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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 7BREAKING DAWN PART 2 9.20pm(actually 10pm) 100% FULLwith a terribly raucus crowd of very young people , a few tag alongs who didnt want to be there but where dragged along ,i was sitting next to one and his two friends who were clearly fans enough to explain him stuff as he said he hadnt seen part 1a few older people (oldest been 40ish) a good bit of guys.It was friday night afterall (movies are the go to place for that school set) but bless their little hearts they gave quite the atmosphere as the film started 25mn late if not counting the time usually alloted for trailers which we got none of, at first no one noticed the film wasnt starting , people busy talking , coming and going for popcorn drinks and sweets, people trying to find a seat but then afterwhile we started noticing lights weren't coming off that's when i checked the time and realize it was 5mn to 10pm , heard someone say it wasnt very professional not to tell us what was going on..someone even said "hey are we even going to see the film" which did nothing for my nerves , i've been waiting a week to see this grrr finally movie started no trailers already the title sequence which odly enough reminded me of showtime "the borgias"and man this crowd went wild at the action sequence near the end for its duration followed by an equally wild SAY WHAT? alot of chatter after that as for me i have to include myself , i've stayed away from spoilers for so long, but i did hear there was a twist of sort and ending was better than book that i bought into the scene even knowing better from books this was me when carlisle the cullen dad... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOand the more it went the more i went NOOOO with a few WTF...that's when i recovered my fan sanity and knowledge came back to me as to how this actually endsthe rest of my review alas are for fellow "twihards" on a fan site, i know how you guys roll here concerning this sagamy rating of the film : j'adore...
  2. i did mentioned it to the lady behind the booth selling the tickets but she was busy and told me there was a manager around and if i wanted to talk to him but i said no as i had to hurry to catch one of the last buses going back to the french side of my island but i think i might have to as something again went wrong watching BD2 tonight
  3. still no actuals for wednesday? what are they up to? stuffing the turkey still...get that bird in the oven and give me my BD2 number!i'm finally going to see it tomorrow night after a day of shopping hello black friday please let me find a good price gadget
  4. ok just watched it, and it was mildly ok?...if i start thinking too much i'll see glaring flaws all over it, so lincoln hunts vampire okfor the most part i was so troubled by the actor's ressemblance to liam neeson that the put together plot didnt bother me as much as it should, i mean the ressemblance is uncanny , he looks like his son so to find out they're not related is weirdthere's ressemblance like javier bardem and jefffrey dean morgan, but this is on same level or more as brad pitt and robert redford, it really makes me wonder about DNA , reincarnation and stuff, there's gotta be a family connection however tenuous anywayy as you can tell it sidetracked me a lotone thing that was awful was the CGI the horse scene, the bridge scene, the war field scenes pfff , i dare say history channel docs were better re-enacted and caused less eye -rollingthe actress playing his wife was ok , don't know where i've previously seen heri feel there was a side effect to mixing lincoln and vampire,which made it hard to reconcile those two world and believe it, esp when he's suddenly 50 and still kicking ass and his black friend looks like a young man with a slight shade of grey side burnsthe one redeeming quality of this film is it has made me genuinely interested in seeing spielberg's "lincoln" as a history addict of sort, i never say no to seeing a history based movie theatre or dvd, as an oscar potential i would have seen it anyway but at least now my interest is peeked, and wonder if its anything as good as HBO's "john adams" after all he's linked to a very important time in american young history...
  5. ughh i hate reading ignorant comments , we're in 2012 and some people still think like that...now there's a disgrace!another subject where ignorant comments still abound is regarding women rights and status , huge facepalmpersonally i love bollywood movies, i also lived in the midlands for a year and it was a great experience to me living around indians , pakistanis, arabs esp as where i'm from there not that prominent, neither were white people british or europeans!it certainly helped me get over a lot of apprehensions i had unconsciously from news reports etc...that's why i always tell younger people than me that they have to travel abroad and mix with other cultures....it will make you a better person and give you experience and perspectiveps : as i don't know you jessie i can only make a judgement on your comment which is indeed ignorant or narrow-minded !i
  6. great news from brazil i see, filming the last film there really endeared the films with the fans there!i'm actually watching globo international right now,thought "salve jorge" was playing but there's a futebol game on brasil vs argentina! gotta love the sports commentators from that country such vibrant energy
  7. just finished watching this, and i laughed my head off but there were also moments that were more drama oriented,and to be honest a bit pathetic /sad but maybe this view is because i'm still young and don't have the experience of a long mariage behind me!it was also very emotional and real matter-a-fact way , i agree jones and streep acting caliber gives this movie a better feel, i don't think i would have liked it or it would have worked as well with less seasoned actors or your usual young beautiful in your forties couple!the soundtrack was awful , i get the script wasnt as tight as it could be but the music choice was like a cell phone ringing in a jane austen filmi clapped at the end though bravo to both for taking on such a risky role, that theatre scene was just too much , others made me a bit uncomfortable but i think it has to do with a lack of this kind of movie being made where relationships of certain age is the focus, and also not seeing these two in such explicit scenes, although i was reminded of that film she did with alec baldwin "its complicated" and she looked way better(different character i guess and take on life also)one peeve her hair was unappetizing as could possibly be...esp when you know that meryl is not ugly and cleans up really nice depending on role!i loved that despite her despair she kept trying even when it seemed impossible and the contrast with her husband stubborness and unwillingness to take on change or see reality, he did what he could even if it took him more time to get around!very enjoyable film that portrays what happens after kids are gone , and even the bubble of the honeymoon phase is so long gone you can hardly remember what its like, i even thought they might divorce, it would have been a very possible alternate ending , and had that been the end it still wouldnt have been as depressing as "blue valentine"( now that movie sent me on a happy rom-com binge for the rest of the weekend)
  8. well its nearly 3.30pm here ...crap i forgot the hour has changed and everything in the states is delayed an hour for me! crap
  9. still nothing? can't believe i have to wait 2 more days to see this pffff
  10. went straight to reply as i'm behind , just watch season 2 episode where that annoying woman who's the wife got a car accident because she couldnt stay put, ughhh i hope she's dead even if i already know she isnt pffffffffffffffff, i wonder if she looses the babyglen is so far my fav character can't stand the others to one degree or another...to think that little girl was dead all that time pfffff ,my only question when the hell are they leaving dodge? its been a pain trying to finish watching this season i'm going as fast as a snail...
  11. i like him a lot and i don't like how he went about getting emma to storybrooke, why didnt he talk to her directly instead of breaking up her bonnie&clide couple, sure they were thieves scamming but their feelings were real enough why didnt he show her what was really in the box, it puts a new spin on his first episode "the stranger" when he shows emma its a typewriter inside, clearly that's not what her boyfriend saw ,and i'm still wondering what he saw that made him readily agree to pinocchio scheme,plus pinocchio as a fairytale character doesnt have great fame what with being a liar but i'm hoping that thats all behind him and he's changing for the better now but doesnt excuse what he did, plus for a good bit we thought the last they saw of each other was when he left her in her crib and that isnt the caseand if i'm being honest i was shipping emma and august , and now i just don't see it happening...
  12. CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX7 FLIGHT 3.20pm 40% full trailers i missed a few but saw jack reacher and red dawn no reaction to either... film was really good i was on the edge of my seat during the whole flight accident! personally if i was a passenger on that flight i'd be glad denzel was the pilot and not the green co-pilot.... you know the red head actress i keep seeing her round in films now, i'm impressed with her trajectory so far i first saw her in a french film called ' l'auberge espagnole" ,her southern accent was pretty good for a british actress i have to say i think i'm cursed though, the movie cut off when denzel character went to see his son and ex wife, screen went off and lights came on , everyone was like wtf some people even left but after 2 mn it came back on , its getting annoying i might file an official complain about the projector guy maybe he's drunk on the job...i'd like to watch film without being distracted by all the technical glitches movie was an A+ for me... next BD2 on the 21st or after...so staying away from spoilers and people comments who aren't receptive to this franchise which personally as a fan i'm very sad to see end
  13. i finally watched today the 2 previous episodes i hadnt watched they were ok i guess and that's all i'll say
  14. i like the show , but not happy where they're going with pinocchio , i really want him to become a good person but so far they're painting him to be sketchy character , emma is going to be so mad at him when she finds out....
  15. its a bleak future ours guys are stuck in(even the intro is sad) ...and then poor etta but yeah to the bitter end i will follow the fringe team nonwithstanding the tape of the week episodes that are driving me crazy and a sure bet ticket to saint-claire's
  16. i'm even more heartbroken now that i know october 19th will not be happening in 2012 pfffffffffffffffffff i finally watched the last 15episodes of season 3 back to back to back, for no reason i stopped watching it after ep8 (i'm a busy tv junkie) OMG the pillow fight episode between abed and troy camp was so cool , i love how community crams a movie worth script into a 21 minute show!
  17. i'm planning on watching it once it gets cancelled whenever that will be! it looks interesting, but im still trying to finish my rewatch of the original tv show with peta wilson "la femme nikita"...its very popular on tvbythenumber site for bashing,it keeps dumbfounding them by not getting cancelled lol
  18. SKYFALL 7.50pmcarribean cinemas megaplex 7 about 90% fullcrowd was skewing on the old side 70% over 40yrs about the crowd , it was so pleasing to be among adults who aren't stuck to their blackberries , there were very few young people and no kids and there was no talking or noise! THAT SAID i wish the projector guy would check his tool while ushers clean the room because once again the movie started and the bottom of the pic was at the top (imagine a screen split 10/90% wise) for a good 2 minute, and during ads the volume was super low trailer:FLIGHT damn denzel sure knows how to sell a film! i'm going to see it when it comes out here(that's the only trailer i saw the rest was local island ads pfffffff)the movie: what can i say i'm not enamoured with it , it was a bit slow in parts! some scenes were very slow in unfolding, like the camera seemed in slow motion on certain shots , okkk we saw the cool scenery /photography "lets move people"plot was ok , loved the way they hinted at lack of $ so no fancy gadgets /or cars, not sure about finding out so much about bond past, what a dreary house that evoked so much to me (i imagined heathcliff from wuthering heights lives on an estate like that)ps: adele bond theme had a very bond-ish sound to it (reminded me of tina turner's bond song)if i'm honest i've never liked daniel craig as james bond, doesnt take anything away from the films but i'm a fan of pierce brosnan! mind you i've like the previous bond incarnation by sean connery and roger moore alsoso i'll give the film an A-
  19. arachnid that's not upstaging that' sharing cool news with the rest of the force :)my only claim to fame is meeting the rasta guy and willem defoe when they were filming speed 2 here, i never saw sandra bullock and that's who i was looking for , but the day i got close enough she was filming a scene on the make shift half-of -a-cruise boat that had crashed into the fake marina! so i got an autograph which got lost when we moved out of our old appartment pff i wasnt terribly upset though
  20. this guy named nick maley , he's a make-up artist who worked on the star wars films , the guy has a museum called "yoda guy : movie exhibit" i've seen the place a few times and thought how strange a movie museum here, but today i heard the star wars theme playing and he was at the door and invited me in as i passed, i was a bit skeptic at first but seeing the many articles and props inside hmmm it was a surreal experience, this guy knows george lucas, and worked with the actors , there was even an CP3O cardboard figure with a dialogue saying the odds of there been a star wars exhibit in the caribbean are of 1 in a million -ish, he's an artist too and had really nice painting inside, i'll have to go back when i have more time!i was about to touch the yoda prop but then i saw the sign "touch you may not" i had to giggle...
  21. lovely movie, i had a nice time watching it, i love bill nighy ,felt for the guy stuck with that shrew of a wife (the word is an apt description) she was such a buzzkill:killjoy ! i'm glad even at this juncture in life he got a new start with judi dench character!i felt dev patel exaggerated his indie accent as i'm pretty sure his english is way better than that...it was leagues better than julia roberts film which name escapes me at the moment
  22. the wrath of khan for me too! saw all the original films on their tv premiere mostly on HBOstar trek generations was my first trek film at the cinema(have watched all the rest in theatre since), cried because they killed cpt Kirk thinking this would be the end of the films but then found out the new crew we see in the film actually has a trek series called TNG which I saw in bits and pieces in syndication and now I own the dvd boxset. I do remember being crazy jealous of the people who starred in that documentary "trekky" I was in awe seeing fans not care about showing their love for the show and universe and going to conventions dressed as characters , I had no idea there was such a thing as a fan convention ! this would be on my bucket list of things to do "go to a trek convention dressed in character" maybe if I'm bored one day I might watch ds9 and voyager maybe
  23. out of the newbies i tried this season , i've already given up on emily owen MD (CW) after one episode and 666 park avenue (i don't like horror esp that genre deal with the devil bla bla bla plus its on the cancellation watch anywaystill giving arrow and beauty and the beast a chance we'll see....fact is none of them are must see tv for me, only shows i stay up very late so i can see them are once upon a time on sunday, castle on monday and fringe on friday all the rest can wait the next day or during the week...
  24. i like it so far...beauty and the beast isnt too bad but it might get cancelled , i don't particularly remember to watch it until a few days after but leads kristin kreuk and the guy have good chemistry
  25. much ado about nothing this episode bomb didnt blow the train and brother didnt get rescued and lady gets stabbed by her accomplice lolon the plus side loved giancarlos flashbackit took me all week to watch this , not a good sign....well at least kid is in town, and it shouldnt take more than 2 episodes before they all reunite , you'd think!
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