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Weekend Estimates - (BO.com forums <3 RTH)

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Man up dude. I just caught up with this thread. :lol: but just read the title and make the normal assumptions on how people react. That's all there is really.


I'm so tireddd though, I'll just come back in the morning haha :P

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Why on earth would Rth want a couple of goats? :lol:

A survey of the literature reveals a number of essential features of sacrificial ritual in Old Norse heathenism. There are accounts of both human and animal sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice of inanimate valuables. Of these, animal sacrifice is by far the most common form of blot, and it is typically associated with a sacrificial feast, (bIotveizla). One of the most detailed accounts of heathen sacrifice is given in Snorri Sturluson's thirteenth century text, Heimskringla, describing a blot held by Jarl Sigufd of Hlaoir in Hakonar saga Siguror, jarl of Hlaoir, was the greatest sacrificer, and so was his father Hakon. Jarl Siguror upheld all the sacrificial feasts on behalf of the king there in the lorandlaw. It was ancient custom, then when there should be a sacrifice, that all the farmers should come there, where the temple was, and bring thither their provisions, those which they should use, while the feast lasted. At the feast, all men should have ale. There also were killed all kinds of cattle and also horses, and all the blood, which came therefrom, then was called hlaut (sacrificial blood), and hlaut-bowls those, in which the blood stood, and hlaut-twigs, that were made like sprinklers, with this they should redden the entire altar and also the walls of the temple inside and out and also sprinkle upon the men, and the flesh should be cooked for food for the feast. There should be fires in the middle of the floor of the temple and cauldrons over them. A full horn should be carried around the fire and he, who arranged the feast and was leader, then he should bless the drink and all the sacrificial food. First he should make Odin's toast - it should be drunk to the victory and strength of their king - and afterwards Njoro's toast and Frey's toast to abundance and peace. Then it was customary for many men to drink the king's toast thereafter. Men drank also a toast to their kinsmen, those who had been buried in mounds, and that was called minni. Jarl Siguror was the most liberal of men. He did that work, which was very famous, that he made a great acrificial feast at Hlaoir and alone bore the whole cost.Source: http://ojs-prod.library.usyd.edu.au/index.php/SSR/article/download/207/186Since you asked... :P
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Great Friday numbers for both GG and IM3. Impressive that GG has a shot to win Friday while massive increase for IM3. Like I've been saying it can jump in 160% range which some people didn't to want believe. With 20M, 70 is locked for the weekend with a shot at around 75M. If this Friday number is true then that would pretty much lock 400M domestically. 

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