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BSG: Congratulations to FILM!

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The number of entries you have in your list is actually equal to all the players who predicted, which means that my prediction should be in there.





Well then maybe you changed yours. Did you ever think of that?





And also, your stated reason above for editing your answers because you might have changed your mind on the midnight numbers is totally against the spirit of baumer allowing people to answer the regular questions late. The whole point of that deadline is so that people can't wait for notfabio or whatever updates we get for midnights or Thursday numbers from RTH or whatever else.

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Well then maybe you changed yours. Did you ever think of that?





And also, your stated reason above for editing your answers because you might have changed your mind on the midnight numbers is totally against the spirit of baumer allowing people to answer the regular questions late. The whole point of that deadline is so that people can't wait for notfabio or whatever updates we get for midnights or Thursday numbers from RTH or whatever else.


I am unsure why you are being totally angry on that part. I am just saying that in a game of guessing what a movie would earn WW, I somehow managed to get the closest answer. You are saying it shouldn't count as it was 20 minutes after the deadline.


I am saying, we will let Baumer decide if I was out of line. If he says I was, I won't contest it. But you saying that I should not get points I earned by guessing correctly is my point of contention. Hell, I have no chance of winning the whole thing, but I will not let go of the bonus until Baumer says that I am not eligible for it.


If notfabio or whoever provides data before the deadline by even a minute, I am well within my rights to change the answers if the time zone suits me well. While editing, if i start to edit at 11:59, and don't save till 12:02 and the thread was not locked, am I wrong is saving my answers at 12:02? And we never got any numbers from Rth or Spatula last week, so I don't see how I could have known what the midnight numbers were when I changed my mind.

Edited by grim22
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I am unsure why you are being totally angry on that part.


Sorry if i'm coming off as a jerk here, I'm just trying to keep the game fair.




I am saying, we will let Baumer decide if I was out of line. If he says I was, I won't contest it. But YOU saying that I should not get points I earned by guessing correctly is my point of contention.


Don't act like I'm making rules up, or trying to be some judge here, I'm just going by the standards baumer laid out quite clearly last year.

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Well then maybe you changed yours. Did you ever think of that?Since you know, THE WHOLE POINT HERE IS THAT YOU EDITED YOUR ANSWERS.And also, your stated reason above for editing your answers because you might have changed your mind on the midnight numbers is totally against the spirit of baumer allowing people to answer the regular questions late. The whole point of that deadline is so that people can't wait for notfabio or whatever updates we get for midnights or Thursday numbers from RTH or whatever else.

You are taking this way too seriously. If the numbers were out already then there'd be an issue. If not I don't see a problem.And besides what are the odds he'd change his bonus answer at the last minute without any info that could help him and be right by undercutting someone by .75? It's not likely it was a lucky edit, this shouldn't be such a huge issue for you.
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My two cents are to adhere to the hard, specific rules... but of course it's baumer's call.



It's not like this is some new situation that has never popped up before. Baumer already made this call.




That said, I need to stop posting in this thread, because even I think I sound like a jerk.

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Baumer also just said a few days ago that deadlines aren't super strict. So which is his way of thinking right now? A statement made months/years ago or one made less then a week ago? I'm pretty sure most people would refer to the more recent statement.Regardless I have no skin in this game and B is the one who decides, but for me I think the points should go to grim.

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I'd really love the points but I don't see anything wrong with this since the thread was still open.And mods, can you please lock the thread at the deadline? The one time I changed it after, I was wrong and lost 5000 points :(

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hey guys. I don't really know what the issue is because I haven't read back past this page. But from what I've read grim changed his answer after the normal deadline. But I did say that I am NOT being super strict right now while I am NOT actively running the game properly. So because of that and because the thread was still open I have no problem with grims answer and him getting the points if he did change his answer after the deadline. Hopefully starting next Sunday the game will go back to normal and the thread will be locked on time. But for now if the thread is open another mod has not locked it (which I hope that they do but if they don't) and it is not locked until I get up the next day then the points count.if I have interpreted in a situation incorrectly I apologize but this is how it reads to me have to go now will look back in on this again it periodically today.

Edited by baumer
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Points this week with 3 caveats:


1) 5k bonus is Given to grim as per Baumer's post above.


2) The bonus is written as 10/12 gets a 3k bonus. As there are 14 questions not 12, I have interpreted this as players need to get 12/14 to get the 3k and so on. (Therefore nobody won bonus points) 


3) I have no idea who PMed Baumer bonus 5, so only he can add those 3k to the total.


With that said...



Damien 8k

Kitik 7k

Tyler 5k

Schuamcher 6k

Laguy 5k

Tele 13k

Olive 9k

Claire Holt 6k

Fern 7k

Narnia 6k

Glassfairy 7k

Winter Soldier 6k

Empire 6k

Grim 11k

Bcf 7k

Iceroll 8k

Chewy 8k

Junkshop 6k

Gizmo 7k

Greyghost 13k

Jake 7k

Mattrek 9k

Films 6k

24lost 10k

Simion 7k

Cedar 7k

Cjohn 8k

Druv 5k

Darkelf 8k

Jajang 7k

Cmaster 5k

Stingray 5k

Dar 5k

Alfred 8k

Andyll 6k

Ed 5k

Chasmmi 7k

Baumer 10k

Panda 7k

Blank 5k

JOS 9k

Numbers 8k

MGS 4k

Punish 7k

Mulder 6k

Dipper 8k

Movieman 11k

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Current Standings: 


    [*]cjohn: 247,000
    2) jakegittes: 230,000
    3) Alfredstellar: 226,000
    4) dipper: 224,000
    5) Panda 213,000
    6) Blankments: 208,000
    6=) Cmaster: 208,000
    8) Cedar:207,000
    9) Fern 206,000
    10) Tele: 206,000

    11) Narnia 203,000
    12) druv: 194,000
    12=) clairehol7: 194,000
    14) Jajang 192,000
    15) Ed 191,000

16) Olive: 191,000
17) tylerdurden: 188,000
18) Iceroll: 182,000
19) darkelf: 181,000
20) LAguy 172,000

21) Chasmmi 169,000
22) Johnny 168,000
23) punishment: 168,000
24) Chewy 168,000
25) mattrek: 166,000
26) Simionski 157,000
27) Moviegeek: 152,000
28) Gizmo 151,000
29) Baumer 149.000
30) Empire: 146,000

31) 24IsLost 143,000
32) Spaghetti 132,000
33) JOS 140,000
33=) Numbers 139,000
35) junkshop: 136,000
36) movieman 136,000
37) Mulder 133,000
38) Za Rukaio 126.000
39) Glassfairy 122,000
40) Stingray 121,000

41) Grim22 121,000
42) damienroc: 117,000
43) Winter Soldier 108,000
44) bcf26: 106,000
45) Kitik: 105,000
45=) DAR 103,000
47) grey ghost 94,000
48) Schumacher 91,000
49) MGS 90,000
50) MeanGirlsFilms 89,000

51) Gokai Red 68,000
51=) Jandrew 68,000
53) mahnamahna 61,000
54) filmovie: 56,000
55) Jay Hollywood: 52,000
56) Andy LL 50,000
57=) Kayumanggi 3,000
57=) RhyneOH1040 3,000
57=) Vanauger 3,000
60) nerdygeek: -1,000

61) goffe: -31,000
62) Neo -43,000

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