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I liked it.


Only problems I had was that Ham was so god damn stupid and was contradicting himself constantly. Also didn't like Watson's performance near the end. Score was brilliant.

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Id give this one a Solid B+ score

before watching this had no idea about noah......some of my frnds said this is crap!!!

But i liked it!!!! disaster scenes wer pretty good though not great had good plot!!!!

Movies shot completely in Iceland i guess beautiful place!!!  

Crowe did a very good job jennifer was good too others wer adequate and 

Emma Watson  :wub:

Edited by Superstancer
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This is a rather interesting film.


For a director to make a movie about faith in todays world is quite ambitious.


I give the film a lot of credit for that.


The film perhaps took a very complicated topic and tried to do a modern take on it. It really makes a decent film overall.


It is beautiful but lacks the entertainment value of biblical epics of old.




I think the film first 2/3 was interesting but the internal family drama got a bit much. 

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I don't think he really gives a shit. While TDKR had its Occupy Wall Street moment, I really don't think he was making a comment on it. Yes, Bane allowed for that movement to rise, but Nolan also showed that there were rich assholes who were looking for monetary power that helped Bane along the way (specifically, the guy who Bane says "And you think this gives you power over me?").



No Nolan imo is not conservative or liberal really..


He is more of a rational idealist/realist. 



For example TDK showed that may have to go the darkest path to stop those who wish us harm but in the end we do not abandon the values we stand for. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Good movie, great performances. I liked how for once a big-budget Hollywood movie decided to use a truly grey character as a lead, it felt really fresh. At times I despised him and at times I understood where he came from and Russell Crowe sold it like a boss in one of his greatest performances. As for the biblical 'inaccuracies' all I want to say is that I can't take a book that says we're all fruit of incest literally. The liberties taken here were appropriate and fitting. I did love that one of the rare things they kept was when they found Noah drunk and naked lying on the ground.




It was a bit too long and I wasn't a big fan of the fights.

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What a terrible movie.


I'm not religious but I do know the story of Noah and even if it'd be boring to adapt it as per the Bible, this was wholly ridiculous.


I'm not sure what on Earth he wants to tell with his story. It doesn't work religiously, it doesn't work creatively, it doesn't even work artistically or dramatically. There is one beautiful sequence where Noah tells the story of how everything came to be, but besides that, this film fails.


If it were meant to be a character study, it is as bad as any blockbuster slighted on here for lack of characterization. The script, the dialogue is just woeful with characters really seeming as though they've never conversed with each other before. The production values are also terrible, anything with Winstone was glaringly obviously shoddy. I didn't care for any of the characters, not Ham, who is painted to be an idiot, not the fellow who's Emma's husband who really has nothing much to say or do, not Emma who has absolutely no motivations, not Jennifer Conelly who is content with letting her husband do everything and occasionally putting up a half-hearted fight and certainly not Noah, whose struggle is atrociously bad. Reminded me of Shyamalan's focus on wind in trees in the Happening with the flashes of sky.



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Skimming through the reviews in here, and I have to say, just because people cry and deliver a great monologue doesn't mean anything when the character is otherwise lifeless. I didn't feel anything for anyone, never cried, most laughed at the inanity of the way the characters worked.


Russell Crowe's demented psycho Noah- loved the shot where he hides behind a curtain. Almost becomes a slasher movie.


Ham actually tending to Winstone for nine months, that entire arc was a massive joke. Completely unbelievable.


The most convincing moment this film had was when Noah ripped apart his family. Too bad he didn't actually go through with it in the end, after all, no one needs to feed the animals, they just sleep for nine months or get occasionally eaten alive by Winstone without anyone noticing.


I also like how God tells Noah he has to kill the baby if it's a girl but doesn't tell him that Winstone is chilling in his crib eating motherfucking snakes on his motherfucking ark. Also cue Ham "but two of each is precious, oh nevermind I'm a little pussy anyway"

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Good movie, great performances. I liked how for once a big-budget Hollywood movie decided to use a truly grey character as a lead, it felt really fresh. At times I despised him and at times I understood where he came from and Russell Crowe sold it like a boss in one of his greatest performances. As for the biblical 'inaccuracies' all I want to say is that I can't take a book that says we're all fruit of incest literally. The liberties taken here were appropriate and fitting. I did love that one of the rare things they kept was when they found Noah drunk and naked lying on the ground.




It was a bit too long and I wasn't a big fan of the fights.


Technically we are the fruits of incest in one way or another as the human population dipped to only 2000 70,00 years ago  :ph34r:

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Darren Aronofskys Noah - where you watch Peter Jackson's rock Ents in action, Ray Winstone chow down on a snake, a kid betray/attempt to kill his dad because he can't have some boobies, and people just generally doing and saying things just because.


There are some movies I may not like/hate or just aren't for me that I can understand getting decent reviews and/or appealing to other people... but with this one, for a lack of a better expression, just don't fucking get it at all because this movie doesn't really work on any level.  As someone who is agnostic/atheist(depending on what day it is), this movie isn't really bad because it doesn't stay true to the Biblical story, Darren Aronofskys Noah is bloated to hell and back, super self-serious, and worst of all, extremely boring. This film is so dull and portentous that it will cause atheists to convert, just so they can pray to God asking for 2 and a half hours of their life back.  You're basically just watching people say and do things without any emotional connection at all... I haven't been that detached while watching a movie during its entire running time since Man of Steel/Godzilla even though this has much better performances than those.  The thing that stood out to me the most is its spiritual pretension and moral hypocrisy... the moral dilemmas that Noah is either conveniently faced with or even just pulls out of his own ass out of nowhere to move the plot along are so laughably black and white that they're dead easy to decide on as a viewer which leads to a complete lack of tension and drama while we watch Noah "struggle" with these tough dilemmas.


Its a turkey, hopefully Exodus delivers later this year.

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One of the more dreadful and excruciating movies I've experienced in quite some time. It was dull, bloated and just all around a pain to even get through. I'll give it credit for some of the visual effects (note on some) and the production/costume designs were both admirable but otherwise this is a bad movie that even a respectable cast couldn't overcome. Oh, and they tried their hardest for me to root for the bad guy to kill Noah.


*¼/*****, (D-, 2.8/10, 1/4)

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I'm watching this ...The talking rocks , where do you go from there Then all the magically appearing stuff , damn I guess the world really was built in 6 days at that rate The director of photography certainly had fun or is that cinematographyI'm at noah and ila convo about her being barren aww Is it me or ther sky seems weird stars during the day ? I can def see aronofsky touch in this , he went a little I don't know moulin rouge , romeo and juliet splashy biblical version naturally lol Poor kids they'll stay virgins ha ha ha

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Kid helping the traitor ...Eh like all of men plans , there is always something that goes awry lol without fail Noah wife being comprehensive even though he shattered their kids dream kkkkk Baumer I tots get you saying that kid the 2nd son doesn't know his mind What the ffff they have herbal pregnancy test ha ha ha ha Noah needs to take a chill pillLife will always find a way Damn see what I always say us women from forever we're blame for everything under the sun yet its men who make war

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Damn I really thought he was going to murder the babiesI was saying do it quick before she opens her eyes and ensnares you with her nascent evil vagenda kkkkkWait he forgave his father for trying to murder his kids And so the 2nd son fate begins as everything belongs to 1st son who gets dibs on the girl, land , father etc , off to wander and roam Aw shucks really nice convo emma and noah , motherhood made her an oracle and conveyor of godly wisdom

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Russel crowe is a good-looking guy even as he gets old Well it wasn't the worse film I've seen in the genre so eh whatever , I feel he used the time well even if film is long its not TF4 long I think I still prefer the more classic approach to bible stories , I did go to catechism once upon a time , too much liberties That said it does say a dan aronofsky film not bible documentary plus it wasn't too preachy as the more conventional films are Personally I'm sure pym? Will bump into survivors lol we're like cockroaches and rats when water comes they always find high ground or die trying like on titanic kkkkI think I read once that maybe the flood did happen but was biblical only in noah's mind as in maybe the area where he was didn't suffer a great flood but maybe up north since it was ice age still ok ok I'm chatting crap can't remember rest of article

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I just watched the movie and I thought it was great! Lots of really good performances, but Emma Watson & Logan Lerman I thought were the best. 


The scene when Noah was about to kill the babies had me in tears. I didn't think he would do it, but I wasn't sure. 


I would give it a.......



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There are films that can accurately be described as excesses in ambition, and then there's Noah.
I've made no bones about the fact that ambition in a film for me can cover up a lot of flaws.  Let's be clear here, this is not a blanket statement.  Uncontrolled ambition can be pretty messy and off-putting in general.  There is very little debate regarding the ambition on display here.  I wouldn't argue if one made the statement that the film is simply ambitious as fuck.  That being said, it is to the film's deterrent in this case.
No matter where you stand on the religious/spiritual realm, there is very little doubt the story of Noah and the ark is simply a damn good story.  As such it would seem to make it ripe for good cinema.  After all, don't we all love to be told a good story?  After this viewing I'm not sure there is a good cinematic story to be had regarding Noah.  Of course, time will ultimately tell...
One aspect of the film that I really liked was the fact that it didn't really feel like a religious story.  Rather, it was very spiritual in nature.  There is a "Creator" and Noah never talks to him.  I'm more spiritual than anything myself so I related to this aspect of the film.  It's unfortunate it's the only aspect I could really sink my teeth into.
Perhaps the ultimately problem here is that the film sinks its teeth into multiple areas, and none of them really stand out.  At times it feels like a huge fantasy epic while at other times it's more of an introspective look into spirituality and faith.  The film is simply very uneven at times and as a result it's hard to really get into the proceedings here.  I can't help but feel this would have been more of a success if it had a little more focus.  
Despite the fact that it's a huge mess and has a plethora of issues, I would nonetheless make the argument that is still a must watch for any cinema fan.
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