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Films that unexpectedly blew you away...

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So many films to name, but off the top of my head:


Batman Begins ... it BLEW me away when I first saw it, in terms of just how DARK it was, and how seriously and respectfully it took the Batman character.


Taken ... what a unique, and awesome film that was, where I expected a generic action film.


District 9 ... totally blew me away as I didn't know what to expect going into it.


Terminator 1 and 2: what can I say, I was speechless the first time I saw both of those films. What more needs to be said?


Alien and Aliens: see above answer for Terminator :D


Jurassic Park: see above :P


E.T, Star Wars: same as above.


There are so much more, but these are just off the top of my head.

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BB - really didn't care for Burton Batman and B&R was,well, lol.


ZDT - thought Hurt Locker was extremly forgettable so I was susprised how much I identified with Maya.


Thor - trailers were pure shit.


TA - I expected to like it but not to OMG love it.


IB - This takes the cake. I honestly didn't think even my man QT would pull of such a crazy concept. Boy was I wrong.


TDK - I was blown away by BB already but this...

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The only movie that completely floored me was The Matrix. The first scene alone just completely blew me away.


I also got to mention Toy Story 3, I'm a big fan of Toy Story but time had passed and going in I didn't really know what to think of this second sequel. In the very first scene I got a lump in my throat and it didn't subside, still cannot see it without crying.

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Just a couple


Goldeneye - Watched this film when i was about 9, was completely blown away by how cool James Bond was.


Cloverfield - This film really got my attention, just wanted to know more after the credits had rolled...

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Fellowship of the ring...my intro to Tolkein and my love grew from there. Went in without even knowing what the movie was called...walked out with a shocked expression on my face. I couldnt believe how great a movie it was.


Inception - Trailers were amazing as were the reviews. This movie cemented Nolans greatness for me after The Dark Knight. 

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Speed Racer. To say I didn't see that one coming is a major understatement. Seriously, I only got the DVD because there was a 2 for 1 offer in a DVD store I frequent and I couldn't find anything more interesting to go with another DVD I actually wanted to buy. I had to force myself to watch it after I decided to watch all the DVDs I owned which I hadn't yet watched. Now, I can honestly say that Speed Racer is probably one of my favourite films of all time. 


Also, as a lot of other people have said, Cloud Atlas. Wachowski films seem to be turning up a lot here.

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