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Potter - when will it get the recognition it deserves? FFS

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Then you won't last long here bud. Look I don't make the rules here but I do adhere to them and I am here to enforce them. I will recommend to the mod staff that your warn level increase. And I will also recommend that it will increase at a quicker rate than others since you have blatantly told me that you do care for authority here or the other posters. It will start at 20% and go from there.

If your here to enforce the rules, then it has to apply to everyone which clearly your not doing.
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If your here to enforce the rules, then it has to apply to everyone which clearly your not doing.

You can't complain about someone acting like an idiot. People have different opinions. But calling people idiots or other forms of insults is what is frowned upon. Do you see the difference?
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No, just waiting for an argument from you, Heretic, or anyone on that side of the line that goes beyond:"I love HP, I think it's characters are awesome, I didn't think it was as well-done in Star Wars, therefore HP rules, SW drools, and the world agrees with me."You say "X is better" but really offer no actual support except your own perception. Give some actual analysis that goes beyond a restatement of personal preference.For example, the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars, in the background, shows a story of an aging republican bureaucracy mired in corruption and personal advancement that is piece-by-piece dissassembled for a tyrannical regime through an elaborate series of terrible events orchestrated by a member of the democracy's own leadership to create a sensation of fear in both the popular masses and the body politic that compels them to surrender personal liberties and checks on the state mechanism in the name of "security." That storyline is a parable for modern-day democracies and the fine line they walk between policing the world and maintaining civil liberties.Now what in Harry Potter mirrors the relevancy, poignancy, or scope of that storytelling?

Problem in comparing anything really, is that anyone can bring a shitload of analysis that was never that well thought out in the first place. I like English Lit, but that's why the subject's kind of a joke. In fact anything "artistic" is bound to be overanalyzed and have presumptions drawn in the many to explain events, characters and backgrounds that the creator may not have intended.I personally think you're reaching with your analysis of the storyline running through the prequel trilogy or maybe, it's just that the movies are so badly made they successfully obscur that string of thought.
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The prequel trilogy makes it pretty damn obvious that's what Lucas was aiming at. The PT has a very layered story, but it's unsubtle in its presentation. You're probably distracted by the iffy writing of the prequels in the screenplay, but the actual story is very clear about what it's a metaphor for.

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The prequel trilogy makes it pretty damn obvious that's what Lucas was aiming at. The PT has a very layered story, but it's unsubtle in its presentation. You're probably distracted by the iffy writing of the prequels in the screenplay, but the actual story is very clear about what it's a metaphor for.

That's true. The story is very clear in the prequels, but the execution is often downright terrible and its lack of subtlety distracting.

Potter deals with more ethical issues than Star Wars. It ventures to a deeper level of human morality. Its social politics are far more relevant and immensely better executed.

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That's true. The story is very clear in the prequels, but the execution is often downright terrible and its lack of subtlety distracting.

Potter deals with more ethical issues than Star Wars. It ventures to a deeper level of human morality. Its social politics are far more relevant and immensely better executed.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Noctis, to most people Potter is about a bunch of wizards playing foozeball on broomsticks. It's also about magic potions and a bunch of witches and warlocks. It's not about apartheid or the Holocaust or whatever other weighty issues you and a few of the Potter loonies think it is.

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I'll give you one line that supercedes any so called lesson Potter supposedly tries to teach:"Do, or do not. There is no try."Potter can't come close to this,

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There are some good ones in Potter that people will remember forever too. It just hasn't been long enough yet. Let's give it 10 years before we see how much Potter has changed the world.I still haven't seen any SW films so I can't really compare the 2. I will obviously be very biased towards Potter.

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Noctis, to most people Potter is about a bunch of wizards playing foozeball on broomsticks. It's also about magic potions and a bunch of witches and warlocks. It's not about apartheid or the Holocaust or whatever other weighty issues you and a few of the Potter loonies think it is.

You''re clearly off your shit if you think only the Potter fans realize the Holocaust allegory. It doesn't matter, Potter has always raised more ethical issues than Star Wars can ever dream of."Professor, is this all real or is it just happening inside my head?""Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. But why on earth should that mean it's not real?""Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, all those who live without love.""Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts open.""It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it.""It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.""It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."How the FUCK can Yoda beat those Dumbledore quotes?
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Noctis, to most people Potter is about a bunch of wizards playing foozeball on broomsticks. It's also about magic potions and a bunch of witches and warlocks. It's not about apartheid or the Holocaust or whatever other weighty issues you and a few of the Potter loonies think it is.

It really isn't, baumer. You act as if there's only a small minority of people who actually like Potter, when in actual fact, MILLIONS of people love it for the deeper meaning of the story and have been impacted by it.To most people, Star Wars is about Spaceships and funny alien creatures. What's your point? Edited by Heretic
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I'll give you one line that supercedes any so called lesson Potter supposedly tries to teach:

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

Potter can't come close to this,

Half of the things Yoda sprouts are absolutely delusional. He's an idiot. VERY boring character. Two of the most retarded quotes from him:

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. Fear of loss is a path to the dark side." WHAT?! IS HE SERIOUS??

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you." Fucking stupid. Does not make any sense. Fear leads to anger now? And he's telling this to a small boy who just parted from his mother? Idiot.

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It really isn't, baumer. You act as if there's only a small minority of people actually like Potter, when in actual fact, MILLIONS of people love it for the deeper meaning of the story and have been impacted by it.To most people, Star Wars is about Spaceships and funny alien creatures. What's your point?

Exactly. Star Wars, to many people, is just a story of people in space against aliens that look like tits and penises.
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You''re clearly off your shit if you think only the Potter fans realize the Holocaust allegory. It doesn't matter, Potter has always raised more ethical issues than Star Wars can ever dream of."Professor, is this all real or is it just happening inside my head?""Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. But why on earth should that mean it's not real?""Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, all those who live without love.""Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts open.""It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it.""It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.""It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."How the FUCK can Yoda beat those Dumbledore quotes?

Noctis, I 'm not even going to list the Yoda quotes in fear of embarassing you. SW is and always will be much more quotable than Potter. And this is not even up for debate. Let's just forget our biases here. SW is a quote machine and it has been used by presidents, prime ministers, heads of state, commercials, entertainers, song writers and many more. Potter is an asterick in terms of quotability. FACT.
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Noctis, I grant you that Potter has touched you in ways that I can never imagine. And good for you. Sincerely. But I don't get Potter and it does nothing for me. I'll take SW any day and twice on Sunday. It's just a difference of opinion. But, what is not up for debate is the impact SW has had on the world, and it's much more than Potter. Maybe in ten years Potter will age as well as SW. But we won't know that yet.

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I have seen and read all of Yoda's quotes - and their mostly absolute crap. Most people know this, too. ;) Dumbledore's quotes are infinitely more clever, wise, and emotional. Yoda's just Dumbledore's little green alien bitch. Sorry, buddy, but you kind of need to deal with that.

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Noctis, I grant you that Potter has touched you in ways that I can never imagine. And good for you. Sincerely. But I don't get Potter and it does nothing for me. I'll take SW any day and twice on Sunday. It's just a difference of opinion. But, what is not up for debate is the impact SW has had on the world, and it's much more than Potter. Maybe in ten years Potter will age as well as SW. But we won't know that yet.

Potter has had more of an impact on other parts of the world, this is a fact, as well. And that's including the OT admissions. United Kingdom, Japan (not even a contest there), China, France, Germany (WAY more for Potter), Australia...and various other countries.You seem to think it's just the movies. The Potter books are WAY bigger than the films, and that's saying an enormous deal. You'll see soon enough why the Potter books will end up having a significantly larger impact than Star Wars ever could.
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