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Is Furious 7 giving the board unrealistic expectations about future films?

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I'm actually on board with close to $2 billion for Star Wars... but I definitely agree F7 is probably setting expectations high for other things. There are several summer movies I think will generally perform under some of the higher expectations (partly because I expect some high profile titles to disappoint a bit). Then again, this is the year of the action movie... and summer's got a lot for the ladies. Interesting year all around.

Oh, and hi everyone. :)


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I understand wanting to hope for the best, but how can anyone be so certain that Abrams will do much better than the guy who started it all?

I'm actually on board with close to $2 billion for Star Wars... but I definitely agree F7 is probably setting expectations high for other things. There are several summer movies I think will generally perform under some of the higher expectations (partly because I expect some high profile titles to disappoint a bit). Then again, this is the year of the action movie... and summer's got a lot for the ladies. Interesting year all around.


Oh, and hi everyone. :)

Welcome back.

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I'm actually on board with close to $2 billion for Star Wars... but I definitely agree F7 is probably setting expectations high for other things. There are several summer movies I think will generally perform under some of the higher expectations (partly because I expect some high profile titles to disappoint a bit). Then again, this is the year of the action movie... and summer's got a lot for the ladies. Interesting year all around.

Oh, and hi everyone. :)

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Wow, congrats, Noctis, you managed to pull Shawn out of hiding! :D

In terms of SW7, look at what JJ did with the ST reboot, which was coming off a far weaker franchise movie. The two franchises also share a very broad, multigenerational base (though SW is far bigger).



JJ turned ST into SW. That's why it broadens the audience. SW is already SW, JJ or not JJ.

Edited by MADash Rendar
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I think people tend to conflate vaguely similar films more often than not. F7 and AoU and SW7 are all blockbusters, so there seems to be an implicit assumption that the market forces apply to them all equally. Which is a mistake. Even ignoring the Walker bump, there are demographic forces that apply to F7 that won't apply to other blockbusters. AoU and SW7 and MJ2 are all going to do very well, but it's not because F7 is exploding across the board.

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So you think it will match the most anticipated movie in history just like that, easily?




I think by December that SW7 will become the most anticipated movie in history.


And I am one of those idiots that waited over 4 hours to see TPM


the first 3 did not even have VHS or piracy


The OT is not Tele old... we did have VHS back then. 


Early dvd releases and piracy does effect movie attendance these days.   However I believe SW7 falls outside of that.  It will be more of an experience as opposed to just a movie to go see.

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Here's something to consider:

How much would the Phantom Menace have made if it were GOOD?

If SW7 gets enough repeat viewings it's going to be one of the biggest Star Wars movies.

That s what people dont get about Phantom Menace, people liked it a lot, movie had great legs.

Love is blind sometimes.

The backlash happened after the movie bo s run.

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Just wanna say I've expected massive things for 2015 DOM box office for well over a year. Where FF7 has possibly inflated my expectations is when it comes to China, which will be interesting to keep watching this year. As for the two biggies, I've always expected AOU to decrease DOM from the first and F7 hasn't changed my opinion on that. 500-550 is still my range. My SW prediction keeps going up, but that also has nothing to do with FF7's performance and everything to do with marketing and that film's hype. 

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I understand wanting to hope for the best, but how can anyone be so certain that Abrams will do much better than the guy who started it all?

I never liked SW, the best one is a fine 7 out of 10, but those teaser trailers are mind-blowingly-awesome, JJ is the only reason why I think this SW7 will be great (JJ fanboy here).

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I'm actually on board with close to $2 billion for Star Wars... but I definitely agree F7 is probably setting expectations high for other things. There are several summer movies I think will generally perform under some of the higher expectations (partly because I expect some high profile titles to disappoint a bit). Then again, this is the year of the action movie... and summer's got a lot for the ladies. Interesting year all around.

Oh, and hi everyone. :)

Star Wars 7 over Avatar WW locked

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Welcome back.

I still can't believe it is really happening. seeing the trailer right in front of my eyes is very surreal. I can't even describe the words.. heck.. maybe this will hit $2b. 

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It will be hilarious to see fanboys lose their mins when SW doesn't even hit 1.3B. "SW is the most popular frnachise ever blah blah blah" :rofl:  :rofl:


Why would anyone be upset if their movie "only hits 1.3 billion?"


Give your head a shake dude.

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