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Weekend numbers thread:TMNT: 28.4 GOTG: 24.7 LBC. 17.7 Ex3: 16.2

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The worst part is their main news contributors fan the flames. JoshWilding is always making a post about Marvel beating D.C. etc. I called him out on twitter a few days ago for inaccurately reporting Cap2's gross and he basically shrugged it off.

Josh Wilding is an idiot. Nailbiter is slightly better. Frankly, SHH is much better in terms of moderation and cutting down on trolling.
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Wow, just got out of Boyhood. What an unusual and incredible movie. Nothing like I've ever seen before. Linklater deserves a lot of credit. He sure does have some creative ideas for movies. Little bit older than the protagonist, but a lot of the movie made me feel nostalgic. Reminded me a lot of Forrest Gump. 


Definite A+ movie. 

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Josh Wilding...oh, right, he's the fucker who read the THR article throwing out Disney among a completely speculative list of other possible bidders for Time Warner, and wrote a rumor blurb "Disney may try to buy Time Warner, this means there's a real possibility that the Marvel and DC universes could be merged!"That's the only thing I've read from him, and he pisses me off just for that.

Edited by TServo2049
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Any interesting meltdowns? Or everyone looked at Exp3 Friday number and it was expected?

I mean I really don't care that it flopped. I kind of wanted it to overperform so Summer 2014 can save more face, but I really didn't care much.
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Any interesting meltdowns? Or everyone looked at Exp3 Friday number and it was expected?

Meltdowns over what? Not many expected Exp3 to do much above 18-20M (even in BSG, a majority said below 22). And I don't think we have diehard Expendables fans here anyway.Mojoguy had a mini rant about Turtles being #1 for 2 weeks ahead of GOTG but that is about as crazy as the thread got. (Ignoring all the derailments which were moved) Edited by grim22
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