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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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Hot damn, American Sniper! It didnt bring me to my emotional knees, but it packed quite a punch. It was like seeing COD: Modern Warfare on the big screen. The whole theater was packed. I went with my gf, old roomie, and his roomie, and they all loved it. As I walked out some old guy stopped me and asked did I see it. I said yeah and he gave me a pat and said "good." My guess is hes a veteran.

Veterans is a group we tend to forget when it comes to movies, but they will eat this up like IHOP pancakes. And the movie didnt harp hard on a FUCK YEAH MERICA message like some of you think, so it should play better with other demos outside of conservative/patriotic/faitful whatever over the coming weeks once WOM gets out. The audience enjoyed it and movie was quite surprising with the amount of humor. I actually found the black joke hilarious (no its not racist, a black guy says it). Cooper was great, but he may have been a little better in SLP. But Sienna Miller tho! What a surprise. Great chemistry all around, gritty action, and the motions were all present. I really liked the editing as well.

The theater I went to, we went at 4...4, and the rest of the day was sold out after! 4 oclock people! Ive never seen anyting like it. Im more happy the movie is breakout for the sake of BO, but it still deserves $$$. It was an honest potryal of the war today, it makes you really think. I know Tele was saying bravo about CA not being too patriotic, but if youre American, it really does make you pull that fact in a little tighter. There were a few issues, but i think the GA will be overlooking those. We have a monster on our hands people.

Exceeded my expectations.

Edited by Jandrew
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I hope Mockinjay 1 holds the 2014 #1 title still though.


Pretty interesting that it might end up being a war movie vs. an anti-war movie.


Also the race for 2014's crown has actually been quite a nailbiter. First GOTG vs MJ1 and now MJ1 vs AS.

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Holy hell!


I saw Friday's AS number on another forum and came running here, and now the Saturday number!  :o This might be the biggest out-of-nowhere surprise I've experienced in my time following box office. Most surprises are an order of magnitude (like Avengers breaking $200 million), not a complete, total shock. I gave this weekend's box office almost no thought at all. WOW.


(On a separate note, damn, poor Thor, lol.)

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LOL if Sniper wins BP, then the Academy will have doubly proven this year their outdatedness



*haven't seen Sniper but doubt it's better than Boyhood, Birdman, or Selma*


But they'll finally have picked the populist winner and win back some audience, especially wit 12YAS winning over Gravity last year. 

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