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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Seriously, it should be taught to every wannabe action director making movies today.


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'Teach me'


'After I make Aquaman and it outgrosses The Dark Knight Rises.'

Edited by Carlos Danger
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If Cameron somehow manages to do his well-documented sequel magic:180-200 opening weekend.800-850 domestic3.5 billion worldwide

We doggie ,, the predictions for James Monster coming are so much different than when NEo and a few of us were saying after seeing Avatar Day that this film may have no limits and bring down titanic on the highend.


Lord have  mercy.....I love it!!! Juggernaut 2015 is coming for the box office gang!!

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God its such a hard film to predict, total and opening weekend. On the old forums i always said that i don't think AVATAR 2 could beat the $760mil of the first but i did think it would gross more than the first internationaly. I'm not so sure it will come under the firsts US total now. AVATAR 2 will probably open in the region of about $150mil and then it would only need 5x legs to match the firsts total and 5x legs is half of the 10x legs the first film had. Now if Cameron gives us his usual sequel quality then i don't see any reason why the film will lose more than half its legs so a total beating the first film is not out of the question at all, especialy over Christmas and the new year where it may well of already earned $400mil plus by the start of Jan!.

More intelligent men for Avatar 2....:D

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People say "Oh you can't judge a film by its box office numbers." but keep in mind that, unlike TDK, TF2 or DH2, Avatar didnt have the luxury of a diehard fanbase and the gigantic awareness that a sequel owns, and without a huge OW that usually certifies a great box office result, its success was built almost entirely on its WOM. To keep the audience coming back again and again like that, the visuals alone are not enough because no matter how spectacular the visuals are, people will get bored soon enough. The film has to make people emotionally invested, and only emotional investment will give people the will of exploring more instead of getting bored. And this is exactly the same reason both Titanic and Avatar became WW phenomenons that could only happen in decades: they both had the spectacles, and they also succeeded massively on the emotional level. (And for the same reason they even received the same backlash, from the media and on the internet.)

Beautfiully put all the way in 2011 VC.... This is another reason TDK and other films arent a comparison. TDK needed yrs of help by previous Batman films and BB and the death of Heath Ledger to get to its massive tally..

Cameron needed only to make his masterpiece from his mind...Indeed its a no contest. Again a non sequel from Cameron blowing everything away!

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Seriously, it should be taught to every wannabe action director making movies today.

Any wonder Why Micheal Bay Worships James Cameron Tele :).


hah Hopefully he learns to make even better quality eye candy films after watching Avatar 2. and films like Aliens, T2 etc.

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Seriously, it should be taught to every wannabe action director making movies today.


Unfortunately, it takes someone with born gift. That's why most action directors would choose to go with the easy pattern, aka messing up all the quick cuts & shaky-cams.


Who knows better than one of the biggest directors in this industry right now? Here's Joss Whedon's words:


"You know, for me Cameron is the leader and the teacher and the Yoda, because I don’t know anybody who delineates action as well as he does and it’s always about he shows you the parameters, he shows you the problem, and then he shows you the attempt at the solution and he makes the problem worse. It’s a real understanding of cinematic space in his movies and for me it’s kind of dazzling."

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To be honest, I don't understand the people who still doubt Cameron. You would think after Titanic and Avatar people would stop doubting him, but again and again they never learn.

Hey Hey Ban10 a haters got to hate, as they cant stand to see this man blow away the film they hold so high. .But logic is logic and Camerons Titanic and Avatar truly show Juggernaut 2015 may have no limits domestically or OS. :)

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Unfortunately, it takes someone with born gift. That's why most action directors would choose to go with the easy pattern, aka messing up all the quick cuts & shaky-cams.


Who knows better than one of the biggest directors in this industry right now? Here's Joss Whedon's words:


"You know, for me Cameron is the leader and the teacher and the Yoda, because I don’t know anybody who delineates action as well as he does and it’s always about he shows you the parameters, he shows you the problem, and then he shows you the attempt at the solution and he makes the problem worse. It’s a real understanding of cinematic space in his movies and for me it’s kind of dazzling."

HOly crap a director who considers Cameron the ultimate yoda who just helmed a 1.5B film himself...Salutes Cameron as the greatest I loved. And I always loved Josh Whedons work(Aka Buffy, Firefly, Angel--Avengers Mega film) Very Nice.

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I think Cameron abandoned it because he felt that making a jokey movie about terrorist wouldn't be funny anymore after 9/11. Not to mention Arnold has gotten way too old.


Unsurprisingly, Tom Arnold still wants it to happen

Lol Carlos.. I  think Tom Realizes working with Cameron is his last hope to really take his career film to higher levels. He got a nice resurgence just from being in the 400+Mil True Lies. :)

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Any wonder Why Micheal Bay Worships James Cameron Tele :).


hah Hopefully he learns to make even better quality eye candy films after watching Avatar 2. and films like Aliens, T2 etc.


To be honest, I don't understand the people who still doubt Cameron. You would think after Titanic and Avatar people would stop doubting him, but again and again they never learn.


It's pretty sad that even after T2, Titanic and Avatar, it seems Cameron still have to prove himself. People keep doubting his ability to push the boundaries, that he will fail.


I mean if someone like Nolan, who is considered the hottest thing in Hollywood right now had Cameron's palmares (2 biggest popular movies of our era sitting at the top of BO since 1998), the internet would be even more an insufferable place for generations to come, Nolan would be considered more than an infallible God worshiped by legions of fanboys labeling him more gifted than Kubrick, Tarkovsky, Welles and Spielberg united. Nolan could rest on his throne forever with that under his belt never being doubted for decades but Cameron can't catch a break like people don't take him as seriously as Nolan even if he is twice the man Nolan would ever wish to be if he had 9 lives.


Cameron is a scriptwriter, director, editor, producer, concept artist (Check out his badass drawings), mattepainter and visual effects artist (on his debut movies, for Roger Corman and Carpenter's NY1997), deep-sea explorer (Titanic and Mariana trenches expeditions), engineer (conceiving his own 3D camera rig with Vince Pace), he is truly a Renaissance man.

Edited by dashrendar44
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