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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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I don't know if next weekend will be another $200 million weekend (that would be amazing though) but I think MU and WWZ should hold well enough and The Heat and WHD should both gather in solid enough crowds to get us over $175 million.


Either way summer 2013 is officially fucking awesome.

Edited by Sogno
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Here we are folks, zombies are now classed as "not even horror elements".

Well, I don't think that the inclusion of zombies should immediately classify something as straight horror. You had to dig to find the horror classification for some of those movies. I wouldn't consider Warm Bodies a horror movie and they had zombies in it. Personally, I Am Legend couldn't be less horror if it tried. I would consider WWZ to be an action thriller above all else. But that's just me.
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FTF did you like MOS ?

Sure did...story and writing/dialogue were a little spotty in some parts but the amazing action more than made up for it and love the character Superman so great to see him back on the big screen. Technology has finally reached the point where a great action packed Superman was possible and MOS did that very well. I'd give it a solid B+ and look forward to the sequel (and dream of a Batman/Superman world's finest movie...hhnnnggg).
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I enjoyed Iron Man and Iron Man 2 but I was bored senseless during Iron Man 3.Am I the only one who ranks them like this?:Iron Man 2Iron ManIron Man 3



yes. For me it is Iron Man and then both sequels come down way way below. IMO Iron Man has not gotten the sequel it deserves

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I certainly wouldn't call it "shit". I was just bored and that's something you should never be when watching a $200m superhero movie.At least I stayed awake, I fell asleep during Green Lantern, at the cinema, in 3D.Anyway, back on topic:Great weekend! Next weekend will rock too (hopefully).

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Or he's just seen a lot better comicbook movies.Comedy overload.

oh please, the whole too much comedy thing is so blown outof proportion. Honestly, outside of the Trevor reveal and the standard RDJ one liners, there wasn't that much comedy. The first hr of the move and the last 30 mins were pretty serious tbh

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Yeah IM3 is not shit at all...just hyperbole thrown around in Internet forums.


So wrong.  People can say it was shit and if that is how they feel that is how they feel.

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