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Weekend Estimates - (BO.com forums <3 RTH)

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Am I the only one that doesn't think SHIELD will be a massive hit on TV? I think it'll be a solid success for ABC, but I bet it won't be able to pull more viewers than TBBT. No one watched TA for SHIELD and no one I know left the theater talking about SHIELD. It's smart for them to throw glimpses of TA in that promo, but I see viewership dropping after the first episode once people realize they're not in it. The promo IMO didn't look like anything special and looked just like every other action show on TV. The 24 promos seemed more thrilling. Look at Beverly Hills Cop. A loved franchise and CBS just passed on the pilot, even with Eddie Murphys involvement. I give 3 seasons, at best.

Edited by jandrew
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He's alive. How else could they handle it?


Any number of ways. But not "he held his breath, guys". That's the worst thing I've ever heard

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Am I the only one that doesn't think SHIELD will be a massive hit on TV? I think it'll be a solid success for ABC, but I bet it won't be able to pull more viewers than TBBT. No one watched TA for SHIELD and no one I know left the theater talking about SHIELD. It's smart for them to throw glimpses of TA in that promo, but I see viewership dropping after the first episode once people realize they're not in it. The promo IMO didn't look like anything special and looked just like every other action show on TV. The 24 promos seemed more thrilling. Look at Beverly Hills Cop. A loved franchise and CBS just passed on the pilot, even with Eddie Murphys involvement.

I think you are understimating what the "The Avengers Effect" truly is. Agents of SHIELD will be the biggest tv show in the World in no time. This will get more popular than TWD, GoT, TB or any other tv drama out there. Proven to be as awesome as all the other Whedon shows, this is already making history.
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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.

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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.

I've seen people live who have suffered much worse
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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.


We don't know how it's going to play though? It could be a prequel. 

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I think you are understimating what the "The Avengers Effect" truly is. Agents of SHIELD will be the biggest tv show in the World in no time. This will get more popular than TWD, GoT, TB or any other tv drama out there. Proven to be as awesome as all the other Whedon shows, this is already making history.


I'm not underestimating anything. Like I said, 3 seasons. At best.

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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.

If you see the Avengers 2 then he will be back. 

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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.

Marvel and Whedon have gone in the record that he did die. How he came back though, those who actually care about these characters will have to watch the show to find out, while those who never cared about Coulson or the Marvel Cinematic Universe will keep grasping at straws to nitpick things as much as they can.
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I'm not underestimating anything. Like I said, 3 seasons. At best.

Do not be a hater. This going to be around for 25 years. This beat Gun Smoke as the longest running live action TV show and that is a lock. 

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I've seen people live who have suffered much worse

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we see his moment of death? His last gasp, his eyes glazing over? You don't show that and then have it "not happen". If his death was a fuse, you've got to set that up narratively, otherwise it's a really poor retcon.
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It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.


Right, agreed. But to say he was dead and is now alive (or some version of him is alive) could work under the right circumstances.

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I'm not underestimating anything. Like I said, 3 seasons. At best.

If they play their cards right, we could see something like never was seen before when it comes to build a cinematic universe for both movies and tv series. Count me among the beyond excited bandwagon, people are going apeshit over Agents of Shield on the social networks, and it's just the beginning.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we see his moment of death? His last gasp, his eyes glazing over? You don't show that and then have it "not happen". If his death was a fuse, you've got to set that up narratively, otherwise it's a really poor retcon.

Maybe he is a zombie? 

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Ok...it's nice to have that perspective.   A 72m weekend is pretty far above the dreaded "expectations".   :)


He's Superman.   Make a good (i.e. a movie the public likes) Supes movie and the money will roll in.  I'm getting the sense you are trying to promote the idea that Nolan should get all the credit for some reason...   You certainly seem to bring up Batman a lot.   ^_^

You can't pick the better movie because that concept does not exist.   Bring up any method you can think of to measure quality in art and you'll have people who don't agree with the results.  Bring up RT score and you'll have to say that TDK was the 28th best movie of 2008 alone.   Bring up IMDB rating (no one would do that would they?) and you'll have to say that 6 other movies are "better" than TDK.  ...And that The Shawshank Redemption is the "best movie of all time".   So right away you may notice I've only brought up two methods for measuring quality in art and already they have massive disagreement with each other.   We fail at finding quality in art again.


Art is about our reaction as individuals and you can't measure that in a way which would apply to any other person.    I don't have Avengers or TDK as my "favorite comic book movie"....that would be a three way tie between Watchmen, Kick Ass, and Mystery Men.   RT scores don't mean a thing because none of those have great RT scores...but I'll take them over TA or TDK every day of the week.


If I'm going to pick between TA and TDK I'll take TA.   I like a comic book movie that is not ashamed to be a comic book movie....I never was happy about this idea from Nolan that comic book movies need to be "transcended"....as if the genre really isn't very good or something.


Also...Batman fans can be obnoxious.   You can't even say you like Superman around them.  


Well...Until now...when Nolan is involved with MoS.  It used to be "Superman is boring!  He's unbeatable!   Batman is more interesting because he has weaknesses!"     Then it would get confusing as the Batman fan normally would immediately insist that Batman beats Superman if they were to have a fight.      (Wait...which one is "unbeatable" here?   ;) )


Not seeing a "fact" here.   A lot of people confuse "things I like" with "fact".   That's not really the same thing.   How can an opinion on art possibly be "wrong"?


Johansson has been awarded and nominated quite a few times herself.   Lost in Translation, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and Ghost World were considered stellar performances by her.   Do the number of awards really prove anything though?   Won't it always come down to the one you prefer as an individual?


Since we are currently in a time period when super hero films are dominating the box office...I'll go with the first X-Men movie (2000).   That's got the whole thing started and showed the industry that comic book properties were viable.   By contrast, the TDK "serious, gritty, realistic, and dark" thing....didn't last long.   The Avengers went a completely different route and surpassed TDK at the box office in the process.   Now DC/WB is looking to copy what TA did.


Good point....Avatar had a massive influence.  


Not liking the influence..(I don't like 3D either)...does not mean it does not exist.

I too beleive that AVATAR is the most influential movie of the century so far, as opposed to TDK.


I said AVATAR because TDK influence seems to be contained only in the US and to a lesser extent in the English markets and even there, i would say that the Harry Potter serie is more influential.


AVATAR's run all over the world, its consistency makes it clear to me that some way, somehow it is indeed the most influential movie of the century so far.  It has literally influenced on a global scale, a massive lot of different people all over the world. 


Noone can really explain why it had such an impact on the masses, why the constant run with extreme soft drops, getting records left and right, having several countries with a 100+ million gross, but something completely crazy happened...i mean $2 billion os in 2008, passing TITANIC for nearly $1 billion ! 


Maybe like i read, it's the whole peace and love concept in an imaginary perfect world where people live in harmony with nature that resonate in a lot of people...i don't know, but there is something there that have driven people en masse to see that movie.


There are no words for this phenomenon.


AVATAR, then HARRY POTTER are the most influential worldwide.  Harry Potter basicly own the last decade in terms of consistency grossing extremely in all markets, in each continent.  they are GLOBAL phenomenons and TA is following in that sense..


They all follow that global influence that TITANIC had in the 90's...They are GLOBAL phenomenons.  That's why i don't see their massive OS runs running down anytime soon.  I don't see their sequels going down on a worldwide scale.

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