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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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No, YOU thought that there was nothing in it that matched the emotional weight of the Abyss scene.Clearly, it was AVATAR that had million and millions of people connecting emotionally to its characters, not The Abyss. That whole "Avatar was a very pretty, but empty spectacle" argument is so tired, and I feel that, at this point, even the anti-Cameron brigade doesn't believe it itself. It's just some vacuous line that gets repeated ad nauseaum because it's cool to bash him. You do not gross 3 billion people if audiences don't connect emotionally to a story.

:bravo: :bravo: :wave:
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Just one thing: you guys think why Neytiri didnt Jake's avatar when they first met ?Because Neytiri thought his avatar was cute ? Or because she saw his brave just like she said to Jake? Nah, not fully right. The most important reason Neytiri didnt shoot Jake's avatar is Eywa told her not to do that, through the Medusa. Yes.Everything on Pandora is under the control of Eywa.

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The scene where Jake & Neytiri come back to the tree, hand on hand, happily in love after having sex but encounter only "bad vibrations" from people present (Jack is a "human spy"!) reminds me the scene in Titanic when Jack & Rose come back to the cabin, hand on hand, happily in love after having sex but encounter only "bad vibrations" from people present (stolen jewels!).

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I agree that a 4th movie seems kinda dumb, but whatever I guess, you never know until you see it.I really wish James Cameron would go back to his old style and make some bolder movies like Alita or At the Mountains of Madness(this is never gonna get made with Del Toro at the helm. Hes a B-level director. A studio isn't gonna give the guy that did Blade 2 and the Hellboy movies a 200m budget on a ridiculously hard-R-rated horror film with an unhappy ending).I really liked Avatar and Titanic, but it seems like hes only interested in making movies for every demographic now and wants to stay the king of the world forever.

Edited by Shpongle
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The fourth movie is still mostly speculation at this point. I think Cameron has a general story, but doesn't know whether it'll take 2 or 3 more movies to tell it. So he'll work out as the details as he finishes up script drafts, and that'll determine how he moves forward.

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Cameron, whether you want to admit it or not, is an extraordinary storyteller, and he took a story that's been told countless time, streamlined it and stripped it of any narrative 'fat,' and then added the amazing special effects and setting that only added to the plot.

No narrative fat? I guess you missed the part where Jake and the others get "unplugged" from their Avatars and arrested and then ten minutes later the exact same thing happens again? :PI agree Cameron is an extraordinary storyteller, just like George Lucas. But neither is perfect. Just because you enjoy a movie doesn't mean you have to ignore problems with its screenplay, acting, etc. It's a testament to how much of a spectacle Avatar was that I enjoyed it in spite of the flaws.
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how big the budget will be if cameron go for 3 sequels?i think with marketing it cold pass 1,2 billions. any chance the 3 sequels combined dont reach 3b worldwide in the worst case ?

400M marketing for each movie, that is too much. 1B a piece for each? That would be over a 60% drop. Marketing would be in the 150M-200M neighborhood and each would be at minimum 1.6B+
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i think the sequel for the biggest box office of all time deserves a great cast, every major acclaimed blockbuster have a better cast than avatar. harry potter, lotr, avengers, all have great casts but the better cast is tdkr by far. in avatar only sigourney weaver count.

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i think the sequel for the biggest box office of all time deserves a great cast, every major acclaimed blockbuster have a better cast than avatar. harry potter, lotr, avengers, all have great casts but the better cast is tdkr by far. in avatar only sigourney weaver count.

They've got the biggest cast in hollywood, the director J.Cameron. That'd be enough I guess. :P
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