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Weeknd Official Est: Apes 2 - 73M | Friday Numbers and Saturday Numbers on Page 1

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Tele was also there when Christopher Columbus discovered America.


I feel like we could write a Forrest Gump-esque story (only spanning hundreds of years instead of a few decades) with Tele as the lead character being either a part of, or an indirect influence of a ton of culturally significant American events.

Edited by Mango
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I feel like we could write a Forrest Gump-esque story (only hundreds of years) with Tele as the lead character being either a part of, or an indirect influence of a ton of culturally significant American events.


Tele was indirectly responsible for the creation of many popular things we use today, the Telephone, films, TV, computers, this man's done it and all and seen it all.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Um, Alice? I dont care what anyone says, nothing beats Alice. That movie didnt even deserve a 1/10 of its gross. I'd take Maleficent over Alice any day and I haven't even Mal. TF4? Pshhtt.

Eh, Alice is a rather harmless film, imo. It's pretty much the very definition of "meh" but I wouldn't call it bad. It didn't deserve anywhere near 1b, but that doesn't make it a worse film just because it made that much. TF4 is an all around bad film, doesn't matter if it made one penny or one billion.

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Eh, Alice is a rather harmless film, imo. It's pretty much the very definition of "meh" but I wouldn't call it bad. It didn't deserve anywhere near 1b, but that doesn't make it a worse film just because it made that much. TF4 is an all around bad film, doesn't matter if it made one penny or one billion.

You are wrong.
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