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Dark Knight Rises VS Iron Man 3....ugh

Dark Knight Rises or IM3  

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It's like marvel can't win with some people on this thread. "IM2 sucked, focused too much on setting itself up for avengers." "Iron Man 3 didn't make sense, where were all the Avengers?" LolWhen Iron Man 3 trailer was released people were actually complaining that it looked too dark and was trying to copy the Dark Knight movies. When it finally got released and turned out to b e another one of their amusing light hearted adventures, those same people complained it wasn't serious enough lol. Moan all you want about Iron Man 3, claim it was disliked but remember one thing, it was able to outgross all TDK films ;). Couldn't have been that badly received now could it?People moan that there isn't enough mysteries in movies anymore and all twist are usually spoiled. When a film finally comes and surprises us all, people on here go nuts. Fuck the Mandarin, the GA didn't care about him anyways, most people had never even heard of the Mandarin. I saw this in the cinemas twice and both times the Mandarin twist got great reactions, no - one on here can persuade me otherwise.


My problem with Iron Man 3 was not that it was too serious, nor that it was too light hearted but that it tried to be both at the same time. Iron Man 3 tried to have its cake and eat it too with moments that were quite dark with the way he was trying to deal with the NY incident or his protectiveness of his lover while also having all these witty one liners running through the script, ALL the time regardless of whether its appropriate to or not (for example after he thought he lost pepper).


Please Iron Man 4 choose a tone and stick to it. That's all I ask!


With that said I don't get the hate to Iron Man 3. Is it a great film? No. But its entertaining enough while you are watching it and that is all a summer blockbuster needs to do to get a passable grade in my book.

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Uh no, you could still make an explosion that big with a rucksack filled with explosives.



Yeah, it's not like he was wearing his Iron man suit or anything! Oh wait.


Well never mind, it's not like he has a massive supercomputer who could've easily told Tony if she was in any way armed and- oh wait again.



Did you not see how narrow that room they were kept in was? If they tried to blast their way out, the most they would do is blow themselves up. Besides, by the time they got through, it'd probably be too late.



I'll admit my memory of IM2 is pretty hazy, so I forgot about that. On the other hand, Vanko and Hammer Tech did help develop a lot of the systems on the suit, so him being able to hack it is understandable. As far as the Government knows, the Mandarin didn't.



There's a difference between 'taking every necessary precaution' and 'being paranoid as all hell'. They have absolutely no reason to think that the suit is hijacked or that the suit even could be hijacked. While I wouldn't be surprised if an SS agent wanted to check, I wouldn't be any more surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if Killian installed some sort voice modulator to imitate Rhodes or if the everyday Service Agent couldn't really tell if it was Rhodes's voice.



Last I checked, it was explosives set by Savin that made the hole. A deflected bullet did hit a window but I can't particularly tell whether it went through or just cracked it enough to let some air through (because bulletproof glass doesn't mean the bullet bounces off leaving no marks). Either way, if it was regular glass, the entire window would've shattered.



The key words there being 'pin him against the wall'. There's a difference between enough force to momentarily lift someone and keep them pinned against a solid surface and enough force to lift someone already falling maximum velocity and lift them to safety a reasonable distance away.


Also, who's to say each piece has the same lifting power?



Ah yes. What could possibly be the difference between fighting some suits/drones and fighting a fucking alien invasion


Also, you and I have very different definitions of the word 'in control of the situation'. Because last I check, Tony wasn't in control of the situation until BW worked out how to close the portal and even then he nearly died.



Ah yes, he was obviously building them to focus on future threats. That's why he made sure to carefully test and evaluate each one. instead of creating any idea that takes his fancy, like someone trying to avoid their problems would do.... oh wait.












That would most likely be discovered much quicker, not to mention leave a distinctly different type of evidence afterwards.




And where was said suit when the attack began?  Oh wait! 





Funny how this massive supercomputer couldn't detect an attack on the mansion until it was literally flinging them back to the wall.




Pretty sure a few blasts would be able to cut a hole in the side without taking any sort of damage, and aren't the suits built to withstand huge blasts anyway? 


Too late for what?  To save Tony, save Pepper, blast the copters, follow the copters back to their home base?



It still wouldn't stop them from taking all of 5 seconds to ask said occupant to open his face guard or say a couple of syllables.  They're supposed to take every precaution necessary


Pure speculation on your part, but hell, at least it would have been something if they included that in the film.  Instead, the film assumes they don't need it.


Check again.  A regular bullet DID make a hole in the window.


If they're strong enough to break out of a padlocked shed, they should be strong enough to at least allow someone to slow the decent of their fall to a reasonable velocity.


Both were life threatening situations, regardless of their nature.


Didn't stop him from cracking jokes throughout the whole situation.  He didn't seem half as stressed during his confrontation in the earlier films.


He created a ton of suits with various powers to aid in future confrontations.  The wide variety of abilities seems to me like he's preparing for every possible situation.

Edited by Squaremaster316
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Correction: Who has been reported 'presumed dead'. And has absolutely no business being in a small Tennessee town in the middle of nowhere. And who many/all of those people have never met in person. And is avoiding drawing attention to himself. 


If people actually bothered to take a close look at him, it's much more likely for them to assume he was just a guy who looked like Stark rather than the guy himself. 



Oh yeah, they were obviously intending for to be a shocking twist. That's why they made sure to include that scene at the beginning of the movie where Killian stands on a rooftop looking notably pissed about Tony abandoning him, while Tony monologues in the background about having 'created demons'. I bet they expected us to look at that scene and assume Killian was obviously a friendly, trustworthy bloke who would never think about doing anything evil. Obviously.


Like hell they did. That scene was set up, not a twist.



For sticking him up when Killian idolised him. And he decided to kill Tony because Tony declared war on the Mandarin and could've figured him out in the process. Of course, he might have been planning to kill Tony later anyway for revenge (explaining how quickly the attack copters got there), but Tony gave him a specific excuse to kill him them.



It makes you rich if you're part of the arms industry. More chaos + terror + war = more weapons needed = more money for the arms industry. Not difficult to work out.



Was there ever a point where Tony broke in to a base to confront the shadowy mastermind only for Killian to swivel on a chair stroking a white cat while sinister music plays in the background? No? I guess it looks like IM3 never made it seem like that he WASN'T going to be a villain.


Seriously, your reasoning makes absolutely no sense.



Perhaps he doesn't want anyone to know that Pepper is coded to the suits. There are multiple reasons why he wouldn't want to tell people.


And remember that AIM worked on the War Machine suit? I don't find it at all hard to believe that they coded it to the president.


Obviously, when having a casual chat with someone you have to immediately move to a secure location when the subject comes to barely classified information, no matter how inconvenient getting there is.



Except Tony obviously had the crime scene after the explosion scanned with something and then could've used computers to recreate the scene based on physical evidence like blast patterns and debris and etc.


Apologies, that last quote doesn't seem to be going in so I had to post it out of the spoiler box


It's still a contrivance to assume that no one would recognize him so shortly after the news report came out.


"Shame about that Tony Stark guy, say, that guy kinda looks like him"


If he wanted to stay incommunicado, he shouldn't have bothered to go outside in the first place



Oh sure, because spontaneously cutting to Killian and setting him from out-of-focus to in-focus was in NO WAY meant to be a reveal.  It's basic film making 101.  I don't know if it was the camera operator, the script writer or the director, but if they weren't trying to make that a twist on any level, then someone obviously frigged up.



He got what he wanted anyway without Tony.  The only reason he would try to kill Tony at this point is because he killed his nerdboner years ago, which is a pretty damned pathetic excuse for a heel turn.  It was stupid in Batman Forever and it's stupid here.



So creating a way of regenerating lost limbs for war veterans and other amputees wouldn't get him rich?



They never made it look like Killian wasn't going to be a villain, they just changed how much power he had in the organization.



Pure speculation on your part again.  Why would he not want Pepper or anyone else to know if he in fact did code the suit to her.


So they code it to the president, but he is completely unable to use it?



So they couldn't have just climbed into Tony's car, gone for a drive along the shoreline and discussed it there?  I mean, if you have to check to see if no one's listening in the first place, why not just take the extra precaution?



When did it show him scanning anything?

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What exactly are you expecting them to be doing? They don't have any extra information that the government or the search team or whatever don't already have. And the search team are much more qualified than they are to find and check if Tony is dead.



Or he's trying to make sure everyone thinks he's dead, so the bad guys don't come to finish the job.




Surprisingly few have been found several states away in the middle of nowhere without having deliberately faked their death.




The Incredible Hulk established that, while Banner couldn't control the Hulk, he could at least 'aim' him towards enemies. Even then he wasn't completely reliable. Remember him punching Thor?




Because wasn't Tony established to be so trusting of the US Government in the last film? Hell, do you think there's anybody who he'd trust enough to give the suits to who he thinks a) wouldn't give them away or b ) have any idea how to use them?



I'm saying that people with greenhouses shouldn't throw stones.



And that I'm not insecure enough to post smug pictures and declare myself as having 'served' someone.


Again, they're supposed to have their thumb on everything but are nowhere to be seen throughout the entire flick, not at the crime scenes, not looking for Tony, not protecting the President, NOTHING!  You can't just introduce a whopper of a MacGuffin in the previous film and then forget about it next time.



And what about when he DID get discovered in Tennessee?  He STILL doesn't call Shield for help!



Never stopped them from tracking down incognito people before (e.g. Banner).  Also, no assistance for Pepper or Rhodey?



I think you have him confused with Achilles from Troy (2004).  There was never any indication that Banner needed to be aimed.


Really?  The Thor punch?  You're associating and obviously humorous "Tougher than you, Brah" moment with him being "inaccurately aimed"



Rhodey seemed to be able to use them no problem, and you're saying Tony doesn't trust him.  Why not just keep them in the basement on standby in case the world ever needed them again?



Posted Image



Nope, just arrogant enough to stretch as if you think you've pwned someone else with your illogical fallacies.

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Squaremaster what you're doing is really sad. Most of your complaints about the movie are so lame, if I was to digest every tiny detail that much I could find hundreds of faults in just about any movie, even Nolan's Batman movies however I'm not sad enough to do it.

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It's like marvel can't win with some people on this thread. "IM2 sucked, focused too much on setting itself up for avengers." "Iron Man 3 didn't make sense, where were all the Avengers?" LolWhen Iron Man 3 trailer was released people were actually complaining that it looked too dark and was trying to copy the Dark Knight movies. When it finally got released and turned out to b e another one of their amusing light hearted adventures, those same people complained it wasn't serious enough lol. Moan all you want about Iron Man 3, claim it was disliked but remember one thing, it was able to outgross all TDK films ;). Couldn't have been that badly received now could it?People moan that there isn't enough mysteries in movies anymore and all twist are usually spoiled. When a film finally comes and surprises us all, people on here go nuts. Fuck the Mandarin, the GA didn't care about him anyways, most people had never even heard of the Mandarin. I saw this in the cinemas twice and both times the Mandarin twist got great reactions, no - one on here can persuade me otherwise.

First. 2D vs 3D. Second. I actually like the first trailer, the dark one. I actually thought Marvel was going to make one serious movie, wit no jokes and shit, but for me, they gave us one big joke. That's why I found it disappointing. And I liked iron Man 2 so this was a special kind of bad
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First. 2D vs 3D. Second. I actually like the first trailer, the dark one. I actually thought Marvel was going to make one serious movie, wit no jokes and shit, but for me, they gave us one big joke. That's why I found it disappointing. And I liked iron Man 2 so this was a special kind of bad

But why does it have to be dark? It's clear now that Marvel are giving us light toned comic book movies and as it looks DC are taking the gritty approach. I like that, it means we have some diversity. We don't want all comic book movies being completely serious in tone, after all light hearted fun is what most superhero movies should be. If they made all comic book movies serious we would be sitting here 10 years from now saying "they don't make comic book movies how they used to." We've already lost the good old fashioned action movies now that everything has been Jason Bourneafide, let's not change comic book movies too. Edited by Jessie
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But why does it have to be dark? It's clear now that Marvel are giving us light toned comic book movies and as it looks DC are taking the gritty approach. I like that, it means we have some diversity. We don't want all comic book movies being completely serious in tone, after all light hearted fun is what most superhero movies should be. If they made all comic book movies serious we would be sitting here 10 years from now saying "they don't make comic book movies how they used to." We've already lost the good old fashioned action movies now that everything has been Jason Bourneafide, let's not change comic book movies too.

things change, you know?
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