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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. thanks for explanation...i'm starting to doubt i'll ever have a good one again at this theatre if material in projector rooms is defective
  2. i'm starting to think i'm cursed or maybe something really is wrong with the quality of services at megaplex cinemasi went to see the hobbit 3D with my usual friend (who has a car)and well everything went well until about 40mn to the end the lights came on , and after that the 3D was non-existent,the glasses weren't working i was getting like beam of light in one eye and the other side was crispy dark,i tried squinting but it was just hurting my eyes even more after a few minutes the light went off but glasses never worked afterward so i ended up watching the rest of the movie fuzzy fuzzy without the 3D glasses oni can't tell you what happened as i lost my focus on the film and wasted the rest of it trying to focus to see the visualsi was seething i swore i was not leaving without being reimbursed!!! what the hell this isnt just a random movie to me they spoiled my first viewing back to middle earth !!!! how dare they?!!!well when the movie was over i stormed out looking for someone but the place was ghost town,i knocked on door of the ticket booth coz i figure someone must be in the office behind, bingooo the manager was there i started complaining to him ,a few people stayed on when they realized what i was talking about and backed me up , the guy was intent on not doing anything he asked us why we didnt come to complain and this man and his wife said yes they did,he said he came out twice and no one was around, i told him its ridiculous to have to pay for 3D and not benefit from it!so one i didnt get to follow the film two me and my friend got a nice little headache for our trouble (they seem to have this habit of nobody complaining even when face with their poor services )finally he took our tickets stub about 8 of us and gave us free pass for two to see a film, as we left the customer who went to complain told me that its not the glasses but probably one of the cameras that stopped working? hence why the light came on and afterwards it stopped working, is this true anyone has any idea how 3D works on a big screenas for the movie itself i like it well enough but once i was pulled out of it by incidence ,i never was able to get back in ,it clouded everything now i'll just go back to see it but in 2D , i'm never going to watch a film in 3D ever again, i hate when outside forces that have nothing to do with film itself make me not enjoy myself as i would have otherwise! :kane:i'll say this though i'm very fond of richard armitage and found his portrayal of thorin to be perfect :wub:WebRepÉvaluation globaleCe site n'a pas été évalué(pas assez de votes)
  3. i'm off to see the hobbit! laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr finally and just before the 21st
  4. finally caught up again on last 2 episodes , mehh much ado about nothing, except for helicopter flying, kinda let down by monroe and miles fight , but i already knew neither was going to die or kill each other march you guys say ? it will be mighty hard to remember, i've also taking to fastforwarding any scenes with charlie,she's a filler character, they'd cut her lines out i'm pretty sure the show would be just fine!
  5. it was kinda sad, and not the kind of sad where you go aww with a couple of tears , no this was sad yikes pathethic...i gotta say matt and mavis scenes where the best part of the movie probably because she wasnt trying to impress him or be someone else some character du jour as she so obviously was whenever around buddy!plus buddy sure seems to have dodge a bullet ,and settle with the right kind of woman for him! some people just aren't cut out for the homey house +kids+dogs and smalltown life!the whole movie i kept wondering why the hell was she bothering with the town and this guy when clearly she was living this fictional view of both as oppose to dealing with what was going on in her professional life and personal life picking up guys with whom she made no connection....anyway gave it a B
  6. meh note to self stay away from this thread overwhelming negativity....oki doki copy that lady elf :ph34r:happy holidays everyone!
  7. so for those of you who have seen it is it better in 3D or 2D? i actually have the option here at my theatre for once lol
  8. i'll wait till i see the film to comment, because right now i'm feeling pretty down and having the cold aint helping me feel less shitty! time to go to bed! you guys have such great expectations its too funny to read at times
  9. glad he didnt become an observer, i'd missed peter with no hair, it gives him all his boyish charm!
  10. so i finally finished season 2 and have watched 2 episodes of season 3 so farrip shane, and now rick is wanting to play baddie , ok sure why not, i love the line in the finale i think where he told the group "this ain't no democracy" i was like about time someone said it out loud, shane sure knew that a long time agoas for the prison plot very interesting now....poor herschill, i was ready to celebrate, maybe the baby will go all alien on her (twisting fingers)i was very sad they seemingly abandonned andrea , but lucky for her she met up with a black ninja who reminded me of black woman in terra nova "others" group guess i'll see where that leads
  11. i won't mind anyone else winning best director as long as its not bigelow! pffffff such deja vuuuu its blechhh...;ps: i have not seen the film , then again seems no normal person has either....
  12. you got to go to a LOTR marathon , i ammmm soooo jealous sighhhh so cool guess what i'm watching fellowship right now on french tv, without fail it plays every christmas holidays on different channels , galadriel just refused the ring , i love that scene!
  13. i'm already planning my $$$ around this , after splashing the love on BD2 , i'm now planning on seeing the hobbit multiple times(too until les miserables comes out
  14. i finally saw trailer on youtube of world war z and i'm baffled as to where zack is? all i saw was a bunch of people running around whether dead or alive and infected couldnt tell...
  15. its french stream of consciousness with a pinch of old news since most of this thread is on season 3 already and a spoonful of lack of clear paragraphs and ponctuation! hope this has more clarity to it...merci
  16. its not evident to figure out the bankability of an actor...;
  17. just watched today episode 9-10-11 of season 2 the walking dead trying to end that season so i can catch up to current season and may i just say , too bad lorie didnt die, too bad that dumb kid didnt get eaten by zombie at the swamp , gosh its too bad dale died but gahhhhhh the entire episode i kept saying "SHUT UP" i get he was suppose to be voice of reason but sentimentality will get them kill,and yeah the biggest tool of them all rick how did he ever become sheriff and he continuously shows he has no balls when he has to take the hard decisions enoughh with the bla bla bla kill the the guy and be done with it( not saying killing a person is wrong or right but be at peace with whichever you decide instead of being so lame gahhh he couldnt even kill dale to stop his suffering pffff) say what you will about shane and he's not exactly a fav character of mine but he doesnt blink when the going gets tough, he does what has to be done its like blondie said he's not wrong but his presenttion and how he goes about it is, but maybe that's to highlights the difference between him and rickit is survival of the fittest and they have got to adapt to the new world or they will die, its all cute to want to be nice and be humane bla bla bla but if you're wrong you won't get a 2 nd chance plus truth be told i didnt believe a word that guy said something was very fishy about him even the way he pleaded for his life (could be just bad acting )
  18. mine would be:1- the hobbit2- les miserables3- star trek into darkness4-iron man 35- thor 26- the great gatsby7- man of steel8-the wolverine9-world war Z10-a good day to die hard
  19. i watched this on dvd the other day and what can i say i was not impressed!the movie lacks the gravitas of the original spiderman,and therein lies the problem, i'm bias there's no helping it, i love maguire/raimy version and i can honestly say it was way too soon to do a reboot, there should be a restraining order against redoing a film if its less than 15yrs since the last oneand yeah what most annoyed me was how peter parker shows his face a lot, he tells the girl his secret, he lets her father and tons of cops see his face, it was like whats the point of the mask? i still remember that kiss in the rain and dunst mary- jane still had no idea who he was but was growing closer to peter at same time! and well truth be told gwen is to peter what lana was to clark fodder until the real deal comes along ...mostly film made me want to rewatch the recent oldies, nothing against the actors per se but mehhh i've seen it i won't be watching it again anytime sooni did like the intro of his father and that him becoming spiderman wasnt so random a fluke, his father work which enable his transformation and agree too bad they didnt explore that as it was the only thing that felt novelps: not a comic reader , only comic i've ever read is archie's digest/veronica and betty digest from america, french wise i've read tintin , largo winch but those aren't superheroes stuff and they're called B.D. as in bandes-dessinées not sure they're seen as same things
  20. it was pretty funny at times but the overt vulgarity annoys me after a bit, just like in PAUL the gays jokes are getting to be so cliches(like i'm not a real man if i don't make a gay joke pff ) , i was a little dubious at a teddy bear needing an appartment to himself and having a gf with whom he makes out but hey everyone in the film seem to think it was normali love the line about no matter how big a splash you make eventually nobody gives a fk, indeed fame is a fickle lady...the dad and his kid who kidnapped ted reminded me of syd in toy story and terrorize his sistermost of all ,there were a lot of serious bits too and i think it might have worked better towards promoting leaving your inner child behind and growing up if they had left ted die, cause otherwise why aren't there more teddys alive! they could have had a funeral for him with tammy lynn playing the widow and all their friends cracking awful jokesthe entire film kunis is trying to get rid of ted and yet she brings him back , was she been peevish from social peer pressure thinking thats what she was suppose to say to him at that point in their relationship and really she loves ted too and didnt really mind his antics
  21. i gave it an B but a very tepid one, mostly for great first 10-15mn where we see denzel in hs room and flight scene till crashdenzel was good in this , cheadle too actually any scene that had specifically to do with the plane crash investigation was well done!agree his ex-wife what a sham, and the son , i had a hard time believing his attitude, or maybe it was just the actor's acting, but this kid isnt poor isnt living in an unhealthy environment he came off pretty childish and then the soap opery turn around in the jail yardmaybe that's the film they should have shown what happens after he confesses to the aviation board inquisition, i really didnt like how they were hell bent on putting the blame on him so they could have a face instead of a faulty part! apart from his pilot friend i never felt any kind of support from the airline estblishment and ntsb people but maybe expecting that from them is misguided
  22. i saw flight 2 weeks ago i think in the afternoon, theatre is like a minute away from airport so that was fun knowing planes were taking off over your head every 10mn or so....i read michael crichton "airframe" about an airplane accident while onboard AA en route to orlando a few yrs back...
  23. it was stupid, plus no keanu reeves pfff makes as much sense as no megan fox in transformers moviesdidnt give it an F because they did film it on my island (was good for business here)
  24. ok saw breaking dawn part 2 againsame trailers as for "flight": looper/jack reacher/red dawn much better viewing experience, about 40% full for a 4.20pm showing older crowd as in no teeny boppers or random viewerseveryone was very respectful , no irritating remarks , pretty quiet except for a few laughs when scene called for it and wouldnt you know same reaction during fight scene, vocal appreciation and clapping followed by surprise by visionand lots of repeat viewers as hardly anyone left before lights came on and end credits first song "a thousand years" was over when they show all the cast involved from first film to last it was very poignant momentas a fan of harry potter also i know even if some don't like twilight saga,they must have had same feelings at realization its the end of harry potter , the ending of a book and film saga that resonated with you on a personal level!
  25. saw it for the 2nd time today, thought about reviewing but these past 4 pages totally put me off!! :(i guess there's a side of me that does believe in one's right to an opinionbaumer as always a pleasure to read your take on the saga's films!
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