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Weekend Numbers: GOTG - 94M (PG 180) [25.5M Sunday (Spatula) Cancel the Godzilla legs!]

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50 Shades of Grey was originally supposed to open this weekend. I wonder if it would have hurt GOTG. 


Hmm, maybe a bit? That movie seems like it'll skew very heavily to adult females, though. Like Magic Mike-esque levels. It wouldn't be like when 22JS or Hangover opened against HTTYD and KFP, where both mommy and daddy leave the kids with a sitter and go see it. Mommy may go see 50 Shades, but I think daddy would still take the kids to GOTG.

Edited by Orestes
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True about the minorities. I was telling some fellow Black co-workers about the upcoming Star Wars, and they were quick to respond "Meh, Star Wars is too white!" And when I told them Lupita and John Boyega are going to be in it, they responded "either as the villain or to be the first ones wasted, so again, meh!"

on one hand i sorta get it but on the other i don't know how people can live like that , if i had to stop to check if there are black people in a film and as what character i'd be censuring myself from great movies and stories 


don't get me wrong as a black female i'm always happy to see black actresses doing well and having lead roles in cinema or tv but its not a requisite for me to enjoy the medium , of course i'm not american so i have a different experience with that !


hollywood is all about the dough , lets not kid ourselves they go where the money is ..no sentimentality involved !

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Beyonce dropped a new single today.


Nikki's quoting a line from it that addresses the Elevator incident with her sister and Jay-Z.


Oh my God! That Nikki is a mess. :lol:

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So Guardians probably sold less than DOPF and Godzilla, and maybe TF4, but that shouldnt matter as itll likely blow past past all of them in the long run.


I don't think DOFP had Imax.  Godzilla did and had a big share from Imax.  Guardians had more 3d shows than 2d where I checked. Plus it had Imax to itself in most if not all places.

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To give some credit to Spidey himself, it has nothing to do with his popularity as any movies from his ORIGINAL trilogy would have no trouble opening to 100m+. It's the reboot that weaken the franchise.


This is true, but even so. Remember earlier in the year when everyone was saying it was insane that Captain America had out-opened Spidey? GOTG just took that a step further. I was a bit skeptical of GOTG's box office success (I didn't see it opening much past 50m), but this shows that any of Marvel's properties can be successful if they are well-made and well-marketed, as GOTG was.

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Well..., they could have at least fudged it passed OZ DOM total. 


What do they care? Oz is a Disney movie as well. Doesn't matter to them one way or another. All the money goes into the same pocket, lol.

Edited by ECSTASY
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Not seeing CAP2 on the Weekend chart.  it should have a healthy increase this week from the double features.


Did it get any double features anywhere? I know some places had Guardians w/Planes 2. At least at Blankments Drive in.

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Beyonce dropped a new single today.


Nikki's quoting a line from it that addresses the Elevator incident with her sister and Jay-Z.



"Of course sometimes shit go downWhen it's a billion dollars on an elevator"




Hmmm, interesting how it's the same shit that goes down with people who have $2 on the Maury Povich show

Edited by TalismanRing
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