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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. absolutely funny! i was LMAO the whole time, one of my fav scene is when they're following ben laden or some other terrorist in paris and end up destroying important landmarks like the eiffel tower thus poking fun at botched airstrikes etc
  2. avatarbut nothing wrong with either, i love that in avatar jake sully reinvents himself and gets another chance to live a new life/start over on a planet where indigenous people were more in tune with nature, had a deep symbiotic relationship with it and unlike humans from earth did not feel the driving need to master his surroundings and fashioned it to his liking thus destroying itin prometheus i liked the fact they went searching for our origins deep into space (methodology and logic of characters is another question which i liked less) and that the fact is maybe we wouldnt like the answers we got as they wouldnt fit in to our mystical ideal dunno...even after all that happened she never deviated from wanting to know and thus went in search of them
  3. prince alii saw purple rain but dont remember all the soundtrack except for title song! so aladdin wins hands down
  4. taken 2 , couldnt go this weekend due to torrential rain from tropical storm rafael , stuck in the house all weekend ughhh
  5. avengers is this year avatar, just not happening and more likely than not little to no nominations alas...voted for miserables too , i've read the book , seen the films so i'm open to the musical ought to be interesting and i like the cast!just don't know about the hobbit, they dragged their feet so much for LOTR that now that hobbit is a trilogy i wonder if they won't be proned to wait and see if he can duplicate his previous feet of consistency and producing a grand scope film again
  6. i don't like horror movies but only because i have an impressionable mind and dream about it for days afterwards so i stay away but as a kid the scariest was without a doubt "nightmare on elm street" series , i literally would not sleep afterward i'd go read a romance novel until wee morning hours then fall asleep its much better when you have a nightmare to wake up in daylight than the middle of the night i picked chucky as my fav because that doll creeped me out when i was younger but then the franchise veered into horror/comedy of sorts and now i love it as i don't mind the gore.... 2nd fav would be scream series i guess i prefer the slasher genre as i also like SAW series well the first 2 had smart scripts and i don't mind zombies you get a thrill and the scare but nothing that's going to stop you from sleeping candyman was scary all those bees (i don't like insects) hellraiser i found intriguing instead of scaring me i found myself trying to analyze him i was a little older then and was interested in the making of the special effects, thought it was super cool the one horror movie sub-genre i'll never ever watch even if i'm paid millions of $ too are the occult kind possession/ghost it bothers me to a level you can't imagine, as a kid seeing the exorcist and poltergeist was traumatizing at same level as jaws (stayed away from beach for months afterwards even after never go any further than water passing my waist ), there is also the fact i went to cathechism even if you grow out of it, it still leaves an impression on your psyche about fear of evil beings i remember a few years ago i made mistake thinking its ridiculous to be scared of those type of movies and watched "the exorcism of emily rose" during the day big mistake i couldnt stop thinking about it for weeks needless to say i did not sleep well for a few days , that little reminder served its purpose well
  7. i just watched this and it was ok! i have to laugh though about kristen kreuk playing a detective and kicking butt with guys twice her size and frame but its all cool and the beast is not so scary so his face turns ugly when angry at least he's not turning into a plus size green monster i remember fondly the original series and wonder how come back then i didnt think it was strange that the beast looked like a lion ,the things you find normal when you're a kid huh... i'm givi,g this show a chance because i'm trying not to pass my dislike of kristen kreuk character on smallville unto a new role of hers,i remember liking her when i first saw her in this canadian high school show... lol a bit at the cop who's always a cop in any show i see him in , come to think of it i think he was playing a cop too in Arrow hmm
  8. watched this with my nephews and have to say it was super funny, so much vivid colours, and the pace was great!!!the villain she was crazy good, i was like the penguin admirative of her stamina and determination to catch them!all in all it was good fun ! i've liked madagascar series since the first.....gave it an A
  9. ugh this show is not bringing anything positive in my life entertainment wise! think i'll just watch , if i watch and be done questioning anything and go play in my imaginary garden where i'm good at farming unlike real life :(my suspension of belief clearly has a glitch where this show is concerned , anyhoo carry on... tis only fiction i guess
  10. hey i resent your last comment i never said i adopted their comment , all i did was bring up a point "someone" on imdb raised and believe me on that same thread many people gave reasons pro and cons as to why she didnt and whether it was feasible or not !i wanted to see what you guys thought of that , no need to be using words like d*** (not cool)the character made decisions that lead her to the east coast and then to give up on getting back home ,that doesnt mean we can't discuss why she didnt make other decisions that might have help,who knows...
  11. i suppose if i start with premise that i believe men have more resilience/initiative/creativity and will to survive than this show seems to think than yeah i guess the problem is with me or just maybe maybe the writers are doing a poor job of convincing me of their logic /and painting a comprehensive outlook of the world they created but its cool its not like i'm loosing sleep over this or i think about it all day either .like i said i'm willing to see where they're going with this but i won't hold my breath ....
  12. poor revolution , i hate to say it but its the new show to badger last year it was terra nova and i was defending it i'm an equal oportunist.... i cant even fake my way into defending revolution ...sorry!
  13. sure sure.... ....someone on imdb wondered why when electricity went out didnt she try for a boat to russia seeing she was in seattle instead she trekked cross country ughh okanyway i don't think i'll last very long watching this show , i cannot stand that charlie chick, i like miles and his backstory is the only thing worth my time , not even elizabeth mitchell character is doing anything for me right now...this post world just makes me admire even more our ancestors black and white and indians how ever where they able to survive millenias without just watching their thumbs , and this in a time where wars , plagues etc were very commonmaybe i shouldnt ask myself any questions!!! i'm more ready to believe she gave up hope than that there aren't any boat anywherebut all in all its more my fault for expecting a quality post-apocalyptic world on nbc...i guess we'll see where they're going with this <_<think i'll go watch homeland 2 new episodes , a quality show with real drama instead of fake teen angst pfff(that dig is for you charlieeee )
  14. nbc sucks , obviously they got their degree in business by doing the dean a favor say lap-dancing for him....
  15. this week's revolution had me rolling my eyes at the newest SAY WHAT??!!!!! there's no boats crossing the atlantic :rofl:i swear i just saw the pilgrims on the mayflower facepalmedchristopher columbus facepalmedheck even tom hanks character in "castaway" facepalmedhistory just facepalmedi just cannot wrapped my head around this post no electrical world revolution is set in i get that all hell broke loose, i get there was famine , violence etc etc but 15 yrs later i'm suppose to believe all spirit of enterprise that mankind and smore specifically americans are known for has suddenly been erased from their DNA by magic ,none of them ever watch those TLC shows or history shows showing you how things are made, nobody knows how to construct a makeshift boat with a sail even on LOST they figured out how to do one (ok they didnt get far but that wasnt their fault but the others) that in 15 yrs they couldnt figure it outwhatever.....personally i'm glad for that actress she's not on this show anymore and can pursue something more credible!i'm only watching for actor playing the uncle whom i call charlie (because thats his name in twilight sheriff charlie swan) now his story is super interesting, i wonder why he suddenly grew a conscience and left his militia cause it seems monroe was the front man !
  16. i picked LOTR ,always! but i guess harry potter too as it occupied the book front/movie front/and toys front for a good decade it was a media event for a generation i also liked matrix as it dealt with technology , slow-motion technique , ever since matrix all action film use that trick but i still remember the first time i saw that there was a collective woahhhh in the theatre then you just had to see the film againthe superheroes and CGI use is also noteworthy!
  17. i was also going to say "hocus pocus" !!!! loli found that movie mesmerizing the witches are great in it, good storytelling all around ( i was young when i saw it and it still holds up well all these years later,sarah jessica parker hadnt undergone her 5th avenue trendy makeover into a fashionista with sex and the cityalso the nightmare before xmas or as my nephew calls it "jack"i guess harry potter could work for kids too and monster house(which i found pretty dark for kids)and of course the addams family best halloween comedy if you ask me,i love that they try to kill uncle fester all the time or they go outside to play at digging up relatives graves as a pastime!
  18. well this is funny we all agree this was awful ...not even one review defending it oi!!i turned this off 30mn in i think ,when henry cavill character was being chased across the plaza by bad guys then he turns himself over to police guy who gets shoot then stupid other police guys suddenly think he's the killer then sigourney weaver character just happens to be there and he for some reason goes into her car ! i just couldnt do it esp when i saw the run time , it was excruciatingly tedious, no chemistry at all nothing clicked in this movie !i very rarely don't finish a movie i start watching,its as rare as a year with an extra day in february!but this one took the cake, i'm disappointed because henry cavill is superman , i love him in the tudors ; so i can only hope it wasnt so much him as the bad script and directing...and that he shines if given appropriate material
  19. i just remembered that you guys talked about it before it came out like it was some big thing, then it came out and reviews were mixed, i figured why not this past week , this is a movie where the songs/karaoke style really made the difference in that it made the pill pass better
  20. my theatre is blah this is what's playing :latest diary of a wimpy kid / hotel transylvania / the posession / latest resident evillawless / step up revolution / the odd life of timothy green / the trouble with the curvei've seen resident evil, i never watch kid films or cartoons exception of tim burton "the corpse bride", i wouldnt be caught dead watching a teeny bopper film like step up not even if its on tv pfff and clint eastwood does nothing for me but out of the whole bunch his film seems the lesser evil is it any good?taken 2 is coming next week might have to wait until then...
  21. oi i feel like someone slipped a mushroom in my drink!it was a weird trip! i don't even know if there's a word to qualify this movie!i did love the songs but not the performances esp when you know how great originals are...alec baldwin and russel brand had me !!!tom cruise was really channeling the rock star who's brain has been on too many drugs/booze cycle and is now functionning on another plane of existence -_-oh and i put his scene with rolling stone chick right up there with johnny depp and eva green in "dark shadows"and yes have to agree julianne and what's his name were super mehhhh and mary j blige wasted!in the genre coming to hollywood blah blah blah i still prefer "pretty woman" !
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