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Tele's 100 Favorite Movies aka "Comfort Food" (complete)

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But we have different criteria for our lists.  My list is every film that I have given at least a 10/10 to....these are comfort food films for Tele.  

there there, I still love you Baumer. 

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Don t understand why people divide these movies. Tolkien's book was supposed to be one big fat motherfucker.

The "trilogy" was shot at once except for some additionnal scenes and pick ups.

It s just a ten hour movie.

It s like saying you liked the last act of Interstellar but found the first act boring.


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Funny, I didn't know Casablanca was top 5. I was debating on that xmas gift I sent you, Casablanca collectors edition boxset was the other choice.  :P

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I never understood why Fellowship of The Ring is loved more than the other 2 LOTR movies. I thought Return Of The King was the best.

Huh? I personally think Fellowship is better than Return, but everyone thinks ROTK is the best one :/

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3. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)


In terms of overall characters, story structure, pacing, etc ALIENS is a better movie than T2... but man oh man, this sequel to Cameron's TERMINATOR hit at exactly the right point in my life. And, in the summer of '91, it took over my life. I saw it twice on opening day. Five times opening weekend. I kept going back again and again and again, dragging different friends with me, living vicariously through their experience of seeing it for the first time. In terms of overall action, T2 is second to none. Most action/adventure movies would kill to have one great action sequence: and, in fact, most of them really only have one that really stands out. T2 has three (the canal chase, the escape from Pescadero, and the freeway chase), and that doesn't include multiple other shorter sequences, most of which have kickass or amazing moments as well. At the time of release, it was The Most Expensive Movie Ever Made (something Cameron has laid claim to on several occasions), and it just blew people away. Looking back on it twenty years later, the scale no longer seems as gigantic (especially in this day and age when CG armies of 10,000 troops or more is a regular occurrence), but it's still just as effective in terms of visuals, composition, the mixture of practical effects, stunts, and a few key moments of CG... and most importantly, character. Character character character. Here, as in ALIENS, Cameron follows up an iconic classic by taking things in a different direction. The Sarah Connor in T2 is a very different woman than the Sarah of T1, but the evolution is a perfect, natural progress given her new outlook on life. Cameron even manages to give Arnold's terminator some key character beats. I will never get tired of watching this movie.


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4. Aliens (1986)


Pretty much the perfect action film, and one I wish a few more big-budget movies would emulate today. Cameron was making a sequel to one of the most famous and influential genre movies of all time, and does several things completely right: first, he doesn't try to remake the first film and simply put Ripley in another ship that happens to have an alien (or even aliens) on it. Secondly, he takes the time to really establish the characters well -- not only fleshing out Ripley's character to a far greater extent than the first film did, but also the new characters that'll be front-and-center in this story. Thirdly, he's able to do this extremely efficiently -- a line or two of dialogue is enough to vividly establish many of the supporting characters and distinguish them from each other, even though several of them are fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. (As an exercise, just think how many of the colonial marines you can name, even though most are essentially glorified red-shirts in the greater context of the overall story). Fourth, Cameron expertly ratchets up the tension and suspense so that by the time the action begins, we're primed and anxious and ready for it. And lastly, he controls the movie's pacing perfectly, sustaining action scenes, then allowing an ebb and flow, everything flowing from one piece to the next in a completely logical and understandable way. By the time they fight their way out of the station and are about to escape, only for Ripley to realize that she has to go back in and face her ultimate nightmare to save the one thing she cares about, we're right there with her. 





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Haven't seen Crystal Skull, but the Star Wars prequels deserve all the shit they get and I'm not convinced at all that they're only hated on the interwebs.


regardless, They don't get anywhere near the hate they receive on the internet.

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IMHO, the reason FOTR is head and shoulders above the other two is that it is our first introduction to the middle earth and that is romantic.  It also has imo, the best and most emotional battle of all the films.  While Helms Deep is fantastic, it isn't as intimate as the Orc battle and Boromir's death....in fact, there is no better scene in the trilogy than that one.  A very very close second is "My friends you bow to no one."  But I might be the wrong guy to ask.  I think FOTR is a 10/10 while TTT is an 8.5 and ROTK is an 8 (up from 6.5 and 6 from last year....yes they have grown on me).

The best scene and the most emotional scene in the trilogy is undeniably this one:




It's as perfect as filmmaking can get.

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The best scene and the most emotional scene in the trilogy is undeniably this one:




It's as perfect as filmmaking can get.


We have different emotional triggers.  I don't even remember that scene.  


This gets me weepy every time


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Sorry but its Boromir's redemption, it made tough guys cry.


The entire battle before this...and then of course, my captain...my king


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I haven't seen T1, just T2, and while I think it's very strong as far as action movies go, I can't quite figure out why everyone loves it so much.  :unsure:


I'd venture to say that a small part of that is because you haven't seen the first one, so you don't really some of the greater emotional beats that connect the whole saga together. (T1 is more emotional than T2).


But aside from all that: because it's perfectly constructed in terms of sheer audience entertainment and satisfaction, moreso than almost any other film I can think of... and it's (mostly) stripped out of anything else (aside from key character development moments). The first 30-45 minutes of T2 are playing off our understanding of similar moments in T1, and Cameron knows this perfectly well. So the T2 scenes aren't only entertaining simply because of what's on screen, they're entertaining because they're setting up and in some cases inverting expectations given our knowledge of T1.


And, aside from one director, no one shoots or constructs action better than Cameron, and in these earlier films of his, action is the singular driving force of the movie (compared to other films which may have more adventure or comedy or dramatic thrusts).

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