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Weekend Prediction thread 10/11-10/13 Play the Derby

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Since I feel like it, upcoming films I've seen trailers for:

Jurassic World 2


Incredibles 2

Ant Man 2

Hotel Transylvania 3

The Darkest Minds

Fantastic Beasts 2


New Mutants




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will try to fill in stuff for next weekend when estimates arrive



   6/1 - 6/3      

Solo: Star Wars - 41.00 - 173.00

(-50%) - Deadpool 2 - 21.50 - 

Infinity War - 11.00 - 

Adrift - 9.50 - 9.50 

Action Point - 6.50 - 6.50

The Book Club - 6.25 - 

Upgrade - 3.40 - 3.40

Life of the Party - 2.75

Breaking In - 2.10 - 

Show Dogs - 2.00 - 

Overboard - 1.40 - 

A Quiet Place - 1.05 - 



   6/8 - 6/10     

             Oceans Eight - 35.50 - 35.50

(-37%) - Solo: Star Wars - 26.00 - 215.50

             Hereditary - 12.50 - 12.50

(-40%) - Deadpool 2 - 13.00 -

(-36%) - Avengers - 7.00 - 

             Hotel Artemis - 6.50 - 6.50

 (-45%) - Adrift - 5.25 - 18.75

(-46%) - Action Point - 3.50 - 12.75

(-49%) - The Book Club - 3.25 - 

(-49%) - Upgrade - 1.75 - 

(-55%) - Life of the Party - 1.25

(-50%) - Show Dogs - 1.00

(-50%) - Overboard - 0.70

(-52%) - A Quiet Place - 0.5




   6/15 - 6/17  

       The Incredibles 2 - 130.00 - 130.00

(-41%) - Oceans Eight - 21.00 - 71.75

             Tag - 19.00 - 19.00

(-35%) - Solo: Star Wars - 17.00 - 243.50

(-37%) - Deadpool 2 - 8.25 

              Soulfly - 8.25 - 11.00 

(-46%) - Hereditary - 6.75 - 25.00

(-36%) - Avengers - 4.50 - 

(-45%) - Hotel Artemis - 3.60 - 12.90

             Race 3 - 3.25 - 3.25

(-52%) - Adrift - 2.50 - 24.00

(-50%) - Action Point - 1.75 - 16.10

(-46%) - The Book Club - 1.75

(-57%) - Upgrade - 0.75 - 8.00



  6/22  6/24  

             Jurassic: Fallen - 130.00 - 130.00

(-55%) - The Incredibles 2 - 58.00 - 253.00

(-38%) - Oceans Eight - 13.00 - 94.00

(-47%) - Tag - 10.00 - 38.00

(-44%) - Solo: Star Wars - 9.50 - 260.75

(-52%) - Deadpool 2 - 4.00 - 

(-55%) - Soulfly - 3.75 - 17.25

(-52%) - Hereditary - 3.25 - 31.75

(-56%) - Avengers - 2.00 - 

(-56%) - Hotel Artemis - 1.60 - 16.10

(-50%) - Adrift - 1.25 - 26.50

(-62%) - Race 3 - 1.25 - 5.75

(-43%) - The Book Club - 1.00

(-57%) - Action Point - 0.75 - 17.50



   6/29 - 7/01     

(-52%) - Jurassic: Fallen - 62.00 - 255.00

(-43%) - The Incredibles - 33.00 - 319.00

            Sicario - 16.50 - 16.50

             Uncle Drew - 16.50 - 16.50

(-38%) - Oceans Eight - 8.00 - 108.00

             The Hustle - 6.50 - 6.50

(-34%) - Solo: Star Wars - 6.25 - 272.00 

(-45%) - Tag - 5.50 - 49.25

             Sanju - 5.00 - 5.00

(-50%) - Deadpool  - 2.00 - 

(-53%) - Soulfly - 1.75 - 20.75

(-54%) - Hereditary - 1.50 - 35.00

(-38%) - Avengers - 1.25 -



  7/06 - 7/08 

             Ant-Man: Wasp - 90.00 - 90.00

(-45%) - Jurassic: Fallen - 34.00 - 330.50

             The First Purge - 20.00 - 37.00 

(-45%) - The Incredibles - 18.00 - 359.00

(-41%) - Uncle Drew - 9.75 - 36.25

(-45%) - Sicario - 9.00 - 35.50

(-44%) - Oceans Eight - 4.50 - 117.00

(-42%) - The Hustle - 3.75 - 14.50

(-48%) - Solo: Star Wars - 3.25 - 279.00

(-50%) - Tag - 2.75 - 55.75

(-50%) - Sanju - 2.50 - 10.50

(-50%) - Deadpool - 1.00 - 

(-40%) - Avengers - 0.75



  7/13 - 7/15

(-55%) - Ant-Man: Wasp - 40.50 - 173.00

             Hotel Transylvania - 37.50 - 37.50

              Skyscraper - 37.50 - 37.50 

(-44%) - Jurassic: Kingdom - 19.00 - 370.00

(-47%) - The Incredibles - 9.50 - 380.50

(-55%) - First Purge - 9.00 - 57.50

(-47%) - Sicario - 4.75 - 46.25

(-51%) - Uncle Drew - 4.75 - 46.25

(-39%) - Oceans Eight - 2.75 - 122.25

(-33%) - The Hustle - 2.50 - 19.00

(-42%) - Solo: Star Wars - 1.90 - 283.00

(-55%) - Tag - 1.25 - 58.75



  7/20 - 7/22 

            Mamma Mia - 35.00 - 35.00

            The Equalizer - 25.00 - 25.00

(-46%) - Ant-Man: Wasp - 22.00 - 219.00

(-44%) - Hotel Transylvania - 21.00 - 82.00

(-49%) - Skyscraper - 19.00 - 77.00

            Unfriended: Dark Web - 12.50 - 12.50

(-42%) - Jurassic: Fallen - 11.00 - 392.00

(-32%) - The Incredibles - 6.50 - 393.50

(-50%) - First Purge - 4.50 - 67.50

(-42%) - Sicario - 2.75 - 51.75

(-42%) - Uncle Drew - 2.75 - 52.00

(-45%) - Oceans Eight - 1.50 - 125.50

(-40%) - The Hustle - 1.50 - 22.00

(-42%) - Solo: Star Wars - 1.10 - 285.25









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will try to fill in stuff for next weekend when estimates arrive




6/1 - 6/3 

-60% Solo - 34.00  - 171.00

-49% Deadpool - 22.00 - 239.40

-40% Avengers - 10.40 - 642.50

         Adrift - 9.00 - 9.00

-33% Book Club - 6.80 - 46.75

         Action Point - 6.00 - 6.00

         Upgrade - 3.50 - 3.50

-39% Life of the Party - 3.25 - 45.40

-49% Breaking In - 2.20 - 41.40

-39% Show Dogs - 2.00 - 14.7

-61% Overboard - 1.25 - 44.25

-48% A Quiet Place - 1.25 - 182.75




6/8 - 6/10 


           Ocean Eight - 35.50 - 35.50

           Hereditary - 12.10 - 12.10


-38% - Solo: Star Wars - 21.00 - 192.00

-41% - Deadpool - 13.00 - 262.00

-29% - Avengers - 7.40 - 654.00


           Hotel Artemis - 6.50 - 6.50

-50% - Adrift - 4.50 - 17.25

-45% - Action Point - 3.30 - 11.70

-43% - Upgrade - 2.00 - 7.10


-49% - Book Club - 3.50 - 53.50

-49% - Life of the Party - 1.69 - 48.59



6/15 - 6/17  


        The Incredibles - 130.00 - 130.00

-44% Oceans Eight - 20.00 - 69.00

         Tag - 16.00 - 16.00

-37% Solo: Star Wars - 13.25 - 205.50

-38% Deadpool - 8.10 - 275.90

         Soufly - 6.00 - 8.00

-32% Avengers - 5.00 - 662.50

         Race 3 - 3.25 - 3.25


-46% Hereditary - 6.50 - 23.75

-45% Hotel Artemis - 3.60 - 12.60

-50% Adrift - 2.25 - 21.75

-50% Book Club - 1.75 - 57.00

-50% Action Point - 1.65 - 15.00



6/22 - 6/25  


        Jurassic: Fallen - 130.00 - 130.00

-57% Incredibles - 56.00 - 251.00

-35% Oceans Eight - 13.00 - 91.25

-46% Tag - 8.60 - 30.80


-47% Solo: Star Wars - 7.00 - 219.00

-48% Deadpool - 4.20 - 284.10

-55% Avengers - 2.25 - 667.25


-40% Soulfly - 3.60 - 13.85

-50% Hereditary - 3.25 - 30.25

-50% Hotel Artemis - 1.80 - 16.05

-62% Race 3 - 1.25 - 6.25

-49% Adrift - 1.15 - 24.00

-43% Book Club - 1.00 - 59.00


6/29 - 7/1  




-55% - Jurassic: Fallen - 59.00 - 254.00

-43% - The Incredibles - 32.00 - 315.00

          Sicario - 16.50 - 16.50

          Uncle Drew - 13.50 - 13.50

-38% - Oceans Eight - 8.00 - 105.00

          The Hustle - 6.75 - 6.75

          Sanju - 5.00 - 5.00


-42% - Tag - 5.00 - 40.00

-43% - Solo: Star Wars - 4.00 - 227.00

-40% - Deadpool - 2.50 - 289.00

-33% - Avengers - 1.50 - 670.00

-54% - Hereditary - 1.50 - 33.50

-58% - Soulfly- 1.50 - 17.10


7/6 - 7/8  


           Ant-Man: Wasp - 85.00 - 85.00

-46% - Jurassic: Fallen - 32.00 - 325.00

-41% - Incredibles - 19.00 - 356.00

           First Purge - 19.00 - 36.00


-45% - Sicario - 9.00 - 35.00

-41% - Uncle Drew - 8.00 - 30.50

-44% - Oceans Eight - 4.50 - 114.50

-48% - The Hustle - 3.50 - 14.25

-50% - Sanju - 2.50 - 10.00

-50% - Tag - 2.50 - 45.50

-38% - Solo: Star Wars - 2.50 - 232.00

-50% - Deadpool - 1.25 - 291.75


7/13 - 7/15  


           Skyscraper - 50.00 - 50.00

-53% - Ant-Man: Wasp - 40.0 - 170.00

          Hotel Transylvania - 30.00 - 30.00

-44% - Jurassic: Fallen - 18.00 - 363.00

-50% - The Incredibles - 9.50 - 378.00

-50% - First Purge - 9.50 - 56.50


-50% - Sicario - 4.50 - 45.00

-50% - Uncle Drew - 4.00 - 40.00

-44% - Oceans Eight - 2.50 - 119.75

-43% - The Hustle - 2.00 - 17.50

-40% - Solo: Star Wars - 1.50 - 235.00

-50% - Tag - 1.25 - 48.25



7/20 - 7/22  


          Mamma Mia! - 25.00 - 25.00

          Equalizer 2 - 25.00 - 25.00

-50% - Skyscraper - 25.00 - 10.00

-44% - Ant-Man: Wasp - 22.50 - 217.00

-40% - Hotel Transylvania - 18.00 - 67.00

-44% - Jurassic: Fallen - 10.00 - 384.00

-37% - Incredibles - 6.00 - 390.00

-50% - First Purge - 4.75 - 67.00

-44% - Sicario - 2.50 - 49.75

-40% - Uncle Drew - 2.40 - 45.00

-40% - Oceans Eight - 1.50 - 122.50

-50% - The Hustle - 1.00 - 19.75

-33% - Solo: Star Wars - 1.00 - 237.00






Edited by Thematrixfilm
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  1. Solo: A Star Wars Story - $35M
  2. Deadpool 2 - $19.1M
  3. Adrift - $11.1M
  4. Avengers: Infinity War - $7.96M
  5. Book Club - $6.75M
  6. Action Point - $6.2M
  7. Upgrade - $4.1M
  8. Life of the Party - $2.64M
  9. Breaking In - $2.23M
  10. Show Dogs - $1.47M
  11. A Quiet Place - $1.31M
  12. Overboard - $1.25M
  13. RBG - $1.08M
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47 minutes ago, That One Guy said:
  1. Solo: A Star Wars Story - $35M
  2. Deadpool 2 - $19.1M
  3. Adrift - $11.1M
  4. Avengers: Infinity War - $7.96M
  5. Book Club - $6.75M
  6. Action Point - $6.2M
  7. Upgrade - $4.1M
  8. Life of the Party - $2.64M
  9. Breaking In - $2.23M
  10. Show Dogs - $1.47M
  11. A Quiet Place - $1.31M
  12. Overboard - $1.25M
  13. RBG - $1.08M

Never change.

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Would be kinda nice to see Adrift break out a little. STX could use it, not to mention the disaster sequence looks awesome on the big screen. Plus idk about other theatres, but the trailer played in front of every print of Infinity War at my theatre which is a hell of a lot of recent exposure. 

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On 5/24/2018 at 1:14 PM, Blankments said:

Sorry, y'all, I was in New York last week so I forgot to update. A Quiet Place, A Wrinkle in Time. Overboard, Tully, Rampage, Super Troopers 2, Truth or Dare, and I Feel Pretty are gone.

Breaking In is gone.


Solo: A Star Wars Story - 9/7 (2D/3D) total 16 (down 5)

Deadpool 2 - 11 (down 8)

Adrift - 9 (debut)

Avengers: Infinity War - 8 (up 3)
Book Club - 8 (down 2)

Life of the Party - 6 (down 3)

Action Point - 5 (debut)
Show Dogs - 1 (down 7)

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