looks like Margaret Sixel (the movie's editor and Miller's wife) here.
  18. Seems like someone on twitter found Margot Robbie's letterboxd. Has a bunch of movies like Truman Show and Demy films in her watchlist for Barbie. She's also seen Josie and the Pussycats and Spice World (and I had a feeling for ages that had seen those movies), which have the vibe I want with this film.
  19. I feel like this happening is about as likely as that rumor about Emma Watts in talks for heading DC or something one of the big trade reported a few weeks ago.
  20. This is going to blow over by next year. I feel like Depp's PR team is pushing this pro-Depp shit so far that people are just going to be tired of hearing it everywhere. Like, I'm just annoyed of seeing any of this stuff on my social media feeds.
  21. I do not think people care about continuity that much and are asking questions about why Wanda is evil now. I don't think anything in the movie requires you to have seen the previous movies or shows either to understand it.
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