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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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18 hours ago, dudalb said:

And all it does is increase the damage.

De Santis is simply not the smart politician people thought he was.


Speaking of not so smart politicians - When is Matt Gaetz going to jail? I remember you posting here multiple times that indictment was coming

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2 hours ago, BluKyberCrystal said:

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of why Trump appeals to his party's voters and why he won the nomination last time. He's great on the stage with people like DeSantis. Those that talk tough, but are obvious hypocrites. Trump is great at calling them out, because he's good at deflecting, while digging the knife in. That DeSantis has tried to copy Trump is going to make things even easier for him.


It is not 2016. Trump's image is not close to what it was in 2016. His baggage is insane. His one original and "fresh" style is beyond stale and toxic. 25% of the GOP belongs to MAGA, the other 75% do NOT want back in on that endless drama reality soap opera. Trump did not face a single republican with the momentum of DeSantis back in 2016, either. That an absurd general statement to make. 


2 hours ago, BluKyberCrystal said:


Once Trump started talking about DeSantis, Ron's numbers tumbled and Trump's shot up. It's because the base loves to listen to Trump and not obvious imitations. And this is before we get into Trump's team just being better. Look at the murder that was Trump's new pudding ad on Ron. Pointing out how he's brought up taking entitlements away from older folk, which make up a large part of the Republican voting base.


Have you never followed an election before? Ron's numbers momentarily exploded when he crushed it on election night while the rest DTs candidates flopped. They came back to Earth as Trump announced candidacy and remained in the news cycle. Just wait until DeSantis and others start actually campaigning. 


Donald Trump has an absolutely pathetic record as the leader of the GOP outside of one shock win in 2016. He is divisive, off-putting presence in all-important suburban areas who is the primary reason the party has underperformed in 2018, 2020, and now 2022. He is widely known for his absurd corruption and what he motivated some of his supporters to do on 1/6/21 is an all-time epic embarrassment for everyone involved. DeSantis, Christie, Haley, and even Pence are all about to cut him down to size over this obvious record of facts and no, it is not the kind of Trump can deflect or hide from. Trump cannot win in 2024 and that is an obvious dealbreaker. 


As soon as Ron and other potential candidates get in who are actually serious about winning in 2024, it will be open season and get ugly. 


2 hours ago, BluKyberCrystal said:


If I'm honest, I don't think DeSantis runs now. He's already getting killed, and if he runs, he has to leave office, which would effect his run at the senate, because he can't run for governor again.



DeSantis is the most politically successful GOP poltiico of the last 4 years from a MAJOR state. Donald Trump has 10000x more baggage, was just arrested, and seems highly likely to be arrested a few more times....bur you think RON is getting killed ?


Neither of them beat Joe Biden unless something dramatic happens, but Ron would be much more competitive. 

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Does Desantis not realize that especially in todays climate. Social media, TV shows, films; LGBT representation is higher than it's ever been so this whole let's make sure LGBT children and teens can't learn or understand what is happening to them is foolish. They're gonna find out and they're gonna be who they've always been.



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54 minutes ago, excel1 said:


It is not 2016. Trump's image is not close to what it was in 2016. His baggage is insane. His one original and "fresh" style is beyond stale and toxic. 25% of the GOP belongs to MAGA, the other 75% do NOT want back in on that endless drama reality soap opera. Trump did not face a single republican with the momentum of DeSantis back in 2016, either. That an absurd general statement to make. 



Have you never followed an election before? Ron's numbers momentarily exploded when he crushed it on election night while the rest DTs candidates flopped. They came back to Earth as Trump announced candidacy and remained in the news cycle. Just wait until DeSantis and others start actually campaigning. 


Donald Trump has an absolutely pathetic record as the leader of the GOP outside of one shock win in 2016. He is divisive, off-putting presence in all-important suburban areas who is the primary reason the party has underperformed in 2018, 2020, and now 2022. He is widely known for his absurd corruption and what he motivated some of his supporters to do on 1/6/21 is an all-time epic embarrassment for everyone involved. DeSantis, Christie, Haley, and even Pence are all about to cut him down to size over this obvious record of facts and no, it is not the kind of Trump can deflect or hide from. Trump cannot win in 2024 and that is an obvious dealbreaker. 


As soon as Ron and other potential candidates get in who are actually serious about winning in 2024, it will be open season and get ugly. 



DeSantis is the most politically successful GOP poltiico of the last 4 years from a MAJOR state. Donald Trump has 10000x more baggage, was just arrested, and seems highly likely to be arrested a few more times....bur you think RON is getting killed ?


Neither of them beat Joe Biden unless something dramatic happens, but Ron would be much more competitive. 

What momentum/ If anything, De Santis is losking momentum.

I agree with everthing bad you say about Trump, but his base still loves him andhe is the heavy favorite to win the GOP nomination in 2024.


Edited by dudalb
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2 hours ago, karlleng said:


Speaking of not so smart politicians - When is Matt Gaetz going to jail? I remember you posting here multiple times that indictment was coming

So did most observers. But the little twerp managed to weasel out of it.

If you make a mistake, it is better to admit it then hang on defending it. Youjust end up looking like  a bigger fool the longer you hang on.

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1 hour ago, excel1 said:

He is widely known for his absurd corruption and what he motivated some of his supporters to do on 1/6/21 is an all-time epic embarrassment for everyone involved.

Which conservatives have effectively embraced/swept under the rug.

1 hour ago, excel1 said:

Christie, Haley, and even Pence are all about to cut him down to size

Combined, their numbers might barely hit double digits.

1 hour ago, excel1 said:

Trump cannot win in 2024

I 100% agree with you, you NEED the independents to win an election. Ron won't be able to get them either though, he's still campaigning on unpopular fringe Trump era politics but without the presence or charisma to sell it. The dude is terrible on stage, in the media, interacting with people. Zero juice.


Trump has an unmovable 20-30% base, for an R politician to succeed, you need their support. Trump is gunning after this guy SO hard already, he's never gonna be able to get over that in a general election among conservative voters. And he's already losing a ton of Florida support, they're all endorsing Trump. Prior to the past few months, I'd have agreed with you on Ron but he's spun out before he's even started. 


TLDR; Meatball Ron DeSanctimonious is the new Jeb!

Edited by TheDude391
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2 minutes ago, TheDude391 said:

Which conservatives have effectively embraced/swept under the rug.

Combined, their numbers might barely hit double digits.

I 100% agree with you, you NEED the independents to win an election. Ron won't be able to get them either though, he's still campaigning on unpopular fringe Trump era politics but without the presence or charisma to sell it. The dude is terrible on stage, in the media, interacting with people. Zero juice.


Trump has an unmovable 20-30% base, for an R politician to succeed, you need their support. Trump is gunning after this guy SO hard already, he's never gonna be able to get over that in a general election among conservative voters. And he's already losing a ton of Florida support, they're all endorsing Trump.


Meatball Ron DeSanctimonious is the new Jeb!

If De Santis had a chance, it was to run on his record..however phony it might be..of keeping Florida open during the Covid epidemic  and downplaying the social issues to attract  the non MAGA wing of the GOP.

But instead he decided on issues that would alienates the non MAGA wing, and ran on trying to get the Trump supporters to switch to him which would never happen. He managed to  turn off a lot of people  in both the pro and anti Trump wing of the GOP.

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You know when I was first introduced to LGBT, I went and saw Big Daddy in theaters I was ten years old. The gay couple kissed on screen. Parents didn't say shit, I didn't say shit. It was a good movie, and one of the friends was obviously homophobic because he was interested but that's looking back on that movie.


LGBT media is available worldwide everywhere and it's becoming a lot more open. I can say 80% of streaming shows aimed at teens and youth has LGBT representation in it nowadays.  Most polls nowadays show that all the upcoming generations do not give a shit about LGBT and whether they have a right to marry. It's not controversial to them.


It's only controversial and woo is me to the boomers and the Republicans know that once the boomers die, the conservative party dies with them. 


They hyped up this past house election and said a red tide was coming, it turned out to be not even a puddle. That was the moment IMO Republicans realized the upcoming and younger generations do not fuck with their bigoted and backwards beliefs. 


Edited by Cappoedameron
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30 minutes ago, Cappoedameron said:

LGBT media is available worldwide everywhere and it's becoming a lot more open. I can say 80% of streaming shows aimed at teens and youth has LGBT representation in it nowadays. 

Do we have to guess on this stuff? GLAAD produces yearly reports but without a true overview outside of broadcast TV (which mentions 6-13% of regular characters being coded as a minority sexual orientation on broadcast). 

https://cdn-cf.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD 202122 WWATV.pdf

though UCLA doesn't collect this in their TV data complaining that "Currently, however, there are no independently verifiable and consistently updated databases that track information about these other identities, particularly for disability and LGBTQ status, for those working in key roles in Hollywood. - https://socialsciences.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/UCLA-Hollywood-Diversity-Report-2022-Television-10-27-2022.pdf

It would be nice to know actual numbers for this sort of thing. People's vibes on percentages is often significantly off. 


anyone know if one of these places used Nielsen top 10 lists as dataset to look at shows demo breakdowns (only realistic way I can think of to capture significant streaming shows)?

Edited by PlatnumRoyce
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Tbh unrelated/related, it’s weird the conservacucks went after Lightyear and Marvel movies for a brief 1 minute of LGBTQ representation over Disney Channel whose shows are far more progressive than their tentpoles. Like Disney Channel kids show The Owl House has more representation with LGBTQ main leads as well as the first prominent lead LGBTQ couple in a Disney Channel cartoon than a PG-13 Marvel or Star Wars movie where we get an easily editable kiss and they haven’t bitched in that.

Edited by YM!
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This will be my last overtly political post in this Disney thread (lol) but Ron could've kept building on his momentum with his party... but he has just gone more and more in the direction of Trump-ism. And he isn't Trump. People rejected Trump-ism already. And he's just a cheap imitation. ALSO no one in that party who has any chance of being nominated will attack Trump, because they know they need his base to win. It's a Catch 22 that they created for themselves. A moderate R can't win in that party because that's not who they are, and the further right they go, the more they turn off Ds/Ind's.

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1 hour ago, YM! said:

Tbh unrelated/related, it’s weird the conservacucks went after Lightyear and Marvel movies for a brief 1 minute of LGBTQ representation over Disney Channel whose shows are far more progressive than their tentpoles. Like Disney Channel kids show The Owl House has more representation with LGBTQ main leads as well as the first prominent lead LGBTQ couple in a Disney Channel cartoon than a PG-13 Marvel or Star Wars movie where we get an easily editable kiss and they haven’t bitched in that.


Nah, this is the opposite of unrelated: it's literally just part of the same story. I had the unfortunate scenario of having to read waaay too many articles about this controversy while it was happening. You're missing the obvious story: no previous film with LGBTQ content attracted anything close to Lightyear's coverage in conservative circles (I grabbed kids movies included in glaad's SRI list and spot check them against coverage in various conservative web outlets). What was different about Lightyear: obviously the fact that left wing activists pretty explicitly tied it to the more general fight against Republicans/DeSantis/Florida GOP education bill. That's also presumably what supercharged representation fights around Marvel (compare coverage of 3rd world bans pre/post Disney fight). 

Chapek pretty much got the worst of all worlds in terms of how he handled it. If Disney employees hadn't pressured Chapek to attempt to repeal FL laws, I really don't think Lightyear would have attracted 1% of the controversy from less hyper online right wing critics. Just look at Onward (a film whose gay representation got nary a mention in conservative media). Lightyear's status as a "sexual orientation in kids entertainment" flashpoint was caused by left wing pressure groups inside of Disney defining it in these terms.  

Here's a quick variety article but you can find similar coverage over basically a month in all major mainstream print newspapers. 


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Since I already posted it twice, I won't triple/quadruple post by making this comment in the D+ or Loki thread, but I now wonder just what this means for the marketing for Loki S2 as I understand Majors has at least some role in it.  How, ahem, major of a role it is, I don't know given that I don't follow the MCU news all that closely.


Regardless though, I wouldn't want to be on the Disney PR team that has to crack that particular nut.



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13 minutes ago, John Marston said:



that explains why everyone was dropping him yesterday. Disney probably would have but they are probably finding a good time to avoid bad headlines for Marvel two weeks before GOTG 3. 

I feel like it’d just make them look worse if more info comes out and more people drop him while they stay silent. That goes for everyone who was working with Majors but Disney especially with the Marvel of it all, as well as Magazine Dreams at Searchlight. It’ll look worse if the rumors of the Vanity Fair article is true.

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16 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Bye Felicia.


"Disney has the added wrinkle in that the alleged victim in the Manhattan incident also worked on this year’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” a film in which Majors was third-billed as Kang the Conqueror."





11 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Since I already posted it twice, I won't triple/quadruple post by making this comment in the D+ or Loki thread, but I now wonder just what this means for the marketing for Loki S2 as I understand Majors has at least some role in it.  How, ahem, major of a role it is, I don't know given that I don't follow the MCU news all that closely.


Regardless though, I wouldn't want to be on the Disney PR team that has to crack that particular nut.



I believe it´s minor but it´s enough for them to have to most likely have to something about it. 

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13 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Since I already posted it twice, I won't triple/quadruple post by making this comment in the D+ or Loki thread, but I now wonder just what this means for the marketing for Loki S2 as I understand Majors has at least some role in it.  How, ahem, major of a role it is, I don't know given that I don't follow the MCU news all that closely.


Regardless though, I wouldn't want to be on the Disney PR team that has to crack that particular nut.



Yeah it will be really interesting with Loki 2. 

I think that might just stick with Majors for release and maybe reshoot an ending with a new variant or whatever they call it.


Looks like Majors is done after the most recent reports, I wonder if they will stick with Kang or sort of jig things around.


I imagine we might see some major MCU delays anyway. 

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