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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Okay, Monsters Inc. has no business being over Aladdin, SA and Frozen. And I just realized that Beauty and the Beast will beat all these films AND Silence of the Lambs. I should've voted aarggh.
  2. Aren't most of these points really subjective? I mean, Belle being more likeable and admirable than Ariel? Ariel does not get the appreciation she deserves for outwitting a shark, saving a man from a shipwreck inferno and swimming him to shore and taking on Ursula in the climax. Ditto for the songs. I just enjoy the TLM and Aladdin albums more than BatB soundtrack. TLM soundtrack is still in my opinion, Alan Menken's greatest achievement. As for the romance vs. epics part, technically Mermaid wasn't all that more epic in scope to BatB (though the underwater sequences were scintillating). Where both BatB and TLK fall short for me when compared to Aladdin and TLM are the cast ensemble. There is just a little bit of the chemistry and spark missing in TLK and especially BatB that the casts of Aladdin and Mermaid had. TLK came when the Renaissance wave was at its commercial and critical peak with the build-up created by Mermaid, BatB and then Aladdin. It was destined to make more unless it sucked royally hard (like Pocahontas). It owes a big part of its success to those three movies. Also, there are critic lists (TimeOut being one that I remember), where Aladdin is the highest ranked Renaissance movie. That's Disney reasoning. TLK was the highest grosser and BatB got the BP nom so they tend to believe those two movies are the stronger of the Big Four, whether it is actually true or not. Also, in the 90's, it was Mermaid and Aladdin that received highly successful television spin-off series. In fact, Aladdin merchandising was EVERYWHERE in the 90's. We've discussed this in the Frozen thread last year, but post-9/11, Disney has definitely de-emphasized Aladdin. That plays into it being shoved into the Vault for some time as well. You can make a highly appealing, troubled adult character. Matthew Broderick's Adult Simba wasn't that. At all.
  3. Gogo's such a badass. Seeing her in action will be incredibly cool.
  4. I used to adore this show and watched it for more than ten years. Didn't get time/lost interest after the Second Chance season though. Even though Survivor is the alpha and omega of reality shows in pop-culture, agree that this is easily superior television.
  5. Naya Rivera not even in the Top 15 now? Ugh, you are so fickle.
  6. It's pretty feminist, more so than the large number of "Trinity Syndrome" affected flicks like Lego Movie and TDKR. Elsa and Anna are emotionally complex women who each go through their own individual character arcs and end up at incredibly empowered places than they were at once the childhood tragedy devastated both of their carefree lives.
  7. Even though that is one helluva bedazzling bait of a post, this is one Frozennite fish who ain't gonna bite.
  8. Coz those Direct to DVD DC Animated Movies are gems! Well, most of them anyway.
  9. Yup, Barbara Kean is Batgirl's mom in the current continuity and very much alive and still married to Gordon. Though this doesn't have to follow comics continuity.
  10. Cersei AND Tywin cast in "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies": http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2014/09/24/pride-and-prejudice-and-zombies-adds-two-game-of-thrones-stars/ Suddenly my long gone interest in this film has rekindled just like that.
  11. I guess she can pass off as a younger, nerdier version of Cameron Diaz-esque Latina.
  12. No love for old school adventure games? Where are the King's Quests and Quests for Glory on these lists?
  13. Walt, you are just a couple of thoughts away from an eye-opening epiphany.
  14. Yeah, not at all surprised everyone really likes Titanic now after initially hating it as kids. That overexposed "My Heart Will Go On" did a number on the accuracy of people's memories of the actual film. Avatar OTOH sucks harder on each successive viewing.
  15. Is it just me, or the more we see Hiro, the less whitewashed he seems and his Asian features become more prominent? Small yay for Disney.
  16. Yeah, they aren't even bothering to be legit now. Also, in that video, they managed to check every stereotypical trait expected of them. Whining about empowerment "going too far" because of something as trivial as a fictional female character replaced a male character? Check. Praising Wonder Woman's previous "patriotic" costume while simultaneously patronizing her? Check. Labeling the reduction of oversexualization of women in media as "Islamist"? Check. It's like I said before. That video felt like an SNL sketch of Fox News, a lazily written one at that!
  17. There's some ridiculous Toph underestimation going on in this thread. The wonderful thing about Avatar is like a true epic, it works on every level. There are some truly great small moments as well. The family from The Serpent's Pass is shown for a fleeting moment in "The Awakening" when the Fire Nation marches into Ba Sing Se. And the expressions on their faces is absolutely devastating. It's just a moment, but in that moment the animators do an excellent job portraying the immensely crushing anguish of the family while watching the marching Fire Nation troops. You can literally feel their pain as they realize they went through so much turmoil in reaching the last free city for nothing and the prospects of a peaceful future for their newborn has now completely diminished.
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