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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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I don't think it's sad that AS is making money.

What's sad and I haven't seen this yet going by what I know from the story, is this country doesn't do nearly enough to help our soldiers, black, white, hispanic, asian, readjust to society and get the help we need. We need to do more in that regard. Maybe this movie will can help that.

I agree, I wish people would come from the movie thinking about that, that's a huge issue that sadly still persists. :(
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I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me! And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, ‘cause there ain't no doubt I love this land. God bless the U.S.A.!!




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But how are we to know that for sure? .. the media loves to over exaggerate anything and everything that could be considered racist.

True. I still keep seeing "Obama is born in Kenya and is a Muslim" all over the net and spewed by the likes of Limbaugh. 

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I don't think it's sad that AS is making money.    

What's sad and I haven't seen this yet going by what I know from the story, is this country doesn't do nearly enough to help our soldiers, black, white, hispanic, asian, readjust to society and get the help we need. We need to do more in that regard. Maybe this movie will can help that.

Definitely agree with that. The lack of help re-adjusting gives an overall sense that they've merely been "used" and then dispensed of.

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I don't think it's sad that AS is making money.    

What's sad and I haven't seen this yet going by what I know from the story, is this country doesn't do nearly enough to help our soldiers, black, white, hispanic, asian, readjust to society and get the help we need. We need to do more in that regard. Maybe this movie will can help that.


Excellent but unfortunately sad point Dar. I definitely agree.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Tbh thats probably one thing that held Selma back: we already know everything about MLK, so why pay $10 per ticket to see it? It'd be like sitting through 2 plus hours of visual textbook.

Somehow this line of thinking didn't stop Lincoln from being a massive hit...sure, Lincoln was around a hundred years earlier but he is definitely not an unknown quantity  in America by any stretch.


On paper it just seems so wrong that Selma will make around half of what 42 did, but lost in the whole outcry about the Oscar snubs is that, despite the reviews, not even the public is here for the movie. Lots of underwhelming Oscarbait performs better than Selma will. Malcolm X was how many years ago and, like, three hours long and about Malcolm X and Selma might not make as much in 2014/15 dollars. Totally whiffed on this box office prediction.


The song from Selma mentions Ferguson and I wonder if it's like how Fruitvale Station was too similar to the Trayvon Martin case and it probably hurt its box office performance. So now Selma comes along and there are comparisons to the protests now and I'm sure some were like, "I can just turn on the news, thanks, now let's go see Taken," or Kevin Hart. But how long has WWII been a Hollywood staple, probably since WWII was happening, and it shows little sign of abating, but I guess the stories are more triumphant or just not about uncomfortable realities that aren't good times at the movies for America.



Really glad to see moviegoing thriving in January when last month, theater-going was dooooomed! AS will go from the lowest-grossing to highest-grossing Best Picture nominee in less than week? Insane!

Edited by BoxOfficeChica
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I don't think it's sad that AS is making money.

What's sad and I haven't seen this yet going by what I know from the story, is this country doesn't do nearly enough to help our soldiers, black, white, hispanic, asian, readjust to society and get the help they need. We need to do more in that regard. Maybe this movie will can help that.

This country does need to do more to help out veterans. 

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Obviously the number is going to be big, but I know in Rth's initial post he said it could go as high as 30 if nights played as strong as matinees had.  Well, if Nashville is any indicator, 30 is in the bag.  Not since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have I seen a crowd like tonight.  Went to go see a 7:00PM showing, got there 30 min early, and the theater had signs up that said the movie was sold out until 11:00PM.  That is unheard of here.  We checked the two other large theaters in the metro area and it was the same story so I came home and watched Scott Pilgrim instead.


I thought the trailers were incredible but still this is absolutely insane.

Edited by RyneOh1040
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Just got back, I have a feeling wom is gonna be crazy good.  The theater was completely packed with huge lines and I don't live in a "patriotic/redneck/conservative/whatever" city. 


This is what UNBROKEN could've been if it didn't suck.

I live in West Palm Beach, a fairly diverse city.

When Kyle shot that sniper near the end

, the whole audience errupted in applause! 

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