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Weekend 3/13-15 Official Estimates: Cinderella 70.1m, RAN 11m

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Might be, depends probably a lot on how the blond, other story type.... will be received in non-US... countries.


It might be able to beat the $3/4bn+ of Maleficent, but with the considerable bad exchange rates for so many countries nowadays it might be more difficult then some might expect. Alone the Euro lost ~ 25%, the countries with the Euro (and the countries without Euro, but currenciy 'logged' to it), are not a small percentage of the foreign BO, Russia's Rubel even way more worse


Only out of curiousity:

are you aware about Maleficent making in dom alone considerable more money via DVD/Blu-Ray sales as e.g. Transformers 4?


I am aware of that - but my argument was referring mostly to theatrical grosses since we have no idea yet how Cinderella would perform on DVD/Blu-Ray. But fair enough, Maleficent was solid there.

Edited by zenithtim
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Sophie Turner would be a great choice. She's actually got some meat on her bones and isn't sickly-stick-thin-anorexic like Emma Stone.


Have you seen Ariel? She is the definition of stick thin.



Emma's got the perfect personality too. Cast her and Neeson as Ariel and Triton, with Latifah as Ursula and the movie is bound to be the biggest Disney animation turned into live action.


That is until the Frozen live action film comes along. Once Sophie Turner grows into her twenties, she'd make a great Elsa.

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Stone is too quirky/hipster/self-aware for that kind of role unless they want to make Ariel a cynical twenty-something constantly bitching about being jaded about everything and deprecating fairytale tropes winking at the audience how she's so edgy and post-modern about the whole deed.

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Stone is too quirky/hipster/self-aware for that kind of role unless they want to make Ariel a cynical twenty-something constantly bitching about being jaded about everything and deprecating fairytale tropes winking at the audience how she's so edgy and post-modern about the whole deed.


Did you know "Hipster Ariel" is a thing? :P




On a more serious note though, ONE Birdman role does not typecasting make. Emma's played the bubbly, naive and idealistic young teen before to charming effect.

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Have you seen Ariel? She is the definition of stick thin.



Emma's got the perfect personality too. Cast her and Neeson as Ariel and Triton, with Latifah as Ursula and the movie is bound to be the biggest Disney animation turned into live action.


That is until the Frozen live action film comes along. Once Sophie Turner grows into her twenties, she'd make a great Elsa.


I had thought  Jennifer Lawrence as Ariel and Bradley Cooper as Eric, I really liked them in Silver Linings Playbook

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Sat looking like

Cind 27.1, RAN 4.4,KTSS 2.9,focus 2.5

Aw not much of an increase but decent.  So it will come in close to70m give or take a million or two.


Kingman is doing its thing.

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No 3d


True too. Though people were expecting a larger increase due to more families showing up. However it was less families and more female and less male audience.

Edited by Ecstasy
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Cinderella will have great word of mouth. It will definitely flirt with $200 million.

Also Kingsman is holding on very well... loving it.

Cinderella has WAY better reviews than both Maleficent and OZ, both had crap reviews. The families will likely start showing more in the upcoming weeks over spring break.

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