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Superman | July 11, 2025 | James Gunn writing and directing | David Corenswet is Clark, Rachel Brosnahan is Lois

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4 hours ago, ChipDerby said:

Has anyone here ever read a comic book

It’s truly hilarious sometimes reading reactions to things after 20 years of comic book reading. Like I am used to a messy storyline that is just gonna get retconned by a new writer in 2 years. 


2 hours ago, NamakFiskKa said:

Bruh casting Nathan Fillion means Green Lanterns gonna die after 10 mins :bourne:

I would L. O. L.

that said, I didn’t read the article pass the headline, so I just saw that Fillion and was cast as Guy Gardner. Despite the fact that he is way too old, I cannot think of a more perfect casting. Douche is born to play Douche. 

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42 minutes ago, Cap said:

It’s truly hilarious sometimes reading reactions to things after 20 years of comic book reading. Like I am used to a messy storyline that is just gonna get retconned by a new writer in 2 years. 


I feel like our brains got broken by reading comics and at same time, we adapt and most of all expect better than the output that WB and Sony with their live action villain Spider-Man stuff.


This is going to be the third Superman reboot in less than 20 years, and while it’s the first DC Universe reboot, it’s the very first time that the DCU is getting envisioned as an actual universe from the get go for the first time.


Since The Batman is its own thing and Matt Reeves won’t play ball and share his toys, you need to differentiate this universe, meaning that going for an older Batman that has a kid and likely other Robins that maybe went different paths is one way of doing that. If Superman isn’t the first, and by the very nature of Superman you need threats that only him could tackle, it makes sense that this universe is already populated with superheroes.


"Oh but I wanted a story with only Superman and Lois". Well, we got literally two reboots tackling that already, we really don’t need Superman to be THE SUPERMAN or whatever the "character study" that Snyder was on. We don’t need Donner’s Supes or that creep that did X-Men either.


What we need is to people to fall in love for Superman just like people fell in love with Captain America. This isn’t even out, but I can already tell that this is heavily influenced by Post-Crisis Superman which started, ironically, with John Byrne’s Man of Steel, arguably Superman’s definitive origin. There, Clark isn’t the first superhero of the DC Universe, there are several heroes populating that universe already.

What Cap is saying about messy storylines that get retconned time and time again happens with both Marvel and DC, but I’d argue that is even worse with DC and I blame Geoff Johns a lot for that. My point is that in Post-Crisis, unlike what happens in the New 52 comics,  Superman wasn’t a founding member of the Justice League.

For all we know, Mister Terrific, Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner might actually be part of this current take of the Justice League, which kinda lines up with what the Justice League International was, and let me tell you, for those that don’t know, this is comic book gold right here:




Hell, there is room to even include Ted Kord’s and Jaime’s Blue Beetle in this. My point is,  the best comic book films are the ones that aren’t afraid of embracing all the weirdness of the genre. We have like 40+ years of Christ allegories with Superman and clearly despite how masterful Donner’s Superman is, it’s time for something new. Please fam, allow James Gunn to get weird, he clearly has earned people’s trust when it comes to this genre.


Edited by ZattMurdock
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7 hours ago, ChipDerby said:

Has anyone here ever read a comic book


2 hours ago, Cap said:

It’s truly hilarious sometimes reading reactions to things after 20 years of comic book reading. Like I am used to a messy storyline that is just gonna get retconned by a new writer in 2 years. 

Comic books are also a struggling media that barely benefitted from the popularity of the movie adaptations in these last 10+ years, and part of the reason is that they are inaccessible to potential new readers. So it makes sense that people here get concerned about some creative decisions even if it's something comic book fans are used to.


With that said, I really don't think a Superman introductory movie can't have multiple other DC heroes. I always defended Batman v Superman and Justice League from those types of criticisms. People create arbitrary rules for these movies based on what worked for the MCU, but it makes no sense. It's a film, and a film can have multiple main characters that weren't introduced to audiences in their solo movies before. Movies like that exist and they worked, so there's no reason to believe James Gunn can't make a great Superman movie that has multiple other DC heroes in it.


But a lot of fans who used those rules to attack the earlier DCEU movies are now gonna be on the defensive side of the argument, and that's interesting, though also I'm exhausted with this division in the fandom and with all the negativity from people who will always root against DC.

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41 minutes ago, Napoleon said:


Comic books are also a struggling media that barely benefitted from the popularity of the movie adaptations in these last 10+ years, and part of the reason is that they are inaccessible to potential new readers. So it makes sense that people here get concerned about some creative decisions even if it's something comic book fans are used to.


With that said, I really don't think a Superman introductory movie can't have multiple other DC heroes. I always defended Batman v Superman and Justice League from those types of criticisms. People create arbitrary rules for these movies based on what worked for the MCU, but it makes no sense. It's a film, and a film can have multiple main characters that weren't introduced to audiences in their solo movies before. Movies like that exist and they worked, so there's no reason to believe James Gunn can't make a great Superman movie that has multiple other DC heroes in it.


But a lot of fans who used those rules to attack the earlier DCEU movies are now gonna be on the defensive side of the argument, and that's interesting, though also I'm exhausted with this division in the fandom and with all the negativity from people who will always root against DC.

I’m right there with you on there with how inaccessible comic books are to the general audience. Hell, DC Comics isn’t accessible to me at all and whatsoever for four fucking years or more because they literally won’t sell me comic books digitally and because unlike Marvel Unlimited that is very much available worldwide, DC Infinite simply won’t allow me to subscribe to their comics, which is absurd.


Nevermind the fact that since New 52, DC Comics became way too much complicated for its own good. People blame a lot of shit on Geoff Johns on the film side of things but I can’t hardly blame him on anything there. I do blame Didio and the editorial for going out of their fucking way with that shitty New 52 soft reboot though. That overcompllicated things and despite my love for Grant Morrison, that’s on them too. We don’t need to have "every story counting" when it comes to DC. There is a reason why Crisis on Infinite Earths happened and I understand that Johns and Morrison are all about the importance and love of the golden and  silver age, but those things were better left alone, now it’s hard to make sense of everything.


That’s the one thing I admire about ‘Akira Yoshida’ at Marvel Comics, what they have done with the X-Men line was nothing short of brilliant, also I’m a big fan of the Legacy Numbers for their comics, despite several new #1s. The truth is that DC Comics needs to streamline their comics and make sense of shit, and that’s hard when the perfect template with Crisis was already done. Flashpoint truly killed DC Comics, which is ironic because well, The Flash. 

Which brings me to your point about "fans that attacked the DCEU earlier are now on the defensive side of the argument" part of your post. Look, I admire your passion for the DCEU, I thought it was very cool that you and people that enjoyed that got to ZSJL, which I already went on record three years ago saying that I enjoyed for what it was, but as a DC fan I can only see that as an Elseworlds story, and not one that I necessarily throughly enjoyed, thought it was necessary and most of all, could truly connect with mass audiences like DC characters are obviously designed to do. I don’t approve the methods that got that cut done, but that’s water under the bridge. If anything, I’m glad that the DCEU made you a DC fan and a fan of the superhero genre. I hope you enjoy the new ride.

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13 minutes ago, Mr Terrific said:

Comic book plot lines can be absurdly complicated. I read cbs like crazy from about six to 18. 
Many years later, I was reading a War of the Lanterns article/synopsis. Aw, shoot. Your brain needs to be prepped for that. 

The single DC comic that I still buy is Tom Taylor’s and Bruno Redondo’s Nightwing TPBs. I’m taxed like crazy because DC are idiots that won’t allow me to buy comics online easily like Marvel did (that was before Amazon fucked me over ruining ComiXology), but it’s arguably one of the best runs of the 21st Century, next to Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man and Chip Zdarsky’s Daredevil. I highly recommend it, it should be quite easier to get in the US.

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8 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, Batman...I wonder.



I think Waller is our DCU’s Maxwell Lord. It makes sense that the US government and ONU would bankroll metahumans, with the Squad being bankrolled as their wetwork team. Ironically, similar to what the JLI comic was in the past.


Having the JLI exist from the get go actually takes an weight out of the DCU that I think it’s interesting to see. So Superman is the new(ish, since that’s not an origin Superman story, neither he just got in town) super in town, JLI are the establishment, The Authority are the anti-establishment and the Squad are, well, the a-holes. 

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3 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

, but I’d argue that is even worse with DC and I blame Geoff Johns a lot for that.


I would argue that he is might worse thing to happen to comics since the collapse in the 1990s. I stopped reading DC Comics after the New 52 because of him and Dan Didio. I VIVIDLY remember that Comic Con when Didio was like “who should be hire?” when someone commented at a Q&A “you should hire more women”. That was when Gail Simone was their ONLY female writer out of 52 titles. 

His inability to let the legacy characters thrive really bothered me. He was just such a Hal and Barry fanboy, and talked about that being “his GL and Flash” when you had an entire generation growing up on Wally and Kyle. It was asinine.


1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

Comic books are also a struggling media that barely benefitted from the popularity of the movie adaptations in these last 10+ years, and part of the reason is that they are inaccessible to potential new readers.


That because Marvel’s comic division seems incapable of getting in line with the MCU. I don’t know who to blame here whether it is Joe Q or Kevin, but it’s so so so maddening when they do shit like “The Marvels is releasing this November, but don’t worry about buying Ms. Marvel’s comic, cause she is dead!”


Or when Steve had NEVER been more popular, and they were like “What if he was Hydra?” (This is when I stopped buying Marvel Comics. Absolutely unforgivable.)

I’m not advocating for the comics to be like a same universe, extension of the MCU. But there needs to be some synergy involved. And I know they’re capable of doing it, because after Iron Man initially came out, they immediately pivoted to writing Tony Stark as basically RDJ. 

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37 minutes ago, Cap said:


I would argue that he is might worse thing to happen to comics since the collapse in the 1990s. I stopped reading DC Comics after the New 52 because of him and Dan Didio. I VIVIDLY remember that Comic Con when Didio was like “who should be hire?” when someone commented at a Q&A “you should hire more women”. That was when Gail Simone was their ONLY female writer out of 52 titles. 

His inability to let the legacy characters thrive really bothered me. He was just such a Hal and Barry fanboy, and talked about that being “his GL and Flash” when you had an entire generation growing up on Wally and Kyle. It was asinine.



That because Marvel’s comic division seems incapable of getting in line with the MCU. I don’t know who to blame here whether it is Joe Q or Kevin, but it’s so so so maddening when they do shit like “The Marvels is releasing this November, but don’t worry about buying Ms. Marvel’s comic, cause she is dead!”


Or when Steve had NEVER been more popular, and they were like “What if he was Hydra?” (This is when I stopped buying Marvel Comics. Absolutely unforgivable.)

I’m not advocating for the comics to be like a same universe, extension of the MCU. But there needs to be some synergy involved. And I know they’re capable of doing it, because after Iron Man initially came out, they immediately pivoted to writing Tony Stark as basically RDJ. 

The comics side of Marvel has gone out of its way to do things that mimic what’s going in the films. That was why they replaced the white Nick Fury with Nick Fury Jr. 

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7 minutes ago, Cap said:


I would argue that he is might worse thing to happen to comics since the collapse in the 1990s. I stopped reading DC Comics after the New 52 because of him and Dan Didio. I VIVIDLY remember that Comic Con when Didio was like “who should be hire?” when someone commented at a Q&A “you should hire more women”. That was when Gail Simone was their ONLY female writer out of 52 titles. 

His inability to let the legacy characters thrive really bothered me. He was just such a Hal and Barry fanboy, and talked about that being “his GL and Flash” when you had an entire generation growing up on Wally and Kyle. It was asinine.


Thank GIF

Beyond the whole misogyny, I understand that Morrison is rightfully considered one of the best comic book writers of all time and I still I love a lot of their output, but when "everything happened" it becomes virtually impossible to follow when it comes to DC Comics. Remember that Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison were the biggest selling points of New 52, a comic book relaunch spearheaded by a bunch of white dudes (Morrison hadn’t come out non-binary back then iirc) and, well, Gail. Don’t get me wrong, I kinda dig the Azzarello’s Wonder Woman New 52 origin story, it’s actually the one used in the DCEU, but now we are once again in a limbo and I’m not even sure what is her origin anymore, beyond the fact that unlike Post-Crisis, New 52 while having a somewhat clear streamlined vision, ended up retconned again with Rebirth and then we had two Supermen but not really Clark and Jon and ugh, it’s a fucking mess.


And the problem with the lack of diversity with writers is still very much an issue. Hearing bad shit about Tom King’s new Wonder Woman and it feels like they keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again. That’s why I’m not opposed actually to the Tom Brevoort / Marvel higher ups heavy editorial mandates that keep Peter Parker single, etc. You need an unified and coherent vision for a shared universe to work. When you don’t have that, you have a bunch of old dudes wanting to bring "their" favorites and favorite events from when they were kids back and we end up with whatever happened to DC since Flashpoint and after that, Rebirth.


There are hidden gems within DC Comics until this day, Nightwing is the shiny example of that. But the universe itself is a fucking mess.


19 minutes ago, Cap said:


That because Marvel’s comic division seems incapable of getting in line with the MCU. I don’t know who to blame here whether it is Joe Q or Kevin, but it’s so so so maddening when they do shit like “The Marvels is releasing this November, but don’t worry about buying Ms. Marvel’s comic, cause she is dead!”


Or when Steve had NEVER been more popular, and they were like “What if he was Hydra?” (This is when I stopped buying Marvel Comics. Absolutely unforgivable.)

I’m not advocating for the comics to be like a same universe, extension of the MCU. But there needs to be some synergy involved. And I know they’re capable of doing it, because after Iron Man initially came out, they immediately pivoted to writing Tony Stark as basically RDJ. 


You have Akira Yoshida aka CB Cebulski to blame for that, Quesada isn’t even at Marvel anymore iirc. Kevin spearheads all the creative decisions at Marvel yes, but the ins and outs is Cebulski.


With that said, I’m not that phased with Ms. Marvel’s ‘death’. I could bet that what happened here is that they are linking her to the mutants like she is in the MCU. Mutants have conquered death, although that is likely ending with Fall of X, I still have to catch up there, I’ve just finished X Lives and X Deaths of Wolverine the other day. Kamala will be back, even if she is the last mutant resurrected by the Hellfire Gala, I guarantee you that.


And I do agree with the necessity of more brand synergy. That’s precisely why I’m not that mad with Kamala dying (I mean, my cat is called Kamala Ellie Harris Khan, so I obviously took it personal, but still), because it makes sense with the current X-Men phase. That’s the obvious big reveal, but we live in an age of outrage and fandoms crying to get what they want, meaning, the Spider-Marriage back.

We don’t need the Spider-Man marriage back for the very same reason why we don’t needed Barry Allen or Hal Jordan back. Yes OMD pissed me off too but that was almost twenty years ago now. Spider-Man got married because Stan Lee wanted to make it so on his comic book strip and wanted to promote at a football game(!) back in the 80s. We have a whole new generation that grow up with a teenager Peter Parker in the MCU, the Across the Spider-Verse films and an young adult Peter and teenager Miles in the games. These characters aren’t supposed to grow old and move on in life like us. And that’s precisely why I’m so excited for Ultimate Invasion that Jonathan Hickman is making with Bryan Hitch, since they are bringing back Earth 1610, you know, the one that Miles is the single Spider-Man just like the incredibly popular films.


I wholeheartedly agree with you on Hydra Cap, and you can blame that fully on Nick Spencer and Axel Alonso, former EiC before Cebulski took over. In fact I’d argue that Hydra Cap put in motion Alonso’s fall, so there was that one saving grace for that whole fiasco. Also, I’m hearing AMAZING stuff about the current Sam Wilson Cap run and JMS is taking over Steve Rogers book:





Instead of buying comics, I highly recommend treating yourself with an iPad Pro and a Marvel Unlimited subscription. You need to catch up on a lot of good shit, mostly unadaptable but brilliant good shit that will likely have rippling effects on how the MCU is moving forward, especially when it comes to the X-Men, Jonathan Hickman kickstarted what might be the best era of the X-Men of all time, and I don’t say this lightly.

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3 minutes ago, Maggie said:

I’m not sure what to think. It might be true. I heard that Gunn considered Craig before working with Chukwudi Iwuji for the High Evolutionary role. Either way, we will know soon enough, since Gunn isn’t one of letting rumors fly like this.

2 minutes ago, LegionWrex said:

Would be a fun choice tbh but I'm not exactly trusting GFR considering their track record is garbage.


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