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Dylan Farrow writes that she was sexually abused by Woody Allen

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The whole Polanski scandal was before my time but I read a very detailed article about it in Vanity FAir some years ago. It was awful, sordid stuff. A number of big names, notably Jack Nicholson did not come out of it smelling of roses. Only Angelica Huston managed to show a sliver of decency in the whole disgusting mess and even she wasn't great.I don't buy the 'his family was killed in concentration camps' and 'Sharon Tate was murdered' argument as some kind of excuse. Many people experience horrors beyond comprehension but don't behave as that odious little creep did. I wish Hollywood would stop lionising him.As for Allen, I have no definite opinion on whether he abused Dylan or not. But I can't see how It can be said he wasn't in a parental role to Mia's children. He was in a relationship with their mother for many years and his son ( legally at least) is the brother of the other children, Soon Yi included.

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Polanski ate real dirt & roots to surive in the ghettos of Krakovy as a kid while everyone around him was either starving, dying, being shot or sent to concentration camps.

Talk about a happy childhood. I am not giving an excuse, just stating a fact.


And don't fool yourselves, what happened between this young girl and Polanski is nothing next to the excesses of that era.


Most of Hollywood actors of that era and rock stars used to tap under ages asses.

Edited by The Futurist
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Polanski ate real dirt & roots to surive in the guettos of Krakovy as a kid while everyone around him was either starving, dying, being shot or sent to concentration camps.Talk about a happy childhood. I am not giving an excuse, just stating a fact. And don't fool yourselves, what happens between this young girl and Polanski is nothing next to the excesses of that era. Most of Hollywood actors of that era and rock stars used to tap under ages asses.

The article acknowledged that it was quite common in certain Hollywood circles. Also, that some parents were happy to collude if there was the chance of a movie role ie money for their daughter in it.Still doesn't make it right or Polanski any less of a creepy perv.
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The article acknowledged that it was quite common in certain Hollywood circles. Also, that some parents were happy to collude if there was the chance of a movie role ie money for their daughter in it.Still doesn't make it right or Polanski any less of a creepy perv.

 Of course, I am merely saying that the Polanski's case is just the tip of the iceberg of what actually went down back in those days.

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And all those Woody Allen apologists who easily condemn Dylan Farrow as a liar and Mia Farrow as a nut that is worse than Allen, Polanski, Lindsey Lohan and Josef Stalin all rolled into one should read this:


creepy interviews which hint at Allen's peculiar obsessions with underage girls




Creepy references to child molesting running throughout Woody Allen's oeuvre


plus this:


The Dylan Farrow case was totally mishandled and flawed in the process so Allen got away free


And that court statement about children custody:



In January of 1992, Mr. Allen took the photographs of Ms. Previn, which were discovered on the mantelpiece in his apartment by Ms. Farrow and were introduced into evidence at the IAS proceeding. Mr. Allen in his trial testimony stated that he took the photos at Ms. Previn's suggestion and that he considered them erotic and not pornographic. We have viewed the photographs and do not share Mr. Allen's characterization of them. We find the fact that Mr. Allen took them at a time when he was formally assuming a legal responsibility for two of Ms. Previn's siblings to be totally unacceptable. The distinction Mr. Allen makes between Ms. Farrow's other children and Dylan, Satchel and Moses is lost on this Court. The children themselves do not draw the same distinction that Mr. Allen does. This is sadly demonstrated by the profound effect his relationship with Ms. Previn has had on the entire family. Allen's testimony that the photographs of Ms. Previn "were taken, as I said before, between two consenting adults wanting to do this" demonstrates a chosen ignorance of his and Ms. Previn's relationships to Ms. Farrow, his three children and Ms. Previn's other siblings. His continuation of the relationship, viewed in the best possible light, shows a distinct absence of judgment. It demonstrates to this Court Mr. Allen's tendency to place inappropriate emphasis on his own wants and needs and to minimize and even ignore those of his children. At the very minimum, it demonstrates an absence of any parenting skills.

As we noted above, Mr. Allen maintains that Ms. Farrow's allegations concerning the sexual abuse of Dylan were fabricated by Ms. Farrow both as a result of her rage over his relationship with Ms. Previn and as part of her continued plan to alienate him from his children. However, our review of the record militates against a finding that Ms. Farrow fabricated the allegations without any basis. Unlike the court at IAS, we do not consider the conclusions reached by Doctors Coates and Schultz and by the Yale-New Haven team, to be totally unpersuasive. While the tendency of Dylan to withdraw into a fantasy and the inconsistencies in her account of the events of August 4, 1992, noted particularly by the Yale-New Haven team, must be taken into account in the evaluation of these serious allegations, the testimony given at trial by the individuals caring for the children that day, the videotape of Dylan made by Ms. Farrow the following day and the accounts of Dylan's behavior toward Mr. Allen both before and after the alleged instance of abuse, suggest that the abuse did occur. While the evidence in support of the allegations [197 A.D.2d 333] remains inconclusive, it is clear that the investigation of the charges in and of itself could not have left Dylan unaffected.


(I'm not even talking about the Soon-Yi's situation)


and then take a look at those pics:


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Body language don't lie especially young people's...


(The length people can go to defend alledged sick pervs astonishes me...See that Lost Prophets scumbag case)

Edited by dashrendar44
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People who easily condemn, label and dictates verdicts about Woody Allen just because what they (Farrow and Dylan) say against him, should go watch 12 Angry Men. 


Being the victim of molestation/sexual abuse is already humiliating enough, and since Dylan is now publicly speaking out about this for the first time, she is now putting herself out there in the most vulnerable way possible because she knows she is gonna get a lot of negative feedback from some celebrities and some people in the media on top of death threats + harassment from Woody Allen's aggressive apologists.  So why would she make this all up?


Would people be defending Woody Allen and be so willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if they didn't love a lot of his work?  Would he have such strong apologists if his movies were average or sucked ass?  I don't think anyone would be lining up to defend someone who doesn't put out work a lot of people deem to be great.  I hate this mentality in our society by quite a few when it comes the rich, famous, and talented/powerful where the victims are often just dismissed as liars just out to destroy "the famous guy I love!", especially in the case of a creepy ass weirdo like Woody Allen, where its not that much of a stretch to think he could have easily done the things he is being accused of after he "fell in love" and married his adopted daughter that he helped raise.

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Being the victim of molestation/sexual abuse is already humiliating enough, and since Dylan is now publicly speaking out about this for the first time, she is now putting herself out there in the most vulnerable way possible because she knows she is gonna get a lot of negative feedback from some celebrities and some people in the media on top of death threats + harassment from Woody Allen's aggressive apologists.  So why would she make this all up?


Would people be defending Woody Allen and be so willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if they didn't love a lot of his work?  Would he have such strong apologists if his movies were average or sucked ass?  I don't think anyone would be lining up to defend someone who doesn't put out work a lot of people deem to be great.  I hate this mentality in our society by quite a few when it comes the rich, famous, and talented/powerful where the victims are often just dismissed as liars just out to destroy "the famous guy I love!", especially in the case of a creepy ass weirdo like Woody Allen, where its not that much of a stretch to think he could have easily done the things he is being accused of after he "fell in love" and married his adopted daughter that he helped raise.


Good point.  If this was McG or Uwe Boll or even Michael Bay, I bet people would be ready to convict them on the spot.

Edited by Christmas baumer
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Being the victim of molestation/sexual abuse is already humiliating enough, and since Dylan is now publicly speaking out about this for the first time, she is now putting herself out there in the most vulnerable way possible because she knows she is gonna get a lot of negative feedback from some celebrities and some people in the media on top of death threats + harassment from Woody Allen's aggressive apologists.  So why would she make this all up?


Would people be defending Woody Allen and be so willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if they didn't love a lot of his work?  Would he have such strong apologists if his movies were average or sucked ass?  I don't think anyone would be lining up to defend someone who doesn't put out work a lot of people deem to be great.  I hate this mentality in our society by quite a few when it comes the rich, famous, and talented/powerful where the victims are often just dismissed as liars just out to destroy "the famous guy I love!", especially in the case of a creepy ass weirdo like Woody Allen, where its not that much of a stretch to think he could have easily done the things he is being accused of after he "fell in love" and married his adopted daughter that he helped raise.

Agreed, I feel bad for Dylan Farrow. She went through a horrible experience. Now Hollywood wants to protect Woody Allen since he a famous direct. This just like Roman Polanski. It is sickening. 

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I think it's gross that everyone is blaming this on Mia Farrow. Get real, people.


There is not enough evidence to support that Woody Allen did this.


Blaming this on Mia Farrow is not exactly unrealistic.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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I'm much more fascinated by the fact that Ronan is obviously Frank Sinatra's son and no one seems to even blink an eye at this. Why are people even entertaining the idea that he's Woody Allen's son?


And while I doubt Allen is a saint, Mia also seems legitimately crazy. Their whole family is kind of a mess to be honest. Also, this is a private matter and as long as there is no evidence to support Allen's guilt, it's kind of tasteless the way she's dragging him through the media's dirt.

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In our justice system we have the presumption of innocence until proven guilty which I feel is necessary to ensure fair trials. But it does let us down in situations like this where it is a he said/ she said kind of situation. If Woody Allen did commit this crime that he is a disgusting individual who deserves zero respect for anything he has ever done and should spend the rest of his days in jail. If Dylan Farrow is lying because she wants her father to suffer for whatever reason then she is a complete bitch who deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for attempting to ruin her dad's reputation.


The simple reality is that we don't know and we probably will never know. So in my view to take the position that Woody Allen is a monster or that Dylan Farrow is a lying bitch is to make a decision based on your feelings and biases rather than logic and facts. So please don't commentate on this topic, half of you are defending a potential monster, the other half are mocking someone who was potentially raped as a child. It's not a good look either way.

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Are we even sure that Dylan wasn't lying? I mean, Woody Allen does look like a weird guy, but how can we be sure?  Remember the case against Michael Jackson?


Uhhh... Michael Jackson paid multiple families millions of dollars and all of a sudden they modified their claims.

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Being the victim of molestation/sexual abuse is already humiliating enough, and since Dylan is now publicly speaking out about this for the first time, she is now putting herself out there in the most vulnerable way possible because she knows she is gonna get a lot of negative feedback from some celebrities and some people in the media on top of death threats + harassment from Woody Allen's aggressive apologists.  So why would she make this all up?


Would people be defending Woody Allen and be so willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if they didn't love a lot of his work?  Would he have such strong apologists if his movies were average or sucked ass?  I don't think anyone would be lining up to defend someone who doesn't put out work a lot of people deem to be great.  I hate this mentality in our society by quite a few when it comes the rich, famous, and talented/powerful where the victims are often just dismissed as liars just out to destroy "the famous guy I love!", especially in the case of a creepy ass weirdo like Woody Allen, where its not that much of a stretch to think he could have easily done the things he is being accused of after he "fell in love" and married his adopted daughter that he helped raise.


THANK YOU. I just watched his 60 Minutes interview from 1992 and it genuinely creeped me out when he stated Soon Yi and the molestation had nothing to do with each other. Soon Yi was about 8 years old when he started dating Farrow. Regardless of whether or not he ever LEGALLY became her guardian, he was a father figure in that young girl's life. At this point, there's little doubt in my mind he was essentially grooming her.


Yeah, Mia Farrow's a dramatic person. So what? What the hell does that have to do with Allen being a pervert?

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