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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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I think that they're doing a part two and a part three and they're probably going to shoot it at the same time.

Because if we just do two and then wait, I'll probably be 45 or 50 by the time we get to part three. It takes a long time, it's a very hard process.

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If they film early next year, is it for 2015 or 2016? I say 2016.

23 months for Avatar 2 enough time I think.


DMC was 17 months from start to release, A2 will be 23 months. I say any further push than no it will be 2016. If they go with on at a time than a Spring date would be the latest I believe.

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I think it will be Christmas 2015 for Avatar 2  if they start filming early 2014, that will still give them about 18 months to do the effects and all the post production, don't forget it should be a quicker process this time since they know what they are doing.

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LOL ... how laughable ...


This is universally beloved crowed/family pleasure. This is not a geek flick. How much buzz you are expecting on the internet a few years ahead before even release date announced ?


Wait till the week when it actually opens and then tell your theory of " little interest".

Edited by firedeep
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