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Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014)


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I can't stand how films keep having after credit scenes. Exactly what does it accomplish? 

Gives you a teaser for the upcoming films while feeling separate enough that it doesn't undermining the movie itself. It would throw people off quite a bit if, while they're tying everything together for the film's ending, they suddenly introduce a completely new element. By making it a post-credit scene, it feels separate enough that the film itself doesn't suffer as a result.


Admittedly, they sometimes can be pointless and can feel jarring tonally even with the credits before them (looking at you Thor: TDW), but there's at least some understandable reason for them.

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Gives you a teaser for the upcoming films while feeling separate enough that it doesn't undermining the movie itself. It would throw people off quite a bit if, while they're tying everything together for the film's ending, they suddenly introduce a completely new element. By making it a post-credit scene, it feels separate enough that the film itself doesn't suffer as a result.


I disagree. Films have ended with teases to sequels all the time. I just saw Back to the Future this week, and the end of that film clearly sets up a sequel. Granted, post-credit scenes give you some new info (in this film, we get a shot of a new device) but audiences are advanced enough to understand what's going on. They realize that what they're seeing is an introduction for the next film, and not something tied to this film. I still don't see the point to putting them after the end. 

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Keep in mind that often Marvel isn't teasing a DIRECT sequel. And most of the time the film being teased will have a different aesthetic. Look at how annoyed the director of Thor 2 was by the Guardians teaser. Also...most people generally consider IM2 to be one of the worst films because of it's heavy handed lead ins to The Avengers. I think Marvel learned their lesson after that one.

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Keep in mind that often Marvel isn't teasing a DIRECT sequel. And most of the time the film being teased will have a different aesthetic. Look at how annoyed the director of Thor 2 was by the Guardians teaser. Also...most people generally consider IM2 to be one of the worst films because of it's heavy handed lead ins to The Avengers. I think Marvel learned their lesson after that one.

But one scene leading into The Avengers/other films is not the same as having every single element tied into The Avengers/other films, which is what I felt IM2 was. Regardless, this is a minor quibble, so I'll drop the argument for now. 

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I disagree. Films have ended with teases to sequels all the time. I just saw Back to the Future this week, and the end of that film clearly sets up a sequel.  

The difference there (aside from obviously it being a direct sequel) is that the teaser at the end of BttF was specifically written to set up the next BttF film rather than something else entirely that takes place in the same universe. Marvel standalone movie endings are usually written to tie their own plots up relatively nicely or, if they do end with a cliffhanger(like Thor 2), it's one which will likely be resolved in their next standalone adventure. The after-credits scenes are more 'Meanwhile, in the MCU...' rather than directly tying to the film, so it makes sense to keep them separate. (Well, except for the short unimportant ones.)

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Captain America was the most enjoyable (if not the best) solo movie of Phase One. And Winter Soldier is easily the best solo movie of Phase Two. I think some of it comes from the conception of the character who as a superhero is not THAT super and has kind of lame powers. IronMan and Thor are many times too powerful in their solo movies and the action is just pure spectactle. Cap on the other hand actionwise is the perfect blend of silly comic book WHAM! BAM! and intense lifethreatening action. It just makes you care more.


Which is why it's even more obvious this time how overblown the final battle is. It's a problem in every marvel movie post-Avengers that it HAS to have a huge CGI extravaganza for a final battle. Like the Cap-Winter Soldier final face-off wouldn't be as compelling if it wasn't inside a hellicarrier droping from the sky blasting two other hellicarriers to pieces. Stop it Disney.


B+ (could rise in a second viewing, the first 2/3 of the movie were just amazing)

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So,I will start by saying it's worth an 'A'! If I could I would vote 'A++'Captain America The Winter Soldier is not the usual comicbook movie,it feels different. It's a thriller/action movie,it's not serious like Batman movies from Nolan,not funny like Iron Man 3 and not as gigantic like The Avengers,it's a successful mix with its a touch of its own.I didn't expect the SHIELD becoming such an enemy,or the return of Hydra,it's a welcome development,everyone wanting to kill our Captain,thankfully helped by our Black Window and our 'black' Falcon,I hope to see Falcon again by the way,he's cool and a real ally for the Stars-and-Stripes hero :DI really thought they dared killing Nick Fury,thankfully he's tough as nails!The best element,of course,is The Winter Soldier,alias Bucky.He's the best villain I ever saw in a comicbook movie,the others are pitiful in comparison. What we have here is a cool and dark bad guy,he's strong and he fights,he attacks and destroys everything on his way,not a coward or a megalomaniac beaten in 5 seconds,he's formidable.Action/fight scenes are fantastic.In the end,and to be clear : it's the best comicbook movie with The Avengers,maybe a bit better in its own way.This kind of movies is the reason I love Hollywood movies so much in the first place.Thank you Russo,thank you Marvel.

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Is it weird that IM3 is still my favorite of the Phase 2 movies? I thoroughly enjoyed this film and the action is the strongest/most effective I've seen out of any of the Marvel films.. but I feel like there was an extra step they needed to take with both Hydra and Bucky. They scratched the surface of their motivations by the end but their logistical purposes were never made clear to me. But it's fun and has me pumped for Ultron and Cap 3.

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Is it weird that IM3 is still my favorite of the Phase 2 movies? I thoroughly enjoyed this film and the action is the strongest/most effective I've seen out of any of the Marvel films.. but I feel like there was an extra step they needed to take with both Hydra and Bucky. They scratched the surface of their motivations by the end but their logistical purposes were never made clear to me. But it's fun and has me pumped for Ultron and Cap 3.

Definitely weird :pThey only scratched the surface because they will talk about it later,probably in Cap 3.
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I thought Hydra's motivations were pretty clear. Sow enmity and discord throughout the world while infiltrating SHIELD, in order to gain full power and control over the latest technology and weapons. Then, once they were in control of SHIELD, wipe out their enemies and take over the world.

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