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The Lone Ranger (2013)

The Lone Ranger (2013)  

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Its just crap. A turkey if there ever was one. Its practically everything thats wrong with today's blockbusters, the two main things being:


1. Money cant buy a good script

2. If you constantly keep throwing spectacle and stimulus at the viewer, at some point you get sick of it and you start falling asleep. More isn't better. 


Johnny Depp phones it in with a performance so lazy I hardly could believe it, there's no fun or funny comedy, the script is incredibly convoluted, there's an uncomfortable amount of bodily fluids and, yes, unnecessary violence, its stupid, its boring, its cruel, its two and a half fucking hours long when you could easily do this shit in 90 minutes.. 


Is this the best you can do with 250M? Is this the best money can buy? Look at Life of Pi, by the great Ang Lee. That cost 130M dollars less than The Lone Ranger, but there was more creativity and vision and genuine wow- moments in a minute of it than there is in The Lone Ranger. 


Its depressing, really. 


The only thing I can say in this movies defense is that its nicely shot and you can always see whats going on, but other than that its just awful. 



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It's a moderately fun movie, but there were way too many hokey scenes and plenty of poor acting.


Things I liked:


-The visuals

-The two main villains were done pretty well (William Fichtner and Tom Wilkinson)

-Most of the music; the classic Lone Ranger theme was stuck in my head for quite a while after the movie


Things I didn't care for:


-Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer gave poor performances especially Depp

-I didn't care for the corny horse scenes, they got old rather quickly

-The entire flashback sequences with old Tonto could/should have been scrapped from the movie

-They made The Lone Ranger way too silly - I know they were going the comedic route, but they didn't have to make him out to be so inept


I give it a C- and that is being kind 

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TLR is a mixed film for me.  I really enjoyed a lot of it but there were parts of it that really drag it down.  I'm a little shocked that some people are complaining about Depp.  I thought he was by far (and it's not even close) the best part of the film.  When he's on screen, it is so much better than when he is not.  There was a stretch of about 15 minutes where he is nowhere to be seen and the film suffers for it.


I thought William Fichtner was a very good villain and he was almost unrecognizable at first.  He really looked like he went head first into the role and he pulled it off beautifully.


But there are pacing issues and the movie just goes on way to long.  It should have ended twice maybe three times but it just keeps going.


I didn't like how much of a boyscout the Lone Ranger was as he was kind of stupid in many scenes.  I also didn't like the modern day Tonto telling the story, it took you out of the rhythm of the film.  The action and the set pieces and the visuals were incredible and some of the best non action CGI that kind of reminded me of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I don't understand the hate for the film but I do understand why it is not loved.



Edited by Jaws 2 baumer
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TLR is a mixed film for me.  I really enjoyed a lot of it but there were parts of it that really drag it down.  I'm a little shocked that some people are complaining about Depp.  I thought he was by far (and it's not even close) the best part of the film.  When he's on screen, it is so much better than when he is not.  There was a stretch of about 15 minutes where he is nowhere to be seen and the film suffers for it.


I thought William Fichtner was a very good villain and he was almost unrecognizable at first.  He really looked like he went head first into the role and he pulled it off beautifully.


But there are pacing issues and the movie just goes on way to long.  It should have ended twice maybe three times but it just keeps going.


I didn't like how much of a boyscout the Lone Ranger was as he was kind of stupid in many scenes.  I also didn't like the modern day Tonto telling the story, it took you out of the rhythm of the film.  The action and the set pieces and the visuals were incredible and some of the most best non action CGI that kind of reminded me of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I don't understand the hate for the film but I do understand why it is not loved.




Agreed, except for Depp's performance - maybe my expectations were too high for him.

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You're not alone when it comes to people criticizing his performance.  I loved it and I was entertained when he was on screen.  But it's all a matter of opinion.

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I more or less, actually loved the movie. Loved the leads, and the villains are my absolute favorite this year in this movie. I hope nothing but good things for Armie, he exceeded my expectations. Only big issues was the cut back to the 1930's, I didn't care for that at all. If they deleted that, it probably would have gotten an A from me, but since it didn't, it gets a B. 

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Two and a half hours that flew by! It was better than Star Trek actually. B+


IMO, everything is better than ST this year.

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Most things are I agree, though not everyone sees it that way, and I couldn't very well say that it was better than After Earth. No one likes After Earth.

I know quite a few people who love After Earth. They're trying to get me to go see it, but I just don't have the time. Granted, they were the ones who took me to go see Django Unchained, a movie that they had seen previously and urged me to go see, and I never regretted it.


Actually, there are very few movies I regret going to see. Mostly they are the ones that the critics hail as being one of the best of the year. The stinkers I have seen that I loathe are Drive, Cabin in the Woods and Looper.

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Grade: C+


It's way too long. The second act needed trimming down especially. I'm not overly familiar with the the TLR origin story. Survivor of an ambush, believed dead, who exacts justice along the expanding Western territories is about it. Is the East Coast lawyer educated thing part of it(short of going to wiki)? Let's say it is, regardless, the notion that he's that f**cking uselss for most of the film as an actual threat to outlaws is laughable. For over 2/3 of the film the gimmick keeping him alive is that he's a Spiritwalker. Then in the final action arc, cue the famous LR score, he's got the stones and skill to take down the outlaws plaguing us all this time. 


How to make it better with what you have:

Lose the old Tonto/kid at 1933 SF fair parts, a good 12-15min right there. 

The silly horse in tree, on barn stuff and likewise comments, lose it. Not much time but it was silly.

Find places in the second act to trim the narrative, too long. I'm thinking about the whole sequence at the brothel with HBC character Red. 


How the screenplay could've been better at the start:

Not made John Reid(TLR) out to be such a wimp. He has literally no respect from anyone, it's unbelievable he'd get "the girls" affections in this scenario. He feels more fit for The Apple Dumplin Gang than being The Lone Ranger. 

Made Tonto more of a warrior, here he's just a vagabond on the run himself, in over his head and was about to be killed by Cavendish himself. His justice for his mistake(showing them the silver source point as a child) would've not happened. 


Tonto was too eccentric, of what little I know he's a warrior and that was not served here.

John Reid too wimpy from the get-go, can't buy him as the silent arm of justice really even at the end. 


The action sequences were done well, it's just the characters that inhabited it didn't fit too well. 

I don't hate it, nor do I love it. It will never find it's way to my shelf. The sequences are deserving of the big screen and if you could just jump chapters in the theater to those moments it's worth seeing.


Such potential here, wasted. 




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On 7/2/2013 at 2:33 PM, Jack Nevada said:


Its just crap. A turkey if there ever was one. Its practically everything thats wrong with today's blockbusters, the two main things being:


1. Money cant buy a good script

2. If you constantly keep throwing spectacle and stimulus at the viewer, at some point you get sick of it and you start falling asleep. More isn't better. 


Johnny Depp phones it in with a performance so lazy I hardly could believe it, there's no fun or funny comedy, the script is incredibly convoluted, there's an uncomfortable amount of bodily fluids and, yes, unnecessary violence, its stupid, its boring, its cruel, its two and a half fucking hours long when you could easily do this shit in 90 minutes.. 


Is this the best you can do with 250M? Is this the best money can buy? Look at Life of Pi, by the great Ang Lee. That cost 130M dollars less than The Lone Ranger, but there was more creativity and vision and genuine wow- moments in a minute of it than there is in The Lone Ranger. 


Its depressing, really. 


The only thing I can say in this movies defense is that its nicely shot and you can always see whats going on, but other than that its just awful. 





Edited by Jay Hollywood
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Well if I never went on to this site or BOM-I would never guess TLR was a bomb, considering how many sold out showings there were.


The Lone Ranger (XD)


About 90% full, all ages really, quite a few older folks though.




Pacific Rim (new trailer): First time I didn't hear anyone laughing or making a Godzilla comment! Good trailer, but I think they are starting the good marketing a little too late.

Red 2 (New trailer): Quite a bit of laughs, this probably did have the best reaction of the bunch.

RIPD: A couple laughs-nothing big. The ending of the trailer changed.

Wolverine 2 (New Trailer): Looks really good.

Delivery Man (new trailer): Looks a lot better then the old one, it actually does not look that bad, it seems like a dramedy.

Thor 2: Quite a bit of talking.


Movie: Very enjoyable. The cinematography was fantastic. The music was good, and when the Lone Ranger theme came at the ending the audience clapped like crazy. The audience really enjoyed it-laughed at Depp a lot. He was pretty funny in his character. I didn't find the film as violent as some say, yeah it was violent, but not the most violent film Disney has done (Found Pirates 4 more violent). The ending was pretty well done and probably was my favorite part. I didn't find it as long as it was actually. The audience made it a really enjoyable experience though.

I give this either a A- or a B+, have to think about it, but I will see this again on Blu Ray.

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If I wasnt a POTC fan I'd probabaly enjoy this more

Good - Armie actually was good, Johnny wasnt bad either, there was like only some moments when he was Jack Sparrow'ing, the main vilain was villainous enough, the last chase was marvellous!! Some nice Gore-isms (orchestra in the end, hares :lol: ), beautiful score & prod design - fantastic


Bad - Uneven pacing, bland side characters, a child in the movie usually a '-' for me, meh love story, unnecesary moments with said bland side charcters


still worth a watch but POTC>>>>>>>>>>>TLR

come back to the franchise Gore!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I actually enjoyed the movie.It made me laugh and kept me entertained the whole time. Going in, I never thought that would happen.Did see a lot of pirate's scenes in there though B+

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