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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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Apologies for not posting anything yesterday but I was held up with a very important and time-consuming project that I can't possibly elaborate on...... Alright fine, I was still playing Smash Bros and forgot. It's an addictive game, dammit!


86. No Country for Old Men (2005) 15 points- 8 votes

"You stand to win everything. Call it."




In rural Texas, welder and hunter Llewelyn Moss discovers the remains of several drug runners who have all killed each other in an exchange gone violently wrong. Rather than report the discovery to the police, Moss decides to simply take the two million dollars present for himself. This puts the psychopathic killer, Anton Chigurh, on his trail as he dispassionately murders nearly every rival, bystander and even employer in his pursuit of his quarry and the money. As Moss desperately attempts to keep one step ahead, the blood from this hunt begins to flow behind him with relentlessly growing intensity as Chigurh closes in. Meanwhile, the laconic Sherrif Ed Tom Bell blithely oversees the investigation even as he struggles to face the sheer enormity of the crimes he is attempting to thwart.


Trivia: The silencer on Chigurh's shotgun was specially made for the movie. Such a device didn't exist, so the Coens had one invented.


Ruk's Comments


"Slow, intense and never going where you think it will, No Country for Old Men is, like There Will Be Blood, certain to be remembered as a modern masterpiece. And for me, it's best remembered for the character of Anton Chigurh. The man is that mix of unstoppable and unpredictable that you just have to love. In my opinion he’s one of the best movie villains in years."

Edited by Rukaio Alter
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85. Planet of the Apes (1968) 15 points- 9 votes

"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"




Astronaut Taylor crash lands on a distant planet ruled by apes who use a primitive race of humans for experimentation and sport. Soon Taylor finds himself among the hunted, his life in the hands of a benevolent chimpanzee scientist.


Trivia: Roddy McDowall, an experienced actor, recommended to his companions in makeup that they should frequently add tics, blinks and assorted facial gestures to add a sense of realism and keep the makeup from appearing "mask-like". McDowall reportedly became a merry prankster with the makeup, driving home with his make-up on, and shocking some of the other drivers on the freeway.


Ruk's Comments


"Considering how acclaimed the recent Rise of the Planet of the Apes film was, it’s little surprise to see the film that started it all off on this list. For those of you unfamiliar with the Planet of the Apes franchise, it was Earth all along. Hahahaha. Seriously though, this film obviously captured the imaginations of audiences everywhere with its intriguing premise, fantastic performance from lead Charlton Heston and, of course, that infamous twist at the end. And for a film to leave that large an imprint on popular culture really says something about its quality. Also Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time.


Oh, and for those interested about the above picture, it was the official Polish poster for the film. And if you think that's bizarre, you should see the one for Escape from the Planet of the Apes. Two words. Apes Fucking." 

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Well Frozen is awesome and Mockingbird sucks, so...

Them's bitch-slappin' words, boy.


Anyway, apologies for the delay. My Uni course has just started back up and my laptop's being even more problematic than usual. Next entries should be up in a few minutes though.

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84. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 15 points- 9 votes

"This is Jason Bourne, the toughest target that you have ever tracked. He is really good at staying alive, and trying to kill him and failing... just pisses him off."


(To be fair, that last bit's true of most people.)




After being recovered from the sea, and after losing the one he loves, Jason Bourne is one more step closer to finding out how David Webb became Jason Bourne. Whilst Pamela Landy has decided to leave Bourne alone, CIA Deputy Director Noah Vosen has other plans. He believes that Bourne is still dangerous and must be eliminated, before he finds out his true identity and takes the CIA down with him.


Trivia: Jason Bourne never smiles in the movie, although he is seen to smile in a flashback from The Bourne Identity (2002).


Ruk's Comments


"I’ll admit, I’ve never been the biggest fan of the Bourne films but out of the three (Legacy doesn’t count), Ultimatum definitely stands above. The action is fantastic and it’s one of the annoyingly few action films that can utilise shakey cam well. Damon is great in the lead role and, even if I’m not a great Bourne fan, it’s obviously made a big enough impact on everyone else."

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83. The Terminator (1984) 15 points- 9 votes

"I'll be back."




A cyborg is sent from the future on a deadly mission. He has to kill Sarah Connor, a young woman whose life will have a great significance in years to come. Sarah has only one protector - Kyle Reese - also sent from the future. The Terminator uses his exceptional intelligence and strength to find Sarah, but is there any way to stop the seemingly indestructible cyborg ?


Trivia: One afternoon during a break in filming, Arnold Schwarzenegger went into a restaurant in downtown L.A. to get some lunch and realized all too late that he was still in Terminator makeup - with a missing eye, exposed jawbone and burned flesh.


Ruk's Comments


"The movie that launched the careers of James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger into the stratosphere, the Terminator was pretty much a game changer for both for scifi/action and for time travel movies. Mixing action, horror and AHNOLD, it’s an obvious classic. Admittedly, maybe Arnie’s fame since then has weakened some of the film, but that nightmarish scene at the factory in the end still hasn’t lost any of its punch."

Edited by Rukaio Alter
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