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Rank The Indiana Jones Films

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The first 12 minutes of Raiders is the best 12 minutes in the whole series. 


That and the opening of the original SW are the 2 greatest moments I've had in theaters.


As a teen I remember seating at the edge of my seat gripping the armrests just amazed at what I was seeing.



Last Crusade

Crystal Skull

Temple of Doom


I only have the last on BR... have the full set on my xmas list

Edited by AndyLL
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I grew up loving Temple of Doom the most, but on any given day the first 3 all are films I truly love, grew up on and have burned out VHS tapes over the years, thankfully the DVDs are holding up well.  


Obviously Crystal Skull came out and it was my most hyped film of all time.  And it came out on my 21st birthday.  Does it have some flaws sure, but I too completely do not get when people compare it to the Prequels.  Ford at the very least still was great in the role, and the action was top notch (Indy's shadow over the mushroom cloud and the spaceship are iconic as the rest of the series)  I wish it took a few more chances (But Spielberg already did enough by homaging the 50s cinema which definitely split some people, but I loved it)


I really consider it 2 minutes of eye rolling, the rest is the great entertainment that fit in perfectly with the series.  For my ranks.


Raiders (My favorite film of all time) 10/10

Temple of Doom- 10/10 (I also consider this one of the boldest sequel attempts ever, a complete 180 from Raiders but works perfectly)

Last Crusade- 10/10

Crystal Skull- 9/10

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The last rumors on the fifth film was dealing with the Bermuda Triangle, which could be fun (could bring in time travel, all kinds of possibilities for stories but could also get flack.)


I think it would be very cool to put the film in Washington around 1963 and deal with a more stateside adventure, maybe around the JFK assassination (A way to bring Russians back into it), but of course lead somewhere else in the end too. Maybe Indy could end up in Cuba (Fit in well with his age as well.) Maybe JFK had an assignment for Indy and he was killed before. You could easily say that perhaps Indy was his teacher. He would have been in school around the same time he was during the original trilogy.


Also, they've teased this the last two films, I'd love an action scene to take place on a train with Ford. Could make for a very intense fun scene. (Last Crusade actually filmed scenes on the Orient Express that they cut and created the Motorcycle chase on the spot for a bigger scene)

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So basically, Indiana Jones: First Class? :)

Honestly, I'm still apprehensive about another Indy movie (as apprehensive as I was about Ghostbusters 3). Ford is getting older, he had that accident on Star Wars, and I'm not sure how an Indy that's yet another 10 years older would work without resorting to stuff like digital doubles.

And even if they try to sideline him even more (the return of Mutt Williams?) by virtue of being an Indiana Jones movie, it has to largely involve Indiana Jones, as portrayed by Harrison Ford.

Edited by TServo2049
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The last rumors on the fifth film was dealing with the Bermuda Triangle, which could be fun (could bring in time travel, all kinds of possibilities for stories but could also get flack.)


I think it would be very cool to put the film in Washington around 1963 and deal with a more stateside adventure, maybe around the JFK assassination (A way to bring Russians back into it), but of course lead somewhere else in the end too. Maybe Indy could end up in Cuba (Fit in well with his age as well.) Maybe JFK had an assignment for Indy and he was killed before. You could easily say that perhaps Indy was his teacher. He would have been in school around the same time he was during the original trilogy.


Also, they've teased this the last two films, I'd love an action scene to take place on a train with Ford. Could make for a very intense fun scene. (Last Crusade actually filmed scenes on the Orient Express that they cut and created the Motorcycle chase on the spot for a bigger scene)



I like those ideas a lot and think they'd work for the final film. The Bermuda Triangle as Indy's final quest could be awesome with the right script.

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One thing Last Crusade lacked that the first two had was a scene where Indiana Jones goes up in a fistfight against the Heavy, gets his ass kicked, and wins through a mix of luck and fortunate positioning.

Wait what? That's the tank fight where he almost goes off the cliff.

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Wait what? That's the tank fight where he almost goes off the cliff.


Yeah and that was a fight where you would need suspension of disbelief to think Indiana could possibly lose the fight against that Nazi. He was nowhere near the apparent threat level of the German mechanic (or the truck squad leader even) or the head Thugee bodyguard. I'm talking about him getting his ass beat legitimately by a far more imposing opponent, not him losing because the plot demands tension before a victory.

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