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Weekend #s April 4-6 (Cap2: 96.2, Noah 17, Divergent 13)

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Just added my last analysis for the weekend. I'd chalk Thursday's front-loading up to being another reminder that just when you think box office patterns are too predictable, something changes. That said, Marvel movies tend to do very well over the course of the weekend when word of mouth is as positive as it seems to be for CA2, so I wouldn't rule out anything between $90-100 million for the weekend right now.


In the end, that's a pretty remarkable figure considering a lot of people had Thor pegged as the more popular non-Iron Man franchise in the MCU less than a year ago. No one should be disappointed with these numbers.

Edited by ShawnMR
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I think one advantage Cap 2 had over Thor 2 was IMAX. Thor 2 was only released in 305 IMAX theaters on a shared screen basis with Enders Game. Cap 2 has all IMAX theaters full time till April 16. That will add a good amount to its box office take this weekend over Thor 2.

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In the end, that's a pretty remarkable figure considering a lot of people had Thor pegged as the more popular non-Iron Man franchise in the MCU less than a year ago. No one should be disappointed with these numbers.


To be fair the general consensus on here was the Cap was always a tad more popular than Thor domestically. But it's still a strong result, and it's always good to see WOM helping a film along. Marvel are very smart to open these movies OS first.

Edited by Hatebox
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I still think people are under rating Cap's Saturday holds, it can hit 100m because even if it's the most adult of the marvel films, parents are still going to see Captain America and take their kids to it who are still going to eat it up.

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Let me guess - Josh Wilding. He is an idiot, every headline of his has to be exaggerated for link bait.

Yep, it`s him. It`s just irresponsible behavior in my opinion but, I doubt it bothers him much. Uh...

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Kids are going to be fitfully bored (depending on age range).


Yes, but when the Michael Bay Captain America makes an appearance in the last 20 minutes, kids will love it.

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Is that a sequel to Frankie and Johnny, starring Pacino and Pfeiffer?

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Kids are going to be fitfully bored (depending on age range).

Yeah, the so-called "smart espionage stuff" was problematic to me because I didn't find it that gripping. It all just became a bunch of babbling and convoluted placeholder dialogue, and I kept waiting for something actually surprising or clever to happen. 

Edited by Jack Nevada
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  • Founder / Operator

To be fair the general consensus on here was the Cap was always a tad more popular than Thor domestically. But it's still a strong result, and it's always good to see WOM helping a film along. Marvel are very smart to open these movies OS first.


I'm not sure that consensus really came to be until after Thor 2 missed the mark, though. There were a lot of high expectations for TDW a year ago--especially after IM3 did what it did. Some of the best predictors on this forum had it challenging (or topping) one of the Hobbit movies at the box office. (Not trying to criticize anyone, just using it as an example that the pendulum has swung.) :)


No judgment intended, there's just always a little bit of bandwagon-ing with franchises. 

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I'm not sure that consensus really came to be until after Thor 2 missed the mark, though. There were a lot of high expectations for TDW a year ago--especially after IM3 did what it did. Some of the best predictors on this forum had it challenging (or topping) one of the Hobbit movies at the box office. (Not trying to criticize anyone, just using it as an example that the pendulum has swung.) :)


No judgment intended, there's just always a little bit of bandwagon-ing with franchises. 

I had it over Hobbit 2. The OW disappointed me, and I won't even talk about the legs...


But OS, Thor still wins.

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See, I agree with stuff like this.  We know the Avengers are out there.  And to have a stand alone film now where no other Avengers help out, to me, just seems silly.  


I don't get this criticism, for a couple of reasons:


1) The movie Avengers, as far as we know, were together one time, for what I'm guessing was a day or two, at most. These are not 6 besties who hang out at Avengers Mansion and play poker together once or twice a month, like in the comics.


2) For much of the movie,

Steve Rogers isn't sure if he can even trust Nick Fury, much less Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, or Clint Barton. Even when Cap and his pals team with Fury near the end, think about it: The man Fury probably trusted more than anyone at the beginning of CA: TWS, Alexander Pierce, has turned out to be a traitorous Hydra agent.  Is there any reason he should trust Stark or Banner at that point, more than Pierce?


3) Back to the comics angle: It's just something you have to accept in this universe. Since the early 1960s, how many world-threatening crises has Captain America had to face on his own (or with limited help from the Falcon, Fury, etc.) in his own comic, leaving the reader to wonder, "Shouldn't he ask the Avengers for help?"  It's just how it is in comic-book-land.  It's more plausible in the MCU because because at least, as I wrote, these Avengers aren't nearly as close as their comic-book counterparts.

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I'm not sure that consensus really came to be until after Thor 2 missed the mark, though. There were a lot of high expectations for TDW a year ago--especially after IM3 did what it did. Some of the best predictors on this forum had it challenging (or topping) one of the Hobbit movies at the box office. (Not trying to criticize anyone, just using it as an example that the pendulum has swung.) :)


No judgment intended, there's just always a little bit of bandwagon-ing with franchises. 

That is true ... and it was going to take on Superman in NA ... and then it came up like 85 million short.


I admit I even bought into the hype of it challenging the upper 200's.  Boy was I wrong. 

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