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Shawn Robbins

CA2: $10.2m Thursday Night (beats Thor2's $7.1m) | $100m+ coming?

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Like I said, he's a very smart man about leveraging his existing properties for maximum box-office return.


Just look at the talent he managed to convince to join the Marvel Studios adventure, it is staggering.

He even made stars out of nobodies. Chris Hemsworth 3 years ago, everybody forgot he was the one guy in the Star Trek intro ...

Marvel Studios will have failures but man, the guy is on a roll.

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Different weekend. Still the same craps.



But that's the beauty of this forum. Love you guys!

This forum is like soap series just repeating every over and over again. 

The life and times of the Box Office Fourms



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Yep, and it's a lousy strategy (in terms of making good and interesting movies). From a business perspective, it's great! (for now)

But isn't that what Oscar season is for?Summer is when Hollywood pimps out the most popular hoes. Oscar season is for the high class escorts for the old, rich clients. Edited by grey ghost
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Russo Bros. aside, I do feel Feige hires some very intriguing filmmakers. I mean, Whedon, Black, Gunn, Wright, Favreau, etc... Hell, even Branagh. All of 'em boast pretty unique catalogs. All of 'em have helmed a pretty impressive film or two. And, all of 'em have vision. It is now 9 films. And, yeah, that's a lot. But, inspired choices to direct and some damn impressive casting.


I mean, come on now, who would have thought Iron Man with Favreau directing and Downey Jr. headlining would've worked? Pretty audacious. I just don't want him to rest on his laurels here. I think with Gunn, Whedon and Wright writing/directing the next three Marvel releases, we're likely in store for directors really putting their stamp on these projects. For better or worse, Black definitely put his stamp on Iron Man Three.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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And yet their movies are pretty generic, overall.

That's a subjective opinion you hold and are allowed.


Objectively though and under the scrutiny of comparisons to other films, in other genres, Marvel makes diverse output that just so happens to have a super hero as it's lead protagonist vs fill in the blank nameless protagonist.


Hell I could say CA:TWS is in many ways The Fugitive.


One Armed Man=Hydra

Trusted Dr.Friend=Alexander Pierce


Under objective analysis the formula for Marvel Studios is to make great films, in diverse ways using a variety of genres as the backdrop.


They are far from "generic" but your fully entitled to not like them. Some of us will just call those out on their blind bias though. 

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Sorry, I'm not a passionate TASM hater but how on earth have any of the spiderman films even come close to exploring feminism or social themes? 


I was equating Spider-Man with  the YA (Young Adult) genre, not feminism or social themes. Those I equated with Wonder Woman and X-Men respectively.


Though an argument could be made that MJ's strong desire to avoid being overshadowed by her superhero bf in SM3 is an instance of a character showing feminist qualities and J Jonah's libelous reporting + the Osborns' air of one percenter superiority and hatred/condescension for the "little people" like Peter and MJ are instances with social inclinations.

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Joss Whedon said he didn't see a Disney executive during all the Avengers production process.

For a 230m movie, I find this mere fact astonishing.

WHen you compare with all the horror stories you can find about Fox executives disrupting everything ( I robot directed by Alex Proyas).

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I think what Feige is accomplishing is truely remarkable and what is he making is superhero movies without cynism, Marvel Studio takes the genre and all its crazyness seriously and that to me is a huge artistic statement, call it corporate all you want but I think it is misguided.


Remember what Joss Whedon said : "I believe in the genre, I don't think it is needs to be (the exact quote escapes me at the moment)"


"I don't believe in transcending the genre, I believe in the genre."


Joss Whedon has used that quote many times before. The first time I read it was in a Avengers interview talking about comic book films but he also used it before when talking about Buffy.


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Why am I blindly biased? I don't like some Marvel movies, think others are mediocre, and thought some were very good. Same with DC or any of the Sony or Fox CBMs.


Because you're a Lionsgate/THE SPIRIT fanboy. Your biases betray you

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I was equating Spider-Man with  the YA (Young Adult) genre, not feminism or social themes. Those I equated with Wonder Woman and X-Men respectively.


Though an argument could be made that MJ's strong desire to avoid being overshadowed by her superhero bf in SM3 is an instance of a character showing feminist qualities and J Jonah's libelous reporting + the Osborns' air of one percenter superiority and hatred/condescension for the "little people" like Peter and MJ are instances with social inclinations.

Oh ok I mis understood your post  :P

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"I don't believe in transcending the genre, I believe in the genre."


Joss Whedon has used that quote many times before. The first time I read it was in a Avengers interview talking about comic book films but he also used it before when talking about Buffy.



Thank you , I was searching for the transcending word.


That s what you could read on a lot of Dark Knight reviews back in 2008, critics were so happy that Dark Knight was far from a superhero movie ( It was almost a remake of Michael Mann's Heat)  and I kinda  hated that state of mind.

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But franchises increase a studios chances at success.The worst performing studios lack major franchises.Is that a coincidence?


Sorry to bring up RedLetterMedia again, but this recent video of theirs seems pertinent:


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