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Ready Player One | March 29, 2018 | Spielberg directing | No untagged spoilers allowed

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I don't know if I'd say I want this to fail... Eh, maybe I do. Not as fervently as some others apparently do but nostalgia-driven blockbusters in general just bore me. I should feel excitement and intrigue when a big CGI spectacle starts advertising itself, not the "just get this over with" feeling this one is bringing. I can't shake the thought that it's taking up the release date, budget, and talent a much more interesting concept should have had.



Edited by tribefan695
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14 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Something like this could happen IMO


Mar 29: 31M (8.1M weekdays, 39.1M Total) (3 day: 26M)

Apr 6: 15M (4.2M weekdays, 58.3M Total)

Apr 13: 7.3M (2.1M weekdays, 67.7M Total)

Apr 20: 4.2M (1.2M weekdays, 73.1M Total)

Apr 27: 1.8M (500k weekdays, 75.3M Total)

Final Total: 78M (2.52x from 4 day/3x from 3 day)


Han doing backflips to get this under The Post lmao.

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Still early days considering we're only 20+ reviews in, but it looks like WB made the right decision to lift the review embargo, considering where the RT score is sitting.


Yes, the x/10 isn't that hot.  But as much as I'd like people to pay more attention to it, it's usually a secondary thought, if one at all, for many people.

The longer that RT score stays above 70, the better for the movie's OW, I reckon.


Of course, since we ARE only at 22 reviews, plenty of time for it to plunge under 50 and stay there, so time will tell if this was indeed the right bet.

Edited by Porthos
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5 hours ago, Jessie said:

Well i havent read the book but im going to assume you are wrong because Michael Bay is hardly sexist. He just knows sex sells and if you are an attractive star, you'll want to be in his movie

I would not call Michael Bay more sexist then most Hollywood directors.

Now if you call him a total hack director, without an original idea in his body, I would agree.....

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14 minutes ago, dudalb said:

I would not call Michael Bay more sexist then most Hollywood directors.

Now if you call him a total hack director, without an original idea in his body, I would agree.....

Hacks tend to put minimal effort into their movies for a paycheck. I genuinely think Bay loves what he does so i'd be more inclined to call him a big child getting paid to do what he loves, blowing shit to pieces. 

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4 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

I don't know if I'd say I want this to fail... Eh, maybe I do. Not as fervently as some others apparently do but nostalgia-driven blockbusters in general just bore me. I should feel excitement and intrigue when a big CGI spectacle starts advertising itself, not the "just get this over with" feeling this one is bringing. I can't shake the thought that it's taking up the release date, budget, and talent a much more interesting concept should have had.



let's face  it, cgi spectacles are a dime a dozen nowdays. This week's cgi spectacle does not look good to you, just wait till next week's,

I actually think Spielberg is aiming at something like AI more then your typical Sci Fi epic,but question is will Ready Player One get lost in the shuffle.

It could  get very good reviews and still fall short at the box office.

And I also think that the dystopian aspects might be against it, since the GA might be  burnt out on dystopian thrillers.

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9 minutes ago, Jessie said:

Hacks tend to put minimal effort into their movies for a paycheck. I genuinely think Bay loves what he does so i'd be more inclined to call him a big child getting paid to do what he loves, blowing shit to pieces. 

The Ed Wood syndrome to a degree.

And I have to judge Bay by what I see on the screen, and, except for blowing thing up real good, he work is uninspired, predictable,uncreative if technically competent..ie; he can keep a shot in frame and does not show microphones in the corner. That is a textbook definition of hackwork:A degree of technical competend but totally unoriginal and in the end  boring.

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9 minutes ago, dudalb said:

The Ed Wood syndrome to a degree.

And I have to judge Bay by what I see on the screen, and, except for blowing thing up real good, he work is uninspired, predictable,uncreative if technically competent..ie; he can keep a shot in frame and does not show microphones in the corner. That is a textbook definition of hackwork:A degree of technical competend but totally unoriginal and in the end  boring.

I saw a comment on Pablo Hidalgo's twitter feed recently saying that Bay would make a great second unit director, where he stays focused on whole 'blowing stuff up' bits while the main director works on everything else.




Ah, here it is:


This might be what you (and others) are getting at here.

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16 minutes ago, dudalb said:

The Ed Wood syndrome to a degree.

And I have to judge Bay by what I see on the screen, and, except for blowing thing up real good, he work is uninspired, predictable,uncreative if technically competent..ie; he can keep a shot in frame and does not show microphones in the corner. That is a textbook definition of hackwork:A degree of technical competend but totally unoriginal and in the end  boring.

"hackwork" lol. 

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1 hour ago, Porthos said:

Still early days considering we're only 20+ reviews in, but it looks like WB made the right decision to lift the review embargo, considering where the RT score is sitting.


Yes, the x/10 isn't that hot.  But as much as I'd like people to pay more attention to it, it's usually a secondary thought, if one at all, for many people.

The longer that RT score stays above 70, the better for the movie's OW, I reckon.


Of course, since we ARE only at 22 reviews, plenty of time for it to plunge under 50 and stay there, so time will tell if this was indeed the right bet.

Yeah, I agree. Especially since the wom, even the less positive one, universally agrees that this movie is exactly what those really anticipating it for the pop culture and the geekyness were clamoring for; and it does seem like a big visual spectacle that could appeal to a good chunk of the audience. I'll admit: seeing the trailers and TV spots, I did sometimes kinda get that fuzzy and warm vibe that Spielberg blockbusters pass on, more so than whatever cynicism the story could have inherited from the book, and I think that could always be beneficial for the wom in general. Although yes, RT and reviews and percentages... none of that is the be all, end all, so we'll see just how much of an affect it can have on a movie that is definitely something that a lot percieve as "on the fence about".

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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Just now, HerediTele said:


...you did?

Yes, sometimes I did kinda feel that way. This is gonna be something a lot of people will probably disagree with - and some might find it extra weird giving how I ranted on the book a couple of pages ago - but yeah, I actually don't hate the marketing stuff as much as everyone else, and sometimes, I felt that way about the stuff shown. :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, grim22 said:


Maybe you should sit this thread out? The movie seems to be doing nothing for you, why spend time in this thread putting down people looking forward to it :thinking: 

Give this thread the scrutiny of a DC thread and threadban him :sparta:

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29 minutes ago, dudalb said:

let's face  it, cgi spectacles are a dime a dozen nowdays. This week's cgi spectacle does not look good to you, just wait till next week's,

I actually think Spielberg is aiming at something like AI more then your typical Sci Fi epic,but question is will Ready Player One get lost in the shuffle.

It could  get very good reviews and still fall short at the box office.

And I also think that the dystopian aspects might be against it, since the GA might be  burnt out on dystopian thrillers.


Yeah, I doubt that judging from the reviews. I've accepted that franchises largely rule the day now at the box office and some of them I do remain interested in, but I at least wish that the people with the clout to do so would aim for something a little more out there. There aren't really a whole lot of big "auteur" movies coming out this year other than this one so right now the only thing I'm really sort of psyched for is Incredibles 2, and even that's based on a good-faith assumption that it's not a rehash nostalgia trip. 

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