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Big Hero 6 (2014)


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There are a lot of revenge villains too and those normally all follow the same "I want to destroy your life" plots. The HTTYD2 villain may not be strong either but that's just now personal preference isn't it, "Oh, this is one-note, but this isn't." depending on which story you've seen too many times before. For myself, the Dragon villain could have been worked on more, certainly, but the setup of that scene, of the roundtable, there's already intrigue established with the mask/handicap or whatever it was. Here, it was just "professor/mentor" Callaghan and "shady business man" Krei. When you watch it again, there is nothing even remotely different hinted before the fire. How I deduced was because it was the most predictable setup.


My problems with the film do not lie with Hiro. That moment he takes out Tadashi's microchip was pretty great. That adds to his character. Not Callaghan's or Krei's. Callaghan didn't know Tadashi had gone in, so it wasn't like he was blinded by revenge, he just didn't know so the throwaway "he shouldn't have gone in/that's his fault" is just spur of the moment stuff. One line doesn't make a motive. This isn't your Scooby Doo "why I did this" moment. There shouldn't be any of that. If you want to believe that revenge consumes him, why does he even bother chasing the BH6 around town with the microbots clear for everyone to see when that detracts from him being able to target Krei. Hell, the only reason Tadashi had to die was so that Hiro would have motive for creating BH6. No one even suspects Callaghan, and he is professor, he could've done everything in secret easily, who's going to question him? It's lazy writing. There's no reason he had to do it then considering he would have to wait to destroy Krei anyway.




You mean you didn't know it was going to happen? The moment Tadashi went in and died, I knew and I don't suss things out easily. The setup was obvious. There have been so many mentor-like characters going rogue already. Krei is a generic villain. Of course he can't outright commit murder, it's a Disney flick. The mentality of money/glory first leading him to the sticks is done everywhere. Yeah, I didn't know exactly why Callaghan would turn out to be the Kabuki so the proof in the pudding had to be great, but no surprises there that it wasn't. He was working with/for Krei and things went awry...yeah. The writing was shit during that scene.


I felt Callaghan as a villain was rushed, you get a couple quick scenes and are expected to feel something about them.

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The boy and his robot stuff is pretty great, and Betamax feels like an animator's dream, he's so much fun to watch. But I'm sick of the Marvel villain formula (especially when shown through the lens of a vanilla Disney film) and I'm sick of Disney exploiting death to make us feel sad. The film still would've worked with his brother getting a scholarship to some school halfway across the world and I probably would have believed that more. Either way I think more could have been done here... The Incredibles was 10 years ago and it's a far more complex film than this.

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Saw it last night with a group of friends. The movie overall is good and a fun ride.The humor works well in film, I was surpised on how many times I was laughing.   The animation is beautiful and the best of the year in terms of how it looks. Baymax was a great character easily the best character in the movie. But it fails to hit an emotional cord that it tried to do. I could have cared less when the brother died, when Hero missed his brother, and when Baymax save Hero and the girl.  A second disappointment was the character development. None of the characters felt developed.  The villain was was a typical villain. I wished they would have Hero in class before the fire and learning from the professor since Hero was suppose to look up to him. The final act was rush it could have been longer.  I also would like to see about 10 minutes added to the first act. 


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The film still would've worked with his brother getting a scholarship to some school halfway across the world and I probably would have believed that more. 


Eh, they needed to kill him off in order for Hiro's emotional arc to work. What I thought was really bold of this film was that it showed the negative consequences of seeking vengeance for the death/disappearance of a loved one (a young, cute female, to boot); since it's a fantasy many parents like to indulge in. Callahan was what Hiro could end up becoming if he let his anger get the best of him. I also thought it was pretty brave of them to save the antagonist's loved one, but not the protagonist's. 

Edited by tribefan695
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Also, I can't recall any animated film that truly deals with grief from the eyes of an adolescent. Disney has always used death to influence emotions, but I think this is the film that really pulls back and looks closely at how it affects its characters.

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Yet another great movie by Disney.
All to often recently I'll be watching a movie and think that is a great subversion of a trope or something similar.  This movie was one of the few that I truly was invested in.  On an intellectual level I know that this movie is flawed, but this movie as a whole rises above the flaws of its part and for that reason I give it an A

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Like most recent Hollywood animated movies I've seen, it's competently made and goes through all the typical beats one would expect from this kind of story. So, while it's not bad, it's also not really that interesting, aside from any design/visual choices that might be a bit unique or specialized.



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There is something just off about the execution of the movie. It hits all the beats it should hit to be a satisfying movie, but something holds it back from actually being anything more than competent.


Now, if my wife was on this board, she would probably launch into a tirade against the movie. I have never seen her get so angry about a movie before. She was looking forward to this movie a lot, and you could tell she felt badly let down. She was constantly poking holes in the plot and the convenience with which things happen, and she is normally the one who "goes with the movie" than me.

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I liked it, but it's a tad over hyped around here. Typical animated movie with a good emotional heart, and funny moments. Enjoyed a lot though, and Baymax was better than I thought he'd be. B+


Side note: The short completely blew this movie away. Honestly liked it even more than Paperman.

Edited by Blankments
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I liked it, but it's a tad over hyped around here. Typical animated movie with a good emotional heart, and funny moments. Enjoyed a lot though, and Baymax was better than I thought he'd be. A-


Side note: The short completely blew this movie away. Honestly liked it even more than Paperman.

Like Paperman, I hope it wins the Best Animated Short Oscar.
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I liked it, but it's a tad over hyped around here. Typical animated movie with a good emotional heart, and funny moments. Enjoyed a lot though, and Baymax was better than I thought he'd be. A-


Side note: The short completely blew this movie away. Honestly liked it even more than Paperman.

Pretty much. At the end of the day, it's a really fun film, but it's lacking a bit in oomph, which WiR, Frozen, and even Tangled had down much better.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Awkwardly, I've already changed my score on this. The more I think about it, I think it's just okay. Not outstanding. The A- rating is more for the short being added in. Without the short, it's enjoyable, but a B movie


I think I actually liked Book of Life more...

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Pretty fun.

Enjoyed it more than Frozen (which I seem to see most people my age are not that big on compared to older Disney films, another story though)

Very pretty and Baymax was very amusing and funny. Audience loved it.

I give it a A- for now.

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Aside from Baymax who was great this movie was..... disappointingly boring. It lacked humor, the characters were too cartoonish and one dimentional, the story wasn't very interesting.

Yes, we are talking about an animated movie but this is definitely behind the Lego movie and HTTYD 2.


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It's pretty good and Baymax is awesome but many things are a bit rushed and underdeveloped. But no worries Disney, as long as you keep including Arrested Development references in your movies, I'll keep looking forward to them :D I did enjoy this one and had fun with it and I don't get where these 'boring' complaints come from.



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