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Shawn Robbins

Wednesday #s: ANCHORMAN 2 8.1M/ It's in a glass case of emotion / Hobbit (4.855m) / CF (1.243m)

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I'm not gay but Jesus I forgot how fucking perfect Sly's body was back in the day. He was 36 there and looks better than like 90% of people in their 20s.


Hell, he's 67 now and still does. What a beast.


EDIT: Or was that from the newer Rambo? Either way it doesn't hurt my case.


Personally, I think he looks horrible. Never been a fan of the bulging veins/'roided-up look.

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I'm not gay but Jesus I forgot how fucking perfect Sly's body was back in the day. He was 36 there and looks better than like 90% of people in their 20s.


Hell, he's 67 now and still does. What a beast.


EDIT: Or was that from the newer Rambo? Either way it doesn't hurt my case.


You don't have to be gay to appreciate a guy's body.  1985 was the year of Sly.  I would kill for his body.


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He feels some of the changes were frivolous and Kubrick did it just because he could. Have you read his sequel to The Shining ? He made it perfectly clear that he was writing the sequel to the book and not the movie.


No not yet, it's on my list though.

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And no one did for KFP2 either.

They've already changed how they're marketing the sequels. 


With KFP2's first teaser, you got a staring contest but for HTTYD we got this:



For their first trailers, KFP2's showed the same characters doing the same things with a vague plot of "saving kung fu" (even though it turned out to be a very good movie itself).  Fox is marketing HTTYD2 by upping the stakes with new characters while still keeping the Hiccup/Toothless dynamic that everyone loved and a bit of the awesome score from the first one too.


I'm pretty sure Dreamworks learned their mistake and they're not letting another KFP2 happen again.


Also you can look at the posters,

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Yeah, doesn't even say the title of the movie anywhere.


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Much more appealing, actually tries to sell the movie and advertise it instead of assuming people will show up just because they liked the first one.

Edited by Catching Iceroll
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They've already changed how they're marketing the sequels. 


With KFP2's first teaser, you got a staring contest but for HTTYD we got this:



For their first trailers, KFP2's showed the same characters doing the same things with a vague plot of "saving kung fu" (even though it turned out to be a very good movie itself).  Fox is marketing HTTYD2 by upping the stakes with new characters while still keeping the Hiccup/Toothless dynamic that everyone loved and a bit of the awesome score from the first one too.


I'm pretty sure Dreamworks learned their mistake and they're not letting another KFP2 happen again.


Also you can look at the posters,

Posted Image


Yeah, doesn't even say the title of the movie anywhere.


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Much more appealing, actually tries to sell the movie and advertise it instead of assuming people will show up just because they liked the first one.


To be honest, I don't see much difference between the two posters or the potential for Dragon 2's to be any more or less effective. They're both very standard teasers. I'd even go so far as to say the lack of a title on KFP's poster was negligible because the title of the movie is the main character (who is very present). 

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Toy Story 3's teaser was just a big "3". Hell, the main poster was just the main characters bunched together holding the "3". "Toy Story" as nowhere to be seen.


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That said an argument can be made for none of those films being as popular or as influential as Toy Story.

Edited by Mango
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I think the biggest challenge for Dragon 2 will simply be living up to the reception of the first movie. It set the bar very high, not just for DreamWorks, but animation as a whole. A follow-up has a big shoes to fill--especially for the adults that fell in love with it.

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I think the biggest challenge for Dragon 2 will simply be living up to the reception of the first movie. It set the bar very high, not just for DreamWorks, but animation as a whole. A follow-up has a big shoes to fill--especially for the adults that fell in love with it.


Your point illustrates a big reason why it has major breakout potential as you brought up the reception of the first movie.  This is the biggest thing it has going for it. While I am in now way predicting 300 million locked, Kung Fu Panda never had the good will Dragon had. I see 300 million a much higher possibility than 165.


Dragon had a 5 multiplier to Panda's 3.5+.  In fact, I believe Dragon had the best multiplier of any major animated movie since Shrek. I would agree with you that Dragon's poster doesn't separate it from Panda, but the first trailer does.  It show the music and relationship of hiccup and toothless from the first, while showing a continuing storyline and great action sequences. A stark difference from the staredown. 


I still don't know 100% what to think about the BO but I think there are more things going for it than Panda had, and does have the upside to win the summer. Though anything at 250 or higher would be fantastic in my mind.

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