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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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I dont think anyone here realized...if the previews counted as April 30, those 5 HOUR previews wouldve ranked ahead of all April opening weekends this year except Fast 7. Age of Altron made more in 5 HOURS than Paul Fart, Adaline, Longest Ride, and Unfriended made in 72.

Thats impressive. Week April movies or not, thats impressive.

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+ First Class and TDKR


imho SR would get in there too.


First Class is slightly better than TA2, but I would not count First Class as a sequel. I count it as the first of its particular version of X-Men. So that's why I only mentioned Days of Future Past.

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TDKR and DHII are bad comparisons for midnights, Both those movies had the "franchise finale" factor in it's favor, which was played heavily into the marketing, creating a sense you had to see te movie before, or along with, everyone else in the world. AoU doesn't have that urgency.


The midnight number is great for AoU. 100 OD in play.

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Aside from Batman Returns, Spider-man 2 and Hellboy II, I think I'd put this one up there. I'm not counting third entries here though. But, I mean, I didn't really like X2 or Future Past. Caps 2 I liked mostly for the narrative through line. The Brothers Russo have yet to hone their craft as mega budget directors so it only felt cinematic in spurts to me. Superman II's definitely fun as hell. But, I think I respect Donner's Superman flicks more than I love them. Not a huge Dark Knight guy, Ledger's great though. I liked the supercharged, oversized, uninhibited pulp Whedon delivered here. Very fun.

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First Class is slightly better than TA2, but I would not count First Class as a sequel. I count it as the first of its particular version of X-Men. So that's why I only mentioned Days of Future Past.


I really don't think First Class is even close to better, personally. It's so good when it's about Fassbender and McAvoy but it's brutally unwatchable when they aren't on screen  :lol:

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That would be very difficult. They're all 8/10 movies for me, so it's difficult to differentiate them. If I had to take one to a remote island, it would probably be Batman Returns.

Me as well, followed closely by Spidey 2 and Hellboy II. I like all three more than the initial entry. Actually, those are likely my three favorite CBM.

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I really don't think First Class is even close to better, personally. It's so good when it's about Fassbender and McAvoy but it's brutally unwatchable when they aren't on screen  :lol:

but they are on screen like 90% of the movie  :mellow:

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I really don't think First Class is even close to better, personally. It's so good when it's about Fassbender and McAvoy but it's brutally unwatchable when they aren't on screen  :lol:



I don't mind.


At least the Cold War third act was more interesting than Ultron's army of stupid robots (rehash TA1's Loki alien army).

Edited by redfirebird2008
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but they are on screen like 90% of the movie  :mellow:


Nah, there are longish stretches that are about the X-kids and Kevin Bacon that are honestly uncomfortable to watch.

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First Class is slightly better than TA2, but I would not count First Class as a sequel. I count it as the first of its particular version of X-Men. So that's why I only mentioned Days of Future Past.

I see, that's why you didn't include TDKR in your list  :ph34r:

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Nah, there are longish stretches that are about the X-kids and Kevin Bacon that are honestly uncomfortable to watch.

I know X-kids kinda sucked, but c'mon? Really? Uncomfortable to watch? What is uncomfortable to watch is something like Johnny Depp's dance in Alice in Wonderland, not Bacon or the X-kids in First Class.

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I know X-kids kinda sucked, but c'mon? Really? Uncomfortable to watch? What is uncomfortable to watch is something like Johnny Depp's dance in Alice in Wonderland, not Bacon or the X-kids in First Class.


The naming each other scene and the dance scene and all that stuff is so bad. I felt embarrassed for all the actors  :lol:

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Spectacular and massive number for AOU, bigger than I expected. Could do 100 It's NOT doing 250 million or 650 million like the highest end predictions here- come on. Midnight would have had to be much, much bigger. And it's just not gonna have the IM or the legs of the first one. That's how sequels work. It's gonna be more frontloaded. But that's a spectacular midnight.


Movie kinda eh, though. I was pretty entertained while I was in it, but it's one of those movies I caution against thinking about afterwards- it falls apart if you think about it more.

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Iron Man 3 > Avengers 2 btw.


The only thing that was better in IM3 was that Trevor got one of the biggest laughs of the entire MCU from me. There are some funny moments in TA2 but nothing on the level of Trevor. That said, Ultron is a hell of a lot better than that Extremis crap. Plus it has all of the other Avengers team members to counter-balance the egotistical Tony. Really enjoyed the different interactions between them in TA2.

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