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jessie on his I KNOW BEST brigade once again.


Mate, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you've actually seen all the nominees and many other potential ones this year to make your sweeping statement, but at the end of it, it's not your opinion that counts is it?


If you don't care about the Oscars, don't follow them then. You want another opinion, there it is, otherwise just use Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB or Facebook, or Box Office Mojo.


Criticize them all you want but these are people in the industry voting and you take their results with the inherent bias that comes with it, and that is its demographic of older white males and the exclusivity of films that are eligible. Yeah, marketing campaigns, but you're not here defending those that have no money to showcase their films, you're saying that Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America should be in. I'd think that considering how much they grossed and how many people saw them, that they have accounted for themselves well enough to be considered. Your point has to take into account the other edge of the sword, and of course you're not taking that into account are you? I myself do not have the opportunity to see these films but one well acquainted on this forum is Locke and there are dozens more. So if you're not going to argue for these, then you have no point.


Besides, yeah, you don't like Birdman or Boyhood but I think they are infinitely better than Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America. You may not see it, sucks for you, but I don't care, hell, I'm glad that those movies you want to champion have no chance of making it. For somebody who wants to represent his own opinion, you complain a lot about the Oscars. By the way, no one is telling you to see the films that win. The reality is that this is their industry telling each other which they thought was better. You are a non-factor. Don't like it, no one cares. Whether or not the TV ratings are high they will still be giving these out. Plus there's really no reason why you can't just follow the People's Choice Awards or MTV Movie Awards since the films you like are nominated there. Unless you know, you're valuing the Oscars more for some reason...oops. 

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Any attempt at my humor will be discredited by you immediately it seems, so I won't even bother from this point onwards.

The Academy is biased just like you and me towards a certain genre. No one here is denying that. Did I enjoy several blockbusters more than several Oscar bait flicks? Absolutely, without a doubt. It's not like the Academy just goes straight towards every Oscar bait style film like flies, though. A very small proportion of so called Oscar bait actually succeeds in a given year:

St. Vincent, The Judge, Magic in the Moonlight, Men Women and Children, Rosewater, The Good Lie, Unbroken, Fury, This Is Where I Leave You, Hundred Foot Journey, etc. - you didn't see these names come up a lot.

Good blockbusters do appear, but let's not kid ourselves. There are less blockbusters than can be counted on one hand each year that could even remotely be considered Best Picture material. This year, you're probably thinking of Guardians of the Galaxy, no? Believe me, there's enough of a stigma against superhero movies even on here that are limiting its power. It was a really terrific and fun movie, but it doesn't hold up to movies like Whiplash, Birdman, and The Grand Budapest Hotel.

As ambitious as Interstellar was, it did feel overlong and had kind of a messy script. It got the awards it deserved to get, really.

Quite frankly, most blockbusters are made primarily to entertain audiences and give them what they want. The truly distinctive films each year are the ones that break free from this paradigm and try something else, maybe something audiences never knee they wanted. Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game, nah, but usually there are more interesting nominees each year than trite, clichéd baithouses.

Also, if they're so out of touch with what the people like, why do do many of us agree with a lot of their choices? You'd be surprised at how much concurrence there is.

You have to be joking. A very small minority of people agree with academy, there are far more that dont agree with their choices. Obviously im going to be alone with my opinions here seeing as this thread is usually filled with pretentious posters but let's not act like my opinion is in the minority lol.

I'm not saying this year is the worst academy year yet, it's not a bad year imo but it has its problems. Theory of Everything isn't a great film, it just features a great performance. A blockbuster like Apes would have been more worthy of a BP nod than that. I'm not saying it should have been nominated, but compared to the likes of certain nominated movies this year it should have been. It deals with the right themes and it's extremely well made but is discarded for being the stupid Ape movie.

As for GOTG, I would never expect a BP nod for that, that's obvious. But I don't agree with your statement in saying it doesn't hold up to films like Birdman and Budapest Hotel. It's a better film of its genre than Budapest hotel is of that genre.

As for Interstellar, I only mentioned that because it described your original post. Ambitious, well made and smart. That is interstellar all over. Not saying it should have been mentioned, but then I see Boyhood in the running which is a gimmick relied concept and it makes me think 'interstellar easily deserves a nod over this'. You may think Interstellar was boring, but more people would agree that Boyhood was a bigger bore.

Edited by jessie
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jessie on his I KNOW BEST brigade once again.


Mate, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you've actually seen all the nominees and many other potential ones this year to make your sweeping statement, but at the end of it, it's not your opinion that counts is it?


If you don't care about the Oscars, don't follow them then. You want another opinion, there it is, otherwise just use Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB or Facebook, or Box Office Mojo.


Criticize them all you want but these are people in the industry voting and you take their results with the inherent bias that comes with it, and that is its demographic of older white males and the exclusivity of films that are eligible. Yeah, marketing campaigns, but you're not here defending those that have no money to showcase their films, you're saying that Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America should be in. I'd think that considering how much they grossed and how many people saw them, that they have accounted for themselves well enough to be considered. Your point has to take into account the other edge of the sword, and of course you're not taking that into account are you? I myself do not have the opportunity to see these films but one well acquainted on this forum is Locke and there are dozens more. So if you're not going to argue for these, then you have no point.


Besides, yeah, you don't like Birdman or Boyhood but I think they are infinitely better than Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America. You may not see it, sucks for you, but I don't care, hell, I'm glad that those movies you want to champion have no chance of making it. For somebody who wants to represent his own opinion, you complain a lot about the Oscars. By the way, no one is telling you to see the films that win. The reality is that this is their industry telling each other which they thought was better. You are a non-factor. Don't like it, no one cares. Whether or not the TV ratings are high they will still be giving these out. Plus there's really no reason why you can't just follow the People's Choice Awards or MTV Movie Awards since the films you like are nominated there. Unless you know, you're valuing the Oscars more for some reason...oops.

Do people on this site just have a habit of twisting my words? Some one please point out me saying that Captain america and GOTG should be nominated for best picture?

and I've said many times on other threads that hardy should be acknowledged for this performance in Locke as well as the film itself but like I said, the academy have a short memory spam. It's funny how all the things I've mentioned, you are all just clinging onto the blockbuster part of my statement and ignoring everything else.

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You have to be joking. A very small minority of people agree with academy, there are far more that dont agree with their choices. Obviously im going to be alone with my opinions here seeing as this thread is usually filled with pretentious posters but let's not act like my opinion is in the minority lol.

I'm not saying this year is the worst academy year yet, it's not a bad year imo but it has its problems. Theory of Everything isn't a great film, it just features a great performance. A blockbuster like Apes would have been more worthy of a BP nod than that. I'm not saying it should have been nominated, but compared to the likes of certain nominated movies this year it should have been. It deals with the right themes and it's extremely well made but is discarded for being the stupid Ape movie.

As for GOTG, I would never expect a BP nod for that, that's obvious. But I don't agree with your statement in saying it doesn't hold up to films like Birdman and Budapest Hotel. It's a better film of its genre than Budapest hotel is of that genre.

As for Interstellar, I only mentioned that because it described your original post. Ambitious, well made and smart. That is interstellar all over. Not saying it should have been mentioned, but then I see Boyhood in the running which is a gimmick relied concept and it makes me think 'interstellar easily deserves a nod over this'. You may think Interstellar was boring, but more people would agree that Boyhood was a bigger bore.

So be it.


You think blockbusters should be nominated more. I think blockbusters should be nominated when we deserve it.


I have a test to study for. 


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So be it.


You think blockbusters should be nominated more. I think blockbusters should be nominated when we deserve it.


I have a test to study for. 


No, I'm saying any film, regardless of the time of year it was released, regardless of its oscar campaign or its budget/box office gross should get recognition whereas you lot think smaller films should be praised because blockbusters already get rewarded with money.

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I can't really say I'm satisfied on the whole with the winners, a few of them aside. I really liked Birdman, but it seems destined to become one of those "forgotten by everyone except Oscar/movie followers" Best Picture winners.

The same would happen to Boyhood.

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Boyhood lost, because its momentum came from it's gimmick. I loved the movie, but mainly because seeing a child grow up on screen in three hours was a very unique concept. The writing was decidedly average, the acting wasn't all that special aside from Hawke and Arquette, and the editing and cinematography. It's praise came from its emotional impact, and other than "it took 12 years to make", it has the qualities of an average Linklater film.

Birdman, meanwhile, is something Oscar voters would eat up, being a commentary on Hollywood. I can definitely see why it won the biggest awards of the night.

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Oscar Ratings Fall Double Digits From 2014



Bring back Seth MacFarlane.


not unexpected.  I think most people just didn't really care about the nominees as much.  It almost seemed like a throwaway year which does happen

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