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REVISED Weekend Estimates 6/14--6/16: Man of Steel OW $116.7M($128.7M including WM)

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Soooo....I just got back from MoS...and uh...wow. I posted on my twitter "two words to describe man of steel, "holy shit"! go see it! #manofsteel", and its gotten a few RT's and favorites so people agree! My theater room was PACKED. The most since Avengers. Even my 7 oclock showing of F6 didn't fill that many seats. I decided to go with my family. We got tickets like 45 minutes beforehand and then when It was time and we walked into the theater there was a huge ass line - all for MoS. We got in and I mean people were still pouring in 10 minutes into previews, speaking of, I got friggin' RIPD, AGAIN!. No PR. I'm so tired of that trailer. Anyway, yeah it was a packed house.


Im trying to give myself a minute to sink everything in, but that was incredible! People walking out were all smiles and they were IMITATING SUPERMAN! Yes GROWN ADULTS and everyone had a "mindblown" expression. My parents and brother, 15 y o, thought it started out slow, but once the action got started they liked it. They all said it was better than Iron Man 3. I tried to explain to them why it started slow, but they don't understand the dynamics of 1st acts.


Speaking of acts, this was about equal with Avengers IMO. Both 1st acts were slow and interesting when they wanted to be, but I'd give a slight edge to MoS. 2nd act was slight edge to Avengers, though the Smallville fight was way better than the Hellicarrier, but the 3rd act of MoS put TA to shame. I love tracking shots and I got plenty. Unlike many frenetic action films, it was actually not that hard to follow. Oh and I know some people say the "I think hes hot" line is corny, but my audience ate it up. But yeah, I'll have a review soon on my blog once I can sink everything in, but guys I was blown away.


I don't read the comics, but Snyder made it easy (for me at least) to understand the Superman mythos. The part that confused me was when

Lois is in Antarctica? or whatever and she finds Clark in the ship. How did Clark find it? I was so confused that whole scene.

other than that, it was gravy. This will have great WOM, trust. I'll post twitter reactions (all on one post as usual) if yall want. I thought the cast was great and Cavill is loveable, he seems pretty nice in real life too. I think Goyer, Nolan, AND Snyder all did a great job with this (maybe that's just me, but idgaf) and WB is great with marketing. That Friday # is going to make me cry with joy. But yeah, its an A from me! Better review soon! Ps, I didn't really notice any Avengers parellels, but I noticed some TDK ones, but I don't really care.


Also, I go ahead and say, if JL is like this, TA gross is toast. Bes' believe it. And I LOVE the soundtrack. It fits perfectly with every scene. Props to Hans Zimmer.

Edited by jandrew
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I don't read the comics, but Snyder made it easy (for me at least) to understand the Superman mythos. The part that confused me was when

Lois is in Antarctica? or whatever and she finds Clark in the ship. How did Clark find it? I was so confused that whole scene.



I was confused by that on my first viewing and it became clear on my second viewing.


When Clark is working at the bar - he overhears 2 military men saying they found what seems to be an alien vessel and the US army is there as well. He followed that hunch and turned out to be lucky

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So I am bothered by aspects of this movie - cant really put my finger on it, and it was sooooo long. Long doesn't bother just sat through cloud atlas last night and thought it was great. But I don't know, something seemed off for this film. I blame the script the most because the direction was great and the choreography of the final fight scene was outstanding but the movie lacked something that I can't put my finger on.

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. But yeah, its an A from me! Better review soon! Ps, I didn't really notice any Avengers parellels, but I noticed some TDK ones, but I don't really care.

If You LOVED it. I know I Will Tomorrow

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So I am bothered by aspects of this movie - cant really put my finger on it, and it was sooooo long. Long doesn't bother just sat through cloud atlas last night and thought it was great. But I don't know, something seemed off for this film. I blame the script the most because the direction was great and the choreography of the final fight scene was outstanding but the movie lacked something that I can't put my finger on.

Pacing maybe? I thought it was rather odd

Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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Back from my second viewing, liked it as much as the first time. WOM will be strong on it. It's a crowd pleaser to say the least. Holy hell, 50M+ without the previews we're looking at 140M+ with previews. Stunning start for MOS. :D  :D  :D

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Told you WOM would be good


WOM? It's only Friday. But I think it will be okay though. But it's kind of soon to say WOM is already good. Let the fanboy rush subside a bit.

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As we wait for more numbers, a preview for next week:


ShawnMR: Will number #1 be WWZ?


Impact: I don’t know.


baumer: Is it Monsters University?


Impact: I don’t know.


baumer: Will it be Man of Steel’s second weekend?


Impact: I don’t know.


ShawnMR: Hey!


baumer: What is going on? Hold on guys.


leyla: I hope it’s Now You See Me


ShawnMR: Baumer?


Gopher: It should be This is the End! Predict that one higher!




ShawnMR: This is not okay.


baumer: Everyone’s going crazy!




Jack Nevada: Baumer.


baumer: Hey, what is this? It’s a thread war. Everyone’s yelling “Floppit!”


Jack Nevada: We don’t know.


leyla: I’m against MoS.


ShawnMR: How did they all go crazy?


baumer: They’re coming. We need to go, go, go!


ShawnMR: Come on. Baumer?




Telemachos: I need you to help.


baumer: You’re asking me to leave my own Game?


Telemachos: I’m not going to force you, but don’t pretend you have good opinions on movies.


ShawnMR: Baumer?


Baumer: Tell the players I’m coming back.


Impact: Woo!


Baumer: Guys? Just know I’m coming back







lol @ u

I'm not agianst Mos I just dont care abt it :P

though I'll care abt a DC cbm if they cast Gemma Arterton like someone here posted :wub:



WOM? It's only Friday. But I think it will be okay though. But it's kind of soon to say WOM is already good. Let the fanboy rush subside a bit.




so TITE is heading only for $30m ?? :(

Edited by Leyla
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