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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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With all these sell out reports starting at 8:30 am I'd be shocked if it did under $70 today. People need to start basing JW's OW projections on what IT is doing, not what TA's dailies were.


TA was a madhouse from Friday night to Sunday night too though. Rth will let us know soon how it's going. I am hoping for something insane...75+ please.

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20 minutes until showtime and there's barely anyone here :(



I so wish this was true at my theater. I got there for the 4pm showing, and there were only 18 seats left with 10 minutes untill showtime and 35 ppl still trying to get in.  :angry:  That damn theater is never full anytime before 7pm on the weekend. And I swear there were maybe only 5 kids/pre-teens out of the 130 people there watching JW. 

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ABC just said that Jurassic World could top as much as 225 million dollars for the weekend.


the line the anchor gave was this


"talk about a Jurassic haul"




I was dying!!

Edited by Mitch
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anyone catch the skeleton of Spinosaurus, the main antagonist of the third film, on display in the Main Street of the island. 

hardly a spoiler so don't get bent out of shape people.



lol yes

the T-rex smashes through it on her way to almost get killed but kick domy's ass.

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I am second in line for the 910pm show. Security had to come to tell us to move everybody close to each other as close as we can. The line is insane. All shows are sold out.

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So which movie does everyone think could be a candidate for the first ever 100M OD? I really thought everything was set up perfectly for AOU to achieve that feat, JW was an out of nowhere thing - those movies escalate over the weekend instead of on OD. 


SW7 could - the only thing holding it back is the release date.

Infinity War Part 2, or depending on how response to TFA is, Episode 8.

Edited by WrathOfHan
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I just don't see BvS doing it. I believe in a big 160-180M OW, but not 207M.


Well well have to agree to disagree. Talk and chatter is usually a great indicator annnnd just look at that.

Even if they think they're going to hate....they'll pay to atleast find out.

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Both true statements, though Batman Forever did break the weekend record despite a new actor. It'll be big but I doubt it's much bigger than the Nolan Batman openings.


Man of Steel was received better than many make it out to be. It sold tremendously on DVD and held well given the context of extreme competition it faced week 2 onward.

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I don't see BvS being a record breaker. Man of Steel had a mixed reception, and Batman has been recast, and the movie isn't being directed by Nolan. I think it will do very well, but I would be shocked if it opens above 200 million. The only movie I think has that chance is SW7, and that is only because it's a sequel to the original three movies and includes a lot of the original actors. But, I think breaking 200 million for any movie is wildly difficult no matter how big the buzz is before hand.


Im sorry but if you think SW7 has a chance at 200m OW the conversation is over because I don't trust your box office knowledge.

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TA was a madhouse from Friday night to Sunday night too though. Rth will let us know soon how it's going. I am hoping for something insane...75+ please.

i think its going yo be huge. What if it gets to 80 m lol. Has a big film evet had a sat beat its friday in recent memory?
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Chatted with the local theater manager, he was so busy barely had time to talk, but he said this was the busiest day they've ever had so far, I can believe it. Lines extending around the block, parking spaces are all flooded with cars. There's definitely spillover effect, some people going to see Mad Max and Spy as well. The 2D showings are filled way faster then the 3D showing, but they both get sold out regardless. Tons of foot traffic around the building.

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