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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Neo, you're such a Clown.. My quotes are proof and you know it.. No amount of posting box office numbers will change this.. The 3D for this movie WAS The story Neo.. The VIsuals told the story and that's what sold the movie and made the $$$ it did.. How many times must it be spelled out for you without further embarrassing yourself??? Good God almighty

Proof of what? But it does change it as I posted ACTUAL DATA that shows how Avatar didn't make all its money in 3D and you showed nothing of the sort even after I asked. Yes to visuals as visuals are more than the 3D. You have nothing to stand on.

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Stop.. I posted proof and it doesn't get any better than that except for coming from Cameron's mouth himself and even then, you would still cover your ears and say Blah Blah Blah Blah blah while he's telling you this so you wouldn't hear the truth... Again, why this is such a big deal to the fanbase is baffling.. The $$$$ this movie made isn't going to be taken away from any other fact Neo.. Now if you folks will excuse me, I have to get ready for work now.. This has been a blast..

What proof? That link proved nothing I posted actual proof of hard data saying Avatar had 2D sales which I guess you didn't know. Again what does this show:

We have no one to blame but ourselves, really. Maybe if audiences hadn’t made Avatararrow-10x10.png the highest grossing film of all time, then Hollywood studios wouldn’t be mortgagingarrow-10x10.png their mother’s heirloom jewelry to convert their films into 3D. Avatar on the other hand, which Cameron planned for and shot using 3D cameras, was beautiful to look at. That’s really the only way to make this technology work properly in the final product.

Just shows that Avatar led the 3D revolution which we already knew and that 3D should always be native which we already knew. What else where you trying to prove with that?

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Yes.. DEFINITELY... No matter what proof I post to support my argument, it's just not good enough unless it comes from James Cameron's mouth himself and even then, Like I said, the fanbase would tune it out to cover up the truth and really, this just isn't a big deal, but the fanbase thinks that it is so whatever..

You have posted no proof only a screenrant article that said nothing that supports your point. I have with 3D/2D sales. Not all tickets were for 3D tickets. If you can prove all sales were done in 3D I will be done with this.

Edited by Neo
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This was a 3D Event that enabled this movie to make what it did and after all this, you still don't believe that 3D and higher tickets prices for 3D was the sole contributing factor in this, then you're more dense than I thought.. No matter how much proof I post which has been TWICE Now, the only way you'll buy into this is if Cameron admits himself..

Was there any evidence in that article of all sales were for 3D? The only thing there that might do you any favors is the line on the higher 3D prices even then no evidence of all sales were in 3D. BTW I (everyone else) knows about 3D tickets being higher, so what? Like I said there were other factors on top of being 3D but 3D wasn't the sole reason as also seen with the 2D/3D split in sales. You still have posted no proof on all tickets being sold were in 3D.

Edited by Neo
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BKB, posting someone else's analysis is kinda meaningless. It's just their amateur analysis, nothing more, nothing less.


There are many factors which contributed to AVATAR's huge success, obviously, and we're never going to be able to definitively determine precisely how important any one single factor was.


Nor do we know if those factors will translate to the sequel. They might -- Cameron has proved us all wrong before, obviously -- or they might not. We just don't know.


So, let's agree to disagree. Once we start seeing some footage, we'll have a better sense of what these movies are going to be like.

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Posting someone else's analysis is meaningless??? :wtf: How so??? What if the so called analysis I posted was from TIME Magazine, from a reputable movie critic or the studio itself??? Would that make it any more or less meaningless??? Bottom line is that deep down, you know damn well I'm right: 3D was the big contributing factor to this movie grossing what it did..

Movie critics know very little about box-office breakdowns or specifics. So do most movie bloggers. Frankly, I think most veteran posters here are at least as capable as those others you mention, in terms of this specific area.

All anyone can say is that AVATAR had a big 3D percentage, but certainly not exclusively (especially worldwide).... and even if you strip away that 3D bonus money, you still end up with an astronomical amount of money. The movie looked great in 2D as well as 3D, and while I'm sure some of its entertainment value was because of the visuals (perhaps that was even the predominant factor for some), there were others who were really drawn into the story and characters. You can basically say that about any movie that goes 1.5b+ worldwide.

There's no conceivable way *anyone* can definitively point to one single factor for the movie's success, short of conducting a huge survey at the time of release, which didn't happen.

Edited by Telemachos
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Movie critics know very little about box-office breakdowns or specifics. So do most movie bloggers. Frankly, I think most veteran posters here are at least as capable as those others you mention, in terms of this specific area.

All anyone can say is that AVATAR had a big 3D percentage, but certainly not exclusively (especially worldwide).... and even if you strip away that 3D bonus money, you still end up with an astronomical amount of money. The movie looked great in 2D as well as 3D, and while I'm sure some of its entertainment value was because of the visuals (perhaps that was even the predominant factor for some), there were others who were really drawn into the story and characters. You can basically say that about any movie that goes 1.5b+ worldwide.

There's no conceivable way *anyone* can definitively point to one single factor for the movie's success, short of conducting a huge survey at the time of release, which didn't happen.


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BOM at Febraury 2010



According to the National Association of Theater Owners, the latest available statistic for national average ticket price is $7.61 for the fourth quarter of 2009. IMAX reports an average ticket price of $14.58, but, at the time of this writing, there is no official word for regular 3D presentations. A survey of theaters across the country shows a $2 to $4 premium for 3D over 2D and indicates a $10 average ticket price. With these stats one can estimate 38.7 million tickets have been sold in regular 3D, 15.2 million sold in 2D and 6.8 million tickets sold in IMAX 3D.


At that time Avatar had just grossed $601.1 million = 60.7m admissions, 15.2m of those in 2D (~25%)


During the rest of it's run till around Earth Day (22 April 2010, also the date of release of the theatrical (shorter) version DVDs/Blu-Rays) it gained ~ $750m.... with


Avatar has sold an estimated 75 million tickets,

 at that point.

I haven't found a split up per ticket type list for the remaining 14.3m admissions.


I trust in such things BOM.com a lot more then an obviously very biased 'anti-film-fan'.




Trying to change the theme back to the thread:





So, does anyone happen to know a link to Variety or....  or remembers details about the future Avatar part in Disney World?


Like contract glimpses ... money percentages,... with FOX (includes that Cameron too to a degree?) or somethhing similar. Somehow I totally missed those kind of articles.



One of the most exciting additions to the complex will be to Disney’s Animal Kingdom when the company builds Pandora - The World of Avatar. The new area will feature an extensive forest and river system that mirrors the one seen in the Avatar movies, and it is scheduled to be opened to the public in 2017.


Expected to open in 2017, should probably help people to get back into Avatar mood, especially as GA seems to be a bit faster loosing interest into a movie series, if the next release dates are more then 3 years later.


I think even way more impactful then the GotG special cinema thingie they did last year, especially as that park part looks not only to be a bit bigger in impact as

= people will spend a lot more time within it like the ~ 7 miuntes or so they spend in the ~ Disney 4D cinema for GotG

= people will actuall 'be' in Pandorra


So to a degree I think FOX really wants that park addition too, hence the reason I am wondering about the financial.... conditions (especiially as I am still wondering about contracts wit FOX in connection with the distribution rights for Star Wars, some tensions about Marvel characters,...)

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Bob Iger said he was recently given the chance to try out the ride, which will enable guests to fly through “Avatar’s” Pandora on the back of a flying banshee.

“It felt so real, so lifelike,” Iger said of the prototype vehicle guests will board to travel through the fictional land. “There’s never been anything like it.”


The vessels that guests will ride upon will essentially be the banshees themselves, with bodies that move to mimic a breathing beast. The flying sequences will be brought to life through large video screens — similar to “Soarin'” — with vehicles moving with the 3D action inside a massive theater.




If someone is interested, somone took the time for some background to the parks details incl. building construction details.


I really guess that will have an impact to an rebuild / strengtheing of an interest for Avatar:







I think that is one of the basis things, the pic has an SUV in it = it does look really big to me




Disneyland Europe had in summer ~ 60000 visitors a day a few years back, I'm guessing Disney World has more.


How to calculate the impact? I think that will not be possible in ~ exact numbers.

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