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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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7 hours ago, The Futurist said:


He got fired from this one and got his Terminator nightmare in Italy, sick as a dog, trying to sabotage(salvage) the movie in the editing room.


The main problem of Avatar are the Na'vi, are the Na'vi cool, do people like them, care about them ?


It seems not...


I don't think that matters at all, really.


Sure, the general public might not care about Avatar like other properties, but that's only true -right now-. We're getting pretty myopic in our views about what it takes to be a big blockbuster, largely because almost all of them coming out nowadays are from the major established brands. And all of those exist in a very wide range of media that is being made. Even in the pre-Disney purchase period, Star Wars was putting out cartoons and comics. Avatar currently exists as a singular entity that has nothing else, so it's operating differently.


More than that, it seems that building the brand like that is in opposition to how Cameron wants to make these. I don't think he particularly cares about the long term memory or whether people are discussion the characters and writing fanfic years after the fact. Avatar was so successful because it was a focused experience. It drew people into that moment of watching the film on the screen (ideally the biggest you could find.)


The things that drive the constant devotion to other franchises aren't necessarily the best to delivery such an experience. If you take the MCU films, they put a lot of work into building very small moments. They seed things for future films, drop easter eggs, and so forth. And this makes a discussion build around the films. "Did you see that? What do you think that bit implies?" and so forth. This is all good and fine, but it's also something that draws you away from the immediate experience of the film.


For all the criticism of the storytelling in Avatar, it's done in such a way to be the right amount of involving. The structure is very fine tuned and while the worldbuilding is immense and precise, it doesn't bog down to provide that information. It might fall apart a little after the fact, but that doesn't matter when you're watching. It's not easy knowing what is enough in terms of character and backstory and other information and when you've gone for too much.


I remember reading some of the details in his original scriptment, and I was somewhat sad to see so many cool an interesting details didn't make it to the screen. But everything was probably considered for inclusion and then they figured that they could go simpler on many things and thereby have the film be that much more effective.


Given all that, I expect the approach to the forthcoming films to be the same. He said he's doing another pass on the scripts for them, which implies he's checking to see if they've got exactly what they need to make it work. And I'm sure that they're putting forth all the time and effort to make a technically astounding and immersive experience.


It might see quiet and odd compared to everything else we're getting in theaters, but when the moment comes, people will probably care about Avatar again.

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57 minutes ago, Elessar said:

I very much doubt WW is going down. And yes, movies will definitely beat Avatar, sooner or later. Inflation, anyone?


Exactly. A film will certainly (eventually) beat Avatar, but it won’t be Star Wars: The Force Awakens (domestic, overseas, or globally). It won’t be either of the Infinity War movies or any of the post-JJ Abrams SW films. It will be a film nobody expects to do such a feat...

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On 12/12/2015, 3:28:20, grey ghost said:

We all know a drop is coming.


But how low will it go?



Lol alot of haters said that with Avatar.  You'll be wrong again.  It's the only film with 800to 1bilion domestic potential.  And nothing will best it's overseas.  Learn about bo. James Cameron has china,  Australia,  UK,  India,  skin all wrapped up.  They calls him the great one.  As  long as he puts a film worthy  of the first itsbgoing for 3b to4b plus ww. As don't have a prayer to match avatar  or 2 ww.  The domestic is going to be interesting though. 

Edited by Kalel009Shel
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8 hours ago, Cochofles said:


Exactly. A film will certainly (eventually) beat Avatar, but it won’t be Star Wars: The Force Awakens (domestic, overseas, or globally). It won’t be either of the Infinity War movies or any of the post-JJ Abrams SW films. It will be a film nobody expects to do such a feat...

Lol coco of course dear friend.  Lol our avtr 2 and 3 may both do just that next.  Dont know  if JJ Abrahamscan make a SWs film good enough to match James domestic repeat business.  We will see.  No one will match titans domestic and is ticket sales in one run or it's impact on music, home video,  bitumen film awards.  It's a truly perfect world breaker cocoflies and friends.  When jamez does avatar 2 day the heavens gates will open and the impact on the world will be something beyond just a film.  

Edited by Kalel009Shel
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On 12/12/2015, 4:02:40, Ethan Hunt said:

It'll be one of the biggest of all time no doubt

There's pretty much only two possibilities worldwide

Highest of all time (above Avatar) or  Second highest of all time (below but only below the original Avatar)

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10 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


No, she's talking about Domestic and WW and both are going down.. If this can't do it, then no movie will ever beat AVATAR and this has the best chance of them all..

The chance of that movie beating Avatar worldwide is infinitely small that I think we can just say that it has zero chance.

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9 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You cannot under any circumstances say this has 0 chance at beating AVATAR.. Presales says otherwise, but like I said, if this movie can't do it, then no movie ever will, including AVATAR 2..


Worldwide? No of course Avatar 2 has a chance of overtaking Avatar, Avatar did about 230M in China (an astonishing record at the time), Avatar 2 could very well do 630M or higher, the Chinese market is very different today than it was in 2010, and we're talking about 2018 here. Sure Avatar 2 can drop like crazy domestically and in Europe, and expanding markets and will even things out. 

The sentence "if TFA doesn't no other movie will" simply doesn't make sense, you're really overstating the worldwide impact of Star Wars here. If you're talking about domestic gross then yes, TFA can overtake Avatar, I'm just not predicting it right now. Well we'll know in a few days.

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44 minutes ago, NCsoft said:

The sentence "if TFA doesn't no other movie will" simply doesn't make sense...

 Especially considering that, yes, at some point, inflation will catch up with Avatar, and some movie will beat it. Saying "if TFA doesn't, no other movie will" is typically BKBesque empty hyperbole.

Edited by Cochofles
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2 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Look how long it will have taken a movie to beat TITANIC when TFA does it??? 12 Years.. If TFA cannot beat AVATAR, then no movie will be able to do it for a long long time and longer than it took TITANIC to go down and that is not hyperbole, but the facts...

TFA can't beat Avatar(WW).

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