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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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11 minutes ago, Alexdube said:



But I'm only "disappointed" here because I was essentially hoping for some form of "perfection", which I didn't really get here.




As for how much this movie will make? I had no idea before, I still have no idea now. I think it's the biggest wild card in history in terms of box office. But I won't be disappointed whatever it makes, whatever happens happens. If this isn't the big one, there is always the next one! (barring an unlikely catastrophe)


100% yep to both of those points

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8 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

The viral lol 






It's kind of funny but I hate the Avatar antifandom so much (omg my cartoon is so much better than the blue people movie!). It's the only reason I'm rooting for each Cameron sequel to make 3 trillion dollars 

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32 minutes ago, Alexdube said:

But I'm only "disappointed" here because I was essentially hoping for some form of "perfection", which I didn't really get here.


adding to that


whats "worse", is that there were pre-release hints that maybe that perfection had been achieved, its what lead to me sticking my kneck out and predict an insane 91 on mc, its what fueled my 3 billion + predictions from the start, it why I began dooming when the first 8/10-tier reaction dropped, I instantly knew that the "perfection" you spoke about had not even been achieved


maybe Jim Cameron was talking about avatar 3 or 4 all along, but I cant see how that isnt a massive strategical mistake 


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6 minutes ago, interiorgatordecorator said:


adding to that


whats "worse", is that there were pre-release hints that maybe that perfection had been achieved, its what lead to me sticking my kneck out and predict an insane 91 on mc, its what fueled my 3 billion + predictions from the start, it why I began dooming when the first 8/10-tier reaction dropped, I instantly knew that the "perfection" you spoke about had not even been achieved


maybe Jim Cameron was talking about avatar 3 or 4 all along, but I cant see how that isnt a massive strategical mistake 


I get being disappointed, but I fail to see how your own astronomically high expectations reflect on Cameron as a massive strategic mistake. 91 MC puts it in LOTR territory which was just never going to happen with Cameron's writing tendencies

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8 minutes ago, Dragoncaine said:

I get being disappointed, but I fail to see how your own astronomically high expectations reflect on Cameron as a massive strategic mistake. 91 MC puts it in LOTR territory which was just never going to happen with Cameron's writing tendencies

I was expecting for A2 similar ratings that first Avatar got which we see now(other than lower MC, rest of places looks similar).
Avatar 2 was never going to make crazy ratings like TG:M did with so many people online and irl just laughing over Avatar for last 12 years. As you said it was never generally beloved thing like LOTR was.  

Edited by adaros
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“Avatar: The Way of Water” earned $24 million in its first full day of release in China, including $5.2 million in preview showings and midnight showings ($2.7 million from midnight alone), individuals with knowledge tell TheWrap. Disney has not yet officially released China numbers for Friday.

It’s not just (understandably) below the first Friday for “Avengers: Endgame” ($107 million in 2019) but also just below the first Friday for “Aquaman” ($24.6 million in 2018, not accounting for exchange rates) The Jason Momoa-starring DC film nabbed a $94 million Fri-Sun debut frame and legged out to $298 million (out of $1.148 billion global in total). That remains the biggest total ever in China for a solo DC/Marvel superhero flick.

If James Cameron’s water-specific action fantasy legs like James Wan’s water-specific action fantasy, that will give “Avatar 2” a $90 million opening weekend and an over/under $285 million Chinese total. That’ll be far bigger than any Hollywood import amid the COVID-era (above the $215 million cume of “F9”) and objectively quite large under the circumstances, but arguably below hopes and expectations for the likely global smash.

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28 minutes ago, Nero said:

I know it's hyperbole but these overblown predictions is what causing doom n gloom

Well yeah it's a joke...

But there is no doom n gloom for me. I don't know who here has personal stakes in how much a movie makes, but not me. It's just a game for me. If Cameron beats the record, cool! If he doesn't? Life goes on, it's not that serious. 

I think people claiming that expecting Cameron to do the same thing he has done twice in a row is "unrealistic" are bringing their own negativity here. Nothing wrong with dreaming big, just hoping for mid results is boring af in my opinion. Not that there is anything wrong with mid predictions, if that's what you believe is going to happen, then that's perfect. But why shame others for seeing big things?

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Great review from a classic old-school critic: 



"I was completely taken in by Avatar: The Way of Water and overwhelmed by its fluid, kinetic action scenes, eye-popping production design and propulsive storytelling."


"Avatar: The Way of Water is a movie filled with wonder, which has become a rare commodity in the age of CGI. But CGI is just a tool, beholden to the storyteller who can harness its powers. James Cameron is many things: a visualist, a futurist, an innovator. Most of all, he knows how to engage an audience through his gift as a storyteller. Only toward the very end of the 192 minute film did I start to feel impatient for it to wrap things up—but that isn’t Cameron’s way. If some directors are minimalists, he is a maximalist and he has to have one more crisis, one more rescue, before he’s willing to call it quits. It comes with the package. But that’s a minor quibble given the feast of sights and sounds he has given us."


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liked it more than the first one. this is the best blockbuster since the lord of the rings movies probably. i loved all of it. loved the HFR. I was sat next to an old guy who smelled like stale farts who laughed at every corny Cameron one liner and was bawling by the end. 

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11 minutes ago, Dragoncaine said:

I get being disappointed, but I fail to see how your own astronomically high expectations reflect on Cameron as a massive strategic mistake. 91 MC puts it in LOTR territory which was just never going to happen with Cameron's writing tendencies


Funny that you mentioned LOTR, cause Cameron did the same thing, over and over again talking about LOTR in relation to the avatar sequels, he also mentioned star wars, but that was more about the type of "cultural impact" he wanted them to get


reading some of his interviews (which I did a lot of), it really did seem like he was aiming for his avatar sequels to be all-timers,  Cameron hyped up the sequels a lot, he spoke about the scripts themselves "blowing peoples minds" ; my seemingly insane expectations came from somewhere, and that somewhere was cameron's own words mixed with his track record


The strategic mistake in this case is that, assumming he wasnt lying all along, he really should not have allowed 2 to be weakest of the sequels



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3 minutes ago, ViktorLosAngeles said:

I think it's gonna open with $140-160 million.

160-190M :), My original Predict is 190M, So was Jimbos. 


We were very reserved on the sequel.. As its winter and Pandemic Era. (Still hoping those 200M+ Predicts happen from Walkins though)


China looks to be going for 400M-500+M. More depending on circumstances. Lots of things to deal with over there unfortunately that making folks hesitant to come to theaters. Avatar would have made 1.4B or more under better conditions.. Heck Endgame got 629M lol. Avatar would almost triple that.

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1 minute ago, interiorgatordecorator said:


Funny that you mentioned LOTR, cause Cameron did the same thing, over and over again talking about LOTR in relation to the avatar sequels, he also mentioned star wars, but that was more about the type of "cultural impact" he wanted them to get


reading some of his interviews (which I did a lot of), it really did seem like he was aiming for his avatar sequels to be all-timers,  Cameron hyped up the sequels a lot, he spoke about the scripts themselves "blowing peoples minds" ; my seemingly insane expectations came from somewhere, and that somewhere was cameron's own words mixed with his track record


The strategic mistake in this case is that, assumming he wasnt lying all along, he really should not have allowed 2 to be weakest of the sequels



With LOTR talk Cameron was mostly referencing that he needs to create all 'novels' (scrips) as Jackson was working with material that he didn't have which was main issue for him to continue any new Avatar developments.
Did you finally watch the movie? because it seems you are taking all reviews really to yourself.
I'm watching it on 21st

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12 minutes ago, adaros said:

Did you finally watch the movie? because it seems you are taking all reviews really to yourself.
I'm watching it on 21st


lol no

im watching it on the 23rd

But ive received a couple of reactions from people I know

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4 hours ago, stuart360 said:

Just got home from seeing it, WOW.


Purely as a film-


AVATAR - 9/10

A2 - 9.2/10


As a 'spectacle' thats going to get tons of repeat viewings -


AVATAR -9/10

A2 - 8/10


A2 is a better film 100%, it has better characters, better dialogue, a ton of it as well. I can def see why so many critics said it was better than the first film.


A year from now when i'm sat at home and want to watch some AVATAR, A2 will be the one i watch the most (although i will probably watch both toghether as a marathan) as quite simply its the better film. The first film is the better spectacle though, and its that spectacle that brings in 5, 6, 10 repeat viweings.


The problem though is that this film is very much what it is, a middle film in a franchise, or more accurately, one half of a film. For people that dont realize, Cameron split the orig A2 script into 2, thats where the 4th sequel came from as he was only doing 3 sequels to begin with.

Ands thats what the film feels like. The first film had a start, a middle, and a end, and could be seen as one movie, one fantastic movie.

A2 feels very much like Empire, and while many people like Empire the best, if you were going to watch a orig SW film for the action and spectacle, you would pick ANH or Jedi.


The final battle in A2 is amzingly shot, but its short, and you can tell it was supposed to be a smaller mid film battle before Cameron split the script in two.

There are a few other action set pieces through the film though, something the orig film didnt have as it saved all the action for the final battle.


The kids streal the show though, and their interactions with each other feel so real. Also they have all the best 'nature doc' style scenes with tons of mesmerizing underwater sequences with the kids and animals. A joy to watch to be honest.


I cant go into too much detail for obvious reaspons butI think the general mases that kind of like the first AVATAR, they will be once and done with this film ,and its going to need the poeple that realy liked the first film, and the hardcore fanboys, to get this film to the heights some of us think it could get,.


Of course if that article about half of the US wants to see the film, well we wont need any repeat viewings to get a record breaking gross!, lol.


Already booked my Monday 3D show though, cant imagine what those underwater sequences look like in 3D!.

I'm doing my part.




Mods i tried to not put any specific spoilers in the review. If you dont agree than just delete it. I'm getting tired of constantly getting warned for stuff.

Agreed I do think the first is more of the Spectacle and wonder as it was the first breakthrough of its kind with this surround 3D tech and realism.. But boy Avatar and big LOTR and folks who loved Titanic will be watching this Im sure for 2-4 viewings and if we get a percentage of America them domestic heights may know no bounds. 


Im Stoke too man to see what me and the wife missed with the 2D good size but not 60-120Foot screens of a good Super IMax or 4DX theater... So Doing my part too..





Loved the kids and this one Cameron did what other filmmakers fail to do. He made the heroes out of not only the main cast but some suprise ones as well.. Loved that part of the story and  the Family Dynamics as well.


Kals rating of 2D   Version 4.8 out of 5


Avatar 1 2D Extended Version 5 out 5

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